j E n N <3 (sweetxseducti0n) wrote in _so__beautiful,
j E n N <3


All The Basics
`age; 15
`grade; 10th
`sex; female
`location; yorktown, new york
`sexual preference; bisexual
`status; single =)
`hobbies; cheerleading, hanging out with my friends, getting my nails done, shopping

Top 5..
sugarcult, the starting line, green day, the postal service, brand new
`songs; "its like that", "candy shop", "how we do" "the district sleeps alone tonight", "hate every beautiful day"
`book[s]; all the harry potters
`movies; my cousin vinny, valentine, titanic, now and then, whatever it takes 
`stores; american eagle, epic, aeropostale, express, abercrombie&fitch
`colors; pink, red, baby blue, lilac, black
`beautiful people; angelina jolie, pamela anderson, carmen electra, heidi klum, salma hayek

Beautiful People .. ( yes or no)
`Paris Hilton;
`Xtina; yes
`Tyra Banks; yes
`Angalina Jolee; yes
`Brittney Murphy; no

Word Association
`laugh; out loud
`freak; a-leek
`punk; rocker

`prep; hollister
`hunger; bum
`life; guard
`love; hurts
`pain; tears
`white; doves
`glamour; red carpet
`beautiful; radiant
`rave; cocaine
`glitter; sparkles

`school class; social studies
`name(s); hannah, gianna
`number(s); 3,9,18
`sport; cheerleading, football, basketball
`sports team; patriots!!
`drink; strawberry fruit2O, strawberry daquiri
`food; eggplant parmigiana, penne vodka

`what do you think of yourself;
i think im fun and interesting, and decent looking.
`what do your friends think of you; my friends think im a typical dumb blonde, and make fun of me for it a lot, they also think im crazy and fun to hang out with, and trusting.
`where do you see yourself in 5-10 years; with my cosmetology license and either working as a teacher or a forensic scientist.
`how many children do you want and why; either 1 or 3, 1 because it would be alot easier, and 3 because i think it makes a nice sized family.
`what do you want to go to college for; either teaching or forensic science.
` promote too THREE places NOW and list links ( i will check );



` where did u hear about
</a></strong></a>_so__beauiful</font> ? : searching around lj

;;post your pictures here. remember no less than 3 pictures! and a 100x100 for the info page if accepted.

DSC00376im second from the left


DSC00414im on the right


  • (no subject)


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