? ?
Damn Random Tandem
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 17 most recent journal entries recorded in Damn Random's LiveJournal:

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007
2:53 pm
Chicken Nuggets!
Tuesday, August 30th, 2005
11:37 am



Other than that my band Stoned Mullet (check us out man!) have a Random Song with the Random Solo. Coincidence? I think not..

Beware of the gnomes....

Peace, love and smut pplz

Thursday, May 26th, 2005
10:28 pm
Legitimate FREE stuff sites!
Check out these great sites that are giving away totally FREE stuff!

I've joined and I think you should as well.

They are completely legitimate offers, and this company has already given away $8 million in FREE stuff and over 16,000 FREE ipods shipped!

All you have to do is join, complete an online offer, and refer friends to do the same. That's it!

Thursday, February 24th, 2005
11:30 pm
free money anyone?

this is serious...go to this site and sign up, it's easy, free money. it takes awhile to do cause you start off with .45 cent an hour, you can earn from 3 level of referrals....this means that not only do you earn money from the people you refer to Surf Junky, you also earn money from the people they refer and even the people that those other people refer! That's three levels deep!

try it out!

Wednesday, February 16th, 2005
7:38 pm
AHHHHHHHHHAAA!!!!!!!!!! PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Current Mood: ARR ARR ARR
Saturday, January 29th, 2005
1:11 pm
Hey i um well i had a question for Reknowned Dr. Pemdas Brinclhof and um this is what he sent me in repley i think it should be done, so we can set some standards for mocking eachother and what not, just answer honestly and annonomusly please. thanks.

Dear Super Coo' Geek,

I am so glad you came to me about this issue. While it is true most people feel they may be inadaquate there is no real definitive data on the subject. So to help you and all others who may wish to know where exactly they messure up (sorry not the best choice of words), i have made up this rather lengthy survey for you to post in your web journal. Post it in your journal and have others do likewise, then E-mail me all results and i will try to use the reasearch to, once and for all, put a stop to fears and rumors on the subject. Please have everyone answer, onl;y once so the data can be accurate, and annonomusly to incourage honesty. This is actually two surveys, one for men and one for women.

Men's Survey
1) How old are you?
2) How tall are you?
3) What do you wheigh?
4) What is your natural hair color?
5) What color are your eyes?
6) How big is your penis when limp?
7) How big is your penis when erect?
8) On average how many times do you masturbate a week?
9) Is there any certain time you masturbate? If so when is it?
10) What is your ethnicity?
11) What is your sexual preference?
12) What is the farthest you have ever gone with a partner?
13) Have you ever receved oral sex?
14) Have you ever given oral sex?
15) Have you ever had annal sex?
16) Are you a virgin? If not then when did you lose your virginity?
17) How many times have you had sex?
18) How many different sexual partners have you had?
19) What do you consider to be the ideal height of your sexual preference?
20) What do you consider to be the ideal wheight of your sexual preference ?
21) What do you consider to be the ideal hair color of your sexual preference?
22) What do you consider to be teh ideal eye color of your sexual preference?
23) What do you consider to be the ideal size of your sexual preference's breasts (and/or penis)
24) What size shoe do you wear?
25) From knucle to finger tip how long is your middle finger?
26) What is your eyesight?
27) What social clique do you belong to or consider yourself as belonging to?

Women's Survey
1) How old are you?
2) How tall are you?
3) What do you wheigh?
4) What is your natural hair color?
5) What color are your eyes?
6) How big are your breasts?
7) What social clique do you belong to, or consider yourself as?
8) On average how many times do you masturbate a week?
9) Is there any certain time you masturbate? If so when is it?
10) What is your ethnicity?
11) What is your sexual preference?
12) What is the farthest you have ever gone with a partner?
13) Have you ever receved oral sex?
14) Have you ever given oral sex?
15) Have you ever had annal sex?
16) Are you a virgin? If not then when did you lose your virginity?
17) How many times have you had sex?
18) How many different sexual partners have you had?
19) What do you consider to be the ideal height of your sexual preference?
20) What do you consider to be the ideal wheight of your sexual preference ?
21) What do you consider to be the ideal hair color of your sexual preference?
22) What do you consider to be the ideal eye color of your sexual preference?
23) What do you consider to be the ideal size of your sexual preference's penis (and/or breasts)
24) What size shoe do you wear?
25) From knucle to finger tip how long is your middle finger?
26) What is your eyesight?
27) Approxametly at what time do you menstarate each month?

Dear poster of this survey please forward all responces to [email protected] for the most accuate results.

-Dr. Pemdas Brinclhof
Thursday, January 13th, 2005
5:29 pm
n00b to the tenth power.

I feel a tad bloated/gassy... hmmm, never again senor pepperoni.
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004
3:05 pm
Free! FRee!! FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, school's out for the rest of this week and the whole next week!

Me and the family are going to Maine for some time for X-mas and to spend some good quality fun time with the cousins. Ha!
Nah, it will be fun though. My aunt got me THE SIMS 2!!! Omg! I can't wait to play it!
My whole vk's gonna consist of playing that game..omg..its gonna rock so hard! :p

Lol, yup. So thats it i guess. My dad's gf&family are going to visit their family down in i probably wont be updating for a while..

Bye everybody and Happy Christmas!!

Current Mood: geeky
Monday, December 20th, 2004
3:08 pm
[blufizgirl], today, today..
Today was okay..I guess..

In algerbra today we learned how to make origami frogs. They're soo cute! And then we're in the process of making a kite..why you ask? I have no idea.
In English we had the 3 groups that needed to finish, finish. Then we read more of The Tradegy of Julius Caesar. Holy hell, that is a very lame as book. I think someone needs to re-write all of Shakespeare's plays, and anybody else's who has more then 45 characters and talks like they did in the 1700's. That would make reading them a whole lot easier!
Then in Spanish we took our quiz on everything! But it was easy-peasy and afterwards we sang, or what you could call singing, our song that we're gonna "teach" to the French pplz tomorrow during our party. "Woot", how fun shall that be?
Lunch was awesome! They actually didn't burn the chicken nuggets! I think you could actually call them *looks around* good. *Runs away*
In chorus it was awesome as well. We didn't do anything but play a game which involves guessing the first couple of words to a christmas song. It was actually pretty good.
For example: GGRBAR = Grandma Got Runover By A Reindeer
Get it? Be pretty silly if you didn't.
Global was blah. We finished the rest of Gandhi and then we took a short quiz on it. And then we have this huge unit test tomorrow. God damnit, I've been dreading these stupid things. I wish they would just go away forever!! Ahh...
Anyway, that was my fun-filled day so far. Byes..

Current Mood: that how u spell it?
Sunday, December 19th, 2004
9:44 am
Not as great...
well..the movie wasnt that great as the commercials put it out to be..
i didnt know that the movie was gonna be all of the books instead of one movie per book..they shoulda done that instead..blah..w/e it was still okay.. Sunny B. was a cutie pie..and Violet B. & Klouse (sp?) B. are good actors. Now, for Jim Carrey. He SUCKED! He was the worst actor in that whole stupid pathetic movie! Hah, Jk. He was awesome. His characters were so funnay it made me giggle a little. :p

Okay, so thats the movie review for today..till the next entry..lataz

Current Mood: content
Saturday, December 18th, 2004
6:22 pm
Hey!..i think i figured it out! Yups..all by
so just about to go see LEMONY SNICKETS : A SERIES OF UNFORUNATE EVENTS ..omg..i cant wait!! its going to be yups..thats the fun-filled night for today..byes

Current Mood: chipper
Thursday, December 16th, 2004
1:17 pm
whats up people do you people even come here or what.
Tuesday, December 7th, 2004
11:16 am
hi I am new at this community... my life is boring... so yeah... what else can i say? I want some entertainment? (not sex related) lol. ^.^

Current Mood: hyper
Tuesday, October 19th, 2004
2:32 pm
Friday, April 9th, 2004
6:20 pm
"Grandma, you didn't load the gun did you?"

"Well of course I loaded the gun," she said. "And I left the one hole empty like I saw on television. That way you can't shoot nothing by mistake." She cocked the gun to demonstarte the safety of her action. There was a loud bang, a flash erupted from the gun barrel, and the chicken carcass jumped on its plate.

"Holy mother of God!" my mother shrieked, leaping to her feet, knocking her chair over.

"Dang," Grandma said, "guess I left the wrong hole empty." She leaned forward to examine her handiwork. "Not bad for my first time with a gun. I shot that sucker right in the gumpy."
- "One for the Money" by Janet Evanovich

Thought I'd share that. I laughed so hard the first time I read it! Can't you just picture the old woman shooting the roast chicken??
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004
7:07 pm
not just men, but straight women have to find this funny too...

This is the Funniest community I have seen so far: matriarchy

Nothing against lesbians...I'm for 'em...but this community is pathetic!

Once people join, someone could comment on this.

Current Mood: random
2:13 pm
1st post March 23rd, 2004...and this is the first day of existence for this community, and as leader, this is the first post.
Anything goes...say what you want.

Current Mood: Random