Hey i um well i had a question for Reknowned Dr. Pemdas Brinclhof and um this is what he sent me in repley i think it should be done, so we can set some standards for mocking eachother and what not, just answer honestly and annonomusly please. thanks.
Dear Super Coo' Geek,
I am so glad you came to me about this issue. While it is true most people feel they may be inadaquate there is no real definitive data on the subject. So to help you and all others who may wish to know where exactly they messure up (sorry not the best choice of words), i have made up this rather lengthy survey for you to post in your web journal. Post it in your journal and have others do likewise, then E-mail me all results and i will try to use the reasearch to, once and for all, put a stop to fears and rumors on the subject. Please have everyone answer, onl;y once so the data can be accurate, and annonomusly to incourage honesty. This is actually two surveys, one for men and one for women.
Men's Survey
1) How old are you?
2) How tall are you?
3) What do you wheigh?
4) What is your natural hair color?
5) What color are your eyes?
6) How big is your penis when limp?
7) How big is your penis when erect?
8) On average how many times do you masturbate a week?
9) Is there any certain time you masturbate? If so when is it?
10) What is your ethnicity?
11) What is your sexual preference?
12) What is the farthest you have ever gone with a partner?
13) Have you ever receved oral sex?
14) Have you ever given oral sex?
15) Have you ever had annal sex?
16) Are you a virgin? If not then when did you lose your virginity?
17) How many times have you had sex?
18) How many different sexual partners have you had?
19) What do you consider to be the ideal height of your sexual preference?
20) What do you consider to be the ideal wheight of your sexual preference ?
21) What do you consider to be the ideal hair color of your sexual preference?
22) What do you consider to be teh ideal eye color of your sexual preference?
23) What do you consider to be the ideal size of your sexual preference's breasts (and/or penis)
24) What size shoe do you wear?
25) From knucle to finger tip how long is your middle finger?
26) What is your eyesight?
27) What social clique do you belong to or consider yourself as belonging to?
Women's Survey
1) How old are you?
2) How tall are you?
3) What do you wheigh?
4) What is your natural hair color?
5) What color are your eyes?
6) How big are your breasts?
7) What social clique do you belong to, or consider yourself as?
8) On average how many times do you masturbate a week?
9) Is there any certain time you masturbate? If so when is it?
10) What is your ethnicity?
11) What is your sexual preference?
12) What is the farthest you have ever gone with a partner?
13) Have you ever receved oral sex?
14) Have you ever given oral sex?
15) Have you ever had annal sex?
16) Are you a virgin? If not then when did you lose your virginity?
17) How many times have you had sex?
18) How many different sexual partners have you had?
19) What do you consider to be the ideal height of your sexual preference?
20) What do you consider to be the ideal wheight of your sexual preference ?
21) What do you consider to be the ideal hair color of your sexual preference?
22) What do you consider to be the ideal eye color of your sexual preference?
23) What do you consider to be the ideal size of your sexual preference's penis (and/or breasts)
24) What size shoe do you wear?
25) From knucle to finger tip how long is your middle finger?
26) What is your eyesight?
27) Approxametly at what time do you menstarate each month?
Dear poster of this survey please forward all responces to
[email protected] for the most accuate results.
-Dr. Pemdas Brinclhof