The Doors' Journal
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The Doors

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[27 Dec 2006|01:49am]

Whats your name: Christine.

Favorite Bands: THE DOORS, The Beatles, The Stones, Bob Marley, The Killers, Zeppelin, Sublime, the Strokes, Elliot Smith, etc.

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Why did you join: Because I love the Doors and Jim Morrison. I think that Jim is the most interesting person I've never met.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,etc): No One Here Gets Out Alive, etc.
Learn To Forget

[05 Dec 2006|10:45pm]

If you are like me and looked on myspae for an official myspace a thousand times but didn't find one... They finally made one.

Oh and ps; I'm gonna see Riders on the Storm in January in Copenhagen and I CAN'T WAIT! I saw Densmore and Krieger in 1997, but Manzarek was sick. Densmore took over. I hope he's not sick this time around - because this time Densmore sure ain't coming instead of him.
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[03 Jun 2006|10:16pm]

We all heard a lot about Morisson's death. One of my friends grown wise with experience told me, that Jim dead just in right time. Because the threat to be sold was unavoidable. There were not many ways out. Of course we can imagine a lot of different situasions and outcomes. But do you realy believe that Jim could choose life of anchorite?
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[03 Jun 2006|08:52pm]

What's your name ? Sergei D.

Favorite bands: The Beatles, The Doors, The Who, Animals, Bob Marley, Nirvana, The Byrds,
Velvet Underground and so forth

Location: Moscow,Russia

Why did I join ?
Wanna see what do you guys think about life, love and where are we all going.
Plus I don't know much people with the same interest in the 60's and
Of course I love the Doors -- it's the band i've been listening to since I
was I little boy=))
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Heyyyooo [28 May 2006|04:24pm]

What's your name?: Jennifer C.

Favorite Bands: Bob Marley, The Doors, Pink Floyd... everything..? My music interest varies between any English music before the 2000's, and any other language at any time xD (Japanese, German, Turkish)

Location: NJ, USA

Why did you join: Because I love Jim Morrison, duh! ^.^'

Knowledge on The Doors(books,links,ect): I only know a little about The Doors, but I love their poetry. I own the movie, and a poetry book.
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[11 Apr 2006|08:43pm]

[ mood | okay ]

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[15 Feb 2006|10:04pm]

When the play dies the acting springs up.
When sex dies orgasm springs up.
Jim Douglas Morrison.

I`m not sure if it should be translated like this but it looks like it is.

These words helped me to tell my university report. I like the way he thinks.
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[15 Feb 2006|09:28pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

So! First of all (as your rules say)

Whats your name: Kate

Favorite Bands:Jethro Tull, The Doors, Åquarium, Bob Marley and the wailers, The Beatles.

Location:Moscow, Russian Federation.

Why did you join: I`d like to know more about The Doors, and besides thoughts of such people who know the name of Jim Douglas Morrison should be noteworthy.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect): I don`t knok much about The Doors, all facts I can tell are wellknown. Book about Jim: "The last cursed poet".

Learn To Forget

Need ideas. [23 Jan 2006|11:15am]

[ mood | tired ]

So, my next tattoo is going to be of a Morrison quote or a Doors quote. So far the winner is "Death makes angels of us all, it gives us wings where we once had shoulders smooth as ravens' claws."

Does anyone have any other quotes that they really liked that I may not have thought about? Thanks.

X-posted in a lot of Doors communities.

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[24 Dec 2005|11:37am]

Whats your name: Kris

Favorite Bands: Nirvana. Hole. foo fighters. kiss. motley crue. mudhoney. screaming trees. sonic youth. the melvins. the DOORS. l7. fecal matter. cigarette.

Location: texas

Why did you join: because i figure if im on the internet. might as well find a good doors community. for daily doors needs.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect):Wilderness : The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison . Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend
1 Light Another Cigarette Learn To Forget

[11 Nov 2005|11:05am]

[ mood | My niece just got on my nerves ]

Hello i'm new and this is my first post here :)

Whats your name: Sari Navarro

Favorite Bands: The Strokes, The Doors, Radiohead, The Velvet Underground, The White Stripes, Led Zeppelin, The Walkmen, The Beatles, The Shins, The Cure, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Echo and the Bunnymen, Coldplay & Le Tigre

Location: Somewhere in California

Why did you join: Because I am a fan of The Doors. Obviously I grew up listening to them. :) .

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect): I can't think of any right now...sorry :(

Learn To Forget

[20 Aug 2005|10:16am]

[ mood | awake ]

Hi. this is my first post here!

Whats your name: MicheeMee
Favorite Bands: The Doors (obviously), HIM, Sex Pistols, Our Lady Peace (I like pretty much everything)
Location: Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Why did you join: Because I love The Doors and Jim Morrison
Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect): <---the movie

Anywho, I hope to see everyone around!

Learn To Forget

new dvd [09 Aug 2005|11:44pm]
Yeah there was a new dvd that came out a week ago called INSIDE THE DOORS, 1967-1969: AN INDEPENDENT CRITICAL REVIEW. On the front of the case, it says "FEATURING RARE FOOTAGE PREVIOUSLY UNAVAILABLE ON DVD," and that is a blatant lie. All you get with this thing is a bunch of clips of performances that you can find on other DVD's, (especially The Doors Collection, which includes the infamous Ed Sullivan performance IN ITS ENTIRETY, as opposed to this, which only includes a little bit of the song). In this DVD, after you see about a minute of the performance, it cuts to random interviews with random people adding bits of information about the songs, and each bit of information is either completely useless or already known. Now granted, there are interviews with the actual living members of the band, but other than that, you see people who know nothing about The Doors that the average fan doesn't already know. They interview this guy in a football jersey and underneath his name, it just says "Guitarist," and underneath another name, it just says "Record Store Owner." The things they say are so stupid, too. When they're talking about Light My Fire, the one guy says "When I talked to Robby Krieger about Light My Fire, he said it was the first song he had ever written," and then it cuts to another person being interviewed, and I'm sitting there with my jaw dropped thinking, "No fucking shit. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT." And another guy is like, "The first time I heard The Doors, it was in the 60's, around '67 and I heard Light My Fire and I was absolutely impressed." And then, even stupider, they're talking about Break on Through, and this random guy is like "That song is 2 and a half minutes of perfection. What a way to start your first rock album." I love The Doors, and this is an absolute insult to them. I had been anticipating this DVD for like 4 or 5 months before it was released, because, as a loyal Doors fan, I'm always looking for new stuff about them, and I get lucky enough to find it in a store in Pittsburgh and I waste $21.39 on it. It pissed me off that I wasted my money on it.
Learn To Forget

[03 Aug 2005|07:56am]

Whats your name: Azzure

Favorite Bands: The Doors, Concrete Blonde, Manson & NIN (only their early stuff) Pink Floyd - That's what I'm listening to a lot now. I have too many to list, plus my car was totalled and I only have a cassette in my new car which explains the older stuff.

Location: Pennsylvania

Why did you join: I love the Doors and am a huge Jim Morrison fan.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect): I have seen Robby in concert and a show Ray did with Michael McClure. I have read "No One Here Gets Out Alive," "Strange Days," "Lords and the New Creatures," (I have a 1st edition!) "Wilderness" "American Night," Complete Lyric book I know I have others can't think of the titles. I have also seen many documentaries and movies.
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[26 Jul 2005|03:53pm]


John Densmore, former drummer for the Doors, has won a ruling that stops his old bandmates from using the band's name. According to an agreement made in 1971 all three surviving members and Morrison's estate must agree any use of the band's name and logo. The Doors of the 21st Century, featuring original members Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger together with former Cult singer Ian Astbury, has been touring and playing old Doors songs.

The ruling stops them from using the band's name and states that they have to share all the profits with the original Doors partnership. Says Densmore: "I'm just so happy that the legacy of the true Doors, and Jim Morrison in particular, has been preserved by this decision." There has so far been no comment from the Doors of the 21st Century.

Wow, didn't know that they had been fighting over that. That's sad. But of course Densmore should get paid, it's his music too. But the name-thing... Weird. I mean, they ARE called The Doors of the 21st Century.
Learn To Forget

Well hello there [25 Jul 2005|08:09am]

[ mood | anxious ]

Whats your name: Marissa

Favorite Bands: The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Grass Roots, Bob Marley, Wilco, Jump Little Children, Dresden Dolls, The Dears, Head Automatica, Hot Hot Heat, The Matches, The Used, Blink 182

Location: Marion, North Carolina

Why did you join: Because I love Jim Morrison. He was a great man.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect): I've got two movies with Jim Morrison actually in them instead of Val Kilmer. I've got most of their songs downloaded. I don't know everything about The Doors but I know enough.

Learn To Forget

[17 Jul 2005|05:35pm]

i forgot to do my jim morrison tribute on july 3. I did it in my personal journal and it went like this:

Today in history in 1971, Jim Morrison died of heart faulire in his Paris,France Hotel.Rest In Peace. If you would want to read a book about Jim Morrison I suggest "Life Death Legend Jim Morrison" by Stephen Davis it isn't full of bullshit like"no one here gets out alive". Talks about his child hood days of when he used to cut minnie and mickey mouse and put them in sexual postions,a subscriber to mad magazine. A person who sat on the roofs at night in Venice Beach,California and watch the moon.Ray one day(the organist) noticed his talent and formed a band with him. Born In Melbourne,FL. He traveled a lot as a kid because his dad was in the military. He hated his father. His long-term girl friend would drive him insane. Pamela Courson who is burried in Orange County who died a few years later. There is a sick person out there who claims to be Jim Morrison, SICK FUCK! He's making money off of it too.  If I ever go to Paris, France. Right away I'll vist the third most popular tourist attraction there, Jim Morrisons Grave. Don't comment and go"OMGZ HES SOOO HAWT" because I will hate you. He was good looking but he's also very intelligent and that is just disrespect. I am listening to five hours of doors songs.while josh is listening to 11 hours of doors songs. He should've started earlier.

rip jim morrisonCollapse )

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New Member [26 Jun 2005|08:02am]

[ mood | tired ]

Whats your name: Jenny

Favorite Bands: The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, The Who and more

Location: Hartford, Connecticut

Why did you join: The Doors have made a difference in my life, in the way I see things and everything related to them is of my major interest.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect):
Wow I was going to do a paper on Jim Morrison's life and the story of The Doors in college but my topic didn't meet certain class requirements, errr. I think that if you don't know things about The Doors you're missing out a lot. They were a legend, a unique band.

Learn To Forget

[02 Jun 2005|05:30pm]

[ mood | exanimate ]

Whats your name:Claire

Favorite Bands:The Doors, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, ALice Cooper, AC/DC, Blue Pyster Cult, The Ramones, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, The Clash, The Who, Kiss, on so on...

Location: Fulton MO

Why did you join: Because i love the doors and Jim and i enjoy talking to people with the same interests as me.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect): i don't really understad what this means...but i know enough about them...i've read american prayer & watched the movie, have 16 music videos and 4 CDs. I've also read bout them on the internet.

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[20 Apr 2005|12:17pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

Whats your name: Maeghan

Favorite Bands: the doors,ramones,sex pistols,richard hell and the voidoids,the beatles,vevlet underground,iggy and the stooges,the byrds,billy idol,bob dylan,mest,metallica,velvet revolver,rob zombie,marilyn monroe,the who,janis joplin,jefferson airplane,the new york doll,david bowie,generation x,tool,stone temple pilots,dimmu borgir,grateful,jimi hendrix,arlo guthrie,motley crue,guns n' roses,led zeppelin,nine inch nails,the clash,pink floyd,alice cooper,the GTO's (frank zappa groupie band),john lennon,george harrison,ringo star,godsmack,chuck berry,elvis =D

Location: Rhode island. =/ Smallest state in USA.

Why did you join: I love the doors.

Knowledge on the doors(books,links,ect): Light My Fire: my life with jim morrison and the doors, Another one just on jim i forgot.

Also, i dont like how people just like the doors for jim, it reminds me of good charlotte with benji and joel, therefore i have NO favorite member and i dont think jim is cute at all, i respect him for his art not his looks.

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