? ?
The Cliffs Of Insanity
.... Inconcieveable!
28th-Jun-2013 07:11 pm - Princess Bride icons
ombria in shadows
24 x Ladyhawke
64 x Legend
58 x The Princess Bride

princess bride 57 ladyhawke 20 legend 18

@ my DW
29th-Mar-2011 12:01 pm(no subject)
[01-10] Never Let Me Go
[11] An Education
[12] Big Fish
[13-16] Friends
[17] Little Riding Hood

[18-24] The Princess Bride
[25-31] Super Mario
[32] Mamma Mia
[33-37] Water for Elephants
[38-40] Waiting For Forever


HERE @ my livejournal
24th-Dec-2010 02:29 am(no subject)
Lost - Kate
For childhood20in20:
[20] The Princess Bride icons

here at twoloversdivide
30th-Nov-2010 05:07 pm - Hello ...

His name is Inigo Montoya. It is his Birthday. Prepare to celebrate.

12th-Sep-2010 12:28 am - New Fanfic Community!
true love

80sand90sfanfic a community for sharing and discussing fanfiction about the movies we grew up with.
3rd-Dec-2009 09:49 am - Andrea's appearance on Australian TV
For 28yrs, Hey Hey Its Saturday, was an Aussie TV Icon and a Saturday evening institution ... traditional aussie madness abounded ntil 20th Nov, 1999 when the show aired it's final episode. In October this year, Australia's Ch9 ran two HeyHey Reunion Specials and as a result of the enormous public response to those 2 shows, HeyHey will be returning for 2010 as series proper - after a 10yr hiatus!

This has led to many clips now hitting YouTube to be enjoyed again and I found this one in particular, that all members here will surely enjoy with great fondness!

Watch out for the guest appearance at the 1.45 mark.. (Jacki MacDonald was a hostess on the show for most of its years, and she was as madcap as they come! We adore her)

And his interview on the show:
22nd-Sep-2009 08:14 pm - Perfumes!
Hello! *waves* I'm Rhiannon and I run The Misery/Love Co. @ Etsy. I do perfumes based on childhood loves! I just *just* opened up for business, but I've been talking about doing this for years.

Currently I have two perfumes out for The Princess Bride, but there are eight others that I haven't released yet. All in good time! :D

Come see! And friend TMLC while you're at it. ;)

You can friend it on LJ @ miseryloveco for updates.
You can follow it on Twitter @
You can ♥ it on Etsy @

And here they are!
A golden, sweet blend of honey, vanilla, chamomile, apricot, daffodil, honeysuckle, cream and sugar.

Inconceivable! A very fine wine indeed, most definitely stolen, laced with odorless, tasteless, deadly iocane powder. Or is it? Let the battle of wits commence!

Title: The Dread Pirate Roberts

Rating: R, for scenes of a sexual nature, and violence (but not at once)

Word Count: 3, 435

Characters: 4th Dread Pirate Roberts, Westley, the Cook of the Revenge, mentions of Buttercup.

Disclaimer: The Princess Bride was written by William Goldman S. Morgenstern. I intend no offence towards the Florinese satirist, or that nice man who made the movie. Certain lines of dialogue are taken from the book itself, namely, pages 184-187. But mostly it’s just me, and my insane brain, as per usual. 

Warnings: SLASH. If that offends you, DON’T READ.

Spoilers: If you haven’t read the book or seen the movie (in which case, INCONCIEVABLE! How could anyone have not at least seen the movie?!) you should probably skip this.

A/N: I cannot believe that there is no slash fic of The Dread Pirate Roberts/Westley ANYWHERE. Roberts spared his life, they sailed together on a ship for years, and then Roberts handed over the title to Westley! Subtext, much?

Anyhoodle, I had to write this. I hope I’m allowed to post this here, if not, it’s fine if you delete it.

Click if you dare ...

18th-Aug-2009 06:35 pm - Various fandom graphics
+ Jim Parsons (Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory)
+ Psych
+ Disney ads
+ The Princess Bride
+ 500 Days of Summer
+ Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland
+ Where the Wild Things Are
+ Harry Potter and Emma Watson
+ Requests (including Harry Potter, Kristen Stewart, Gossip Girl, and Zooey Deschanel)

( click click click here ) @ dearskies
15th-May-2009 05:45 pm - icons
Lucrezia - Borgia
01-19 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
20-21 Fushigi no Umi no Nadia
22-28 Gake no ue no Ponyo
29-32 Labyrinth, The Princess Bride

( fake cut )
4th-Apr-2009 09:06 pm - Icons anyone?
Hi there! I'm new to this community but not to The Princess Bride :) This is the most active TPB community so I thought I'd join ^.^ Hope you enjoy these icons! Much love to those who are still Princess Bride fans ;D

The first of many movie sets :) This is only from the first half of the movie so expect more soon!
Brushes from-
Obsidian Dawn
1. 2. 3. 
4. 5. 6.
4th-Apr-2009 04:49 pm - as you wish pendant. handmade
the village

Just wanted to let you guys know I have created an "as you wish" pendant and am offering it for sale through my etsy shop. I currently have only one available but can make more, so just let me know if you would like one..
16th-Mar-2009 10:48 am - Icons

[30] The Princess Bride
[16] Robin Hood: Men In Tights.



1st-Mar-2009 01:54 pm - Icons
doctor who
10 Princess Bride icons (in a multi-fandom post with 64 icons total)

Want, take, credit icons_of_isis, have.


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Find the rest here at icons_of_isis.
17th-Jul-2008 12:17 am - Mini Feast / showing in austin texas
anyone got tickets and planning to go. hopefully they have more of the showings (at least) soon, i bought the very last ticket for the showing a week from now 

Check out this article on, where you can get a code to play the Miracle Max episode of The Princess Bride Game for free!
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