me (agent_boris) wrote in _open_mindness_,

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oh my god. i hate my high school. yesterday some students posted these pamphlet things on the walls around the school advertising a gay/lesbian rights assembly at the capitol that happens tonight. our vice principle ripped them all down, saying that it was wrong and disgusting. then he quoted that officially we have to get permission to hang anything up at school, but did he tear any other posters down advertising things? nope.

even better is that he sent one to our superintendant saying that she would have to approve it, after students complained yesterday about them being taken down. when did he take the poster to her? this morning aka the day of the assembly. he is being sneaky and petty and it makes me so angry that all he thinks about is his own personal beliefs when he says that he is all for the students and their rights. grrr...

has any one else had this happen, and if so, how did you deal with it?

i'm afraid of doing anything because i could get suspended for insubordination and then my parents would kill me. nice message, eh? stand up for what you believe in and get expelled.

  • (no subject)

    Happy Thanksgiving all :)

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