my H.S. Last Will and Testament |
[Apr. 27th, 2005|04:39 pm]
[ | mood |
| | pensive | ] | Through 9 years at Sherman Oaks CES in tarzeda I have many memories that I wish to keep in the SOCES community and others that people should take w/them.
I’ll start w/my daughters, Lucy and Nell: luck in high school and the future. I leave you w/many “hello’s,” “how are you’s,” and hugs. I love the short talks we squeeze in during passing period. To the rest of my kids: Mrs. Fowlks 3rd per. 4th grade math class, behave, listen, and do well.
Maya and Amy remember Hawaii. Maya I leave you my ability to braid hair and Amy I’ll leave your clothes alone, thanks for sharing them. lol To my crazy Mex, Laurie I don’t look Jewish. I leave you any pole outside Johnsen’s class (wink wink). One last thing; Clarinets Rule!!! Parker I will you my ability to speak loudly and control sectionals. Don’t tap your pencil on the stand, just tell them to shut up or give them the look. David, Rahul, Leah and Kelly know it well. Robin I give you my ability to be silent and not take everything personal. Don’t worry you’re doing better and its only cuz I care. Andrew thanks you’re a hoot and my supplier. If it weren’t for your gum, I may have never stayed awake. Sasan my lil bro behave a; I leave you every way to stay in touch, mom n dad are gonna want to know what you’re up to. Rahul you helped be lots w/organizing and I appreciate it. i guess i leave you to it for next year so good luck in New York. Christina, my mini me, I give you my ears and my strength to pull through. And lastly I leave you my folder duty if you choose to accept. The clarinets will be lost without a folder person.
To my teachers I give you many thanks. Mr. Mukai you’re good and you’re tough I learned a lot from you. I leave you my laughter from every story you ever told during class. Mrs. Navarro thanks for letting us use your classroom during lunch and nutrition. You are a great math teacher and I am glad I had you more than once. Mr. Johnsen it will be strange not walking into room 204 anymore. I have many great memories thanks to band, I mean come on it’s been what, 8 years! Thanks you again to all my teachers for everything they have done to help me.
Now my close and personal buddies: Albert I give you my honesty and my love as a sis. You’re a good guy show the world what I see in you. Kacie Gene I leave you a list of movies I would have never seen if it weren’t for your film festivals. Shir thanks for all the insight on politics. Tammy the telephone I will never be able to think of leap year or the Cat and the Hat w/out you too. Maggie I will to you the ability to finish your stories and better penmanship. Magglish is lots of fun to try and decipher sometimes but come on now! Sandra I leave you my voice and my independence, don’t be afraid to be yourself. Myra thanks for all the weird tidbits about everything and anything you could ever think of to break the ice. JT you're a pal, thanks for always looking out for me. You're the older brother I never had. Candace I leave you our serious talks, summer fun and a friendship and care you’ve given me. Jeans I will to you the memory of my first boyfriend. I love you so much and hope our love will go stronger. We've come a long way from Behar's ICS1 class in 9th grade. Noel we wasted to much time hating each other but I leave you w/the competition to be heard, long phone and im convos, dances and my love because you are a good friend.
Danielle no words can explain what we've been through and because of it all i can give you the love i have for you as a sister and some bruises both mentally and physically. i will to you the memories and the guarantee that more are to come because remember what you said in my car as a little 5 yr-old: I'll be your best friend forever!!! |