I'm doing Latino outreach for this dystopian indie drama-doc on global warming called 'The Age of Stupid' and would love your help spreading the word. The film premieres in the US 9.21.09 and 9.22.09 in the rest of the world for ONE NIGHT ONLY. Watch the trailer, tell everyone you can to see it at a theater near you! :)
More about the film:
“The Age of Stupid,” directed by Franny Armstrong (“McLibel” and “Drowned Out”) features Oscar-nominated actor Pete Postlethwaite as an archivist looking back from the devastated year of 2025 asking the question: why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?
Six interweaving stories are juxtaposed together to frame the argument of why climate change can ruin the earth—and how we can stop it. From the troubled mind of a hero in Hurricane Katrina to a Nigerian woman whose life’s choices are decided by oil companies, the movie compels viewers to restructure their own lives and prevent a global meltdown.
For more info and to show your support check these sites out:
Hey Latina how is everyone doing? Well it has been 2 yrs and 2 days since the last update, the last update was mine. Which is pretty bad, 2 years without an update at all. I am assuming that no one goes on here anymore. Well I am not going to get into my life so much but I just want to mention that I will be going to Barbados for Christmas. When I get back I will post the pics up like what I did for my Costa Rica trip.
autographed 'enrique' cd up for sale on ebay please spread the word if you know of anyone who may be interested. i do ship worldwide. & only accept paypal.
Well girls how u doing i hope better than me. Last day me and my girl got in a fight again to the point that one of us was going to break up. Shit i was so scared and sad and felt so lonely just thinking of her not being with me. But thank goodness we talk and we are trying now to go in a different direction than what we were doing. Fuck man work can relly rip somebody off like no other man. we are usually no like this but because we are working different shift and we rarely see each other i guess everything just pily on you know. well its all good now well at least better than before. the only think that sucks now is that im fucken sick like always, and i hate it. well take care girls have good days and be happy no worries. ok love susy
Look within your heart You find the answers you seek Pain, Suffering, Happiness, and Courage Is all in one place you seek As tears I cry run down my face thats not visible to the eye Sadness and confusion with unanswered questions fill my soul I try to move on but I just end up where I started. I get reminded of that tragic day When my whole life got twisted up side down And I became incomplete As I am on a journey to find myself I am filled with courage, anger, knowledge, well being, suffering and happiness You will never know me especially of that tragic day I cry, I ball like a baby, I scream from the pain within As it tears my soul apart But you wouldnt know just by looking at my face I cry with no tears I scream with no voice The anger within builds day by day, I am a ticking time bomb waiting to explode on an unexpected victom No one knows what trully happened to me that day And what it has created Every second I am becoming dead to the world without a friend beside me To help me go through and deal with me Your born alone, you die alone, and the life in between that was spent alone No one can see my true colors, even if they tried But there is a secret to my life which is ??? thats the story of my life The story of my life just wouldnt be a secret if I told now would it
Riddle me this, Riddle me that I have an answer that no one can answer exept a sleeping person why is what it is for what it is If what it is for why it is what it is then what it is for what it is why it is Answer me that Well I will tell you It is in the first line Of the answer of no answer. So is the anwer for the answer with no answer has an answer? The question is yes, but whats the question? If the answer to an answer is a question then where and what is the question for the answer. As I have said the answer is in the first line But which one is the first line.
Do what I said and you will get your answer.
Am I simply that complicated.
I will tell you the answer or at least a hint if someone comments.
Hola muchachas como estan. well I hope good I just joined so i wanted to say hi and that hopefully we become good chat friends. Well take care and live la vida loca. adios
I feel so house broken its not even funny, well at least I can take care of myself. I want to become the Wilda Beast (please do not ask how that became my nickname) again, being untaimed, wild and not broken. I need to do something I havent done before or havent done in along time. I havent done anything extravageant in a long time 2yrs ago to be exact, but I guess life cant be all fun, games and adventures.
I got a riddle: whats heavy when spelled backwards and weighs less when spelled not.
I will give you the answer to the riddle in my next entry. I had another riddle but I cant remember it. well this weekend I made a rap of two of my friends. I cant remember the last time I did one and usually I just say it at the top of my head and dont write it down. I like freestylen I think thats the best and thats the only one I know how to do. I never tried doing anything else. Thats it for now aight Peace Out.
Please save the date of Thursday Dec.14th 6-8 pm to come to the opening of my GAMELAND solo show in Chelsea if it's at all possible for ya!
I've been working hard on a big body of work dealing with networks and virtual worlds and this big bizarre cosmic game and would love for you all to come see! Please spread the word.
It will be at Morgan Lehman Gallery 317 10th Ave (between 28th & 29th) NYC a few pics here: morganlehmangallery.com
First of all: TO THE MODS:: I'm the owner of _mamacitabonita and I'd like to know if you'd like to be our sister community! Check us out and as a special thanks for considering us we want to give all the mods/owners here a special auto-accept invite to _MB. when you apply, just say you're a mod/owner here. :D muchas gracias! please let me know what you'd like to do either way. if you're for it we'll but up each other's banners and all that :D
disculpame if this isn't allowed!
Since this community is about Latinas I thought some of you (both muchachas y muchachos!) would be interested in my community; we are a rating comm but we aren't all superficial like most are. we focus on spanish language, cultura, stars, music, ect. We have great contests with prizes (usually CDs - the current CD give away is a reggaeton mix one) and even a little store where you can exchange our besiitos "money" for awesome things! There are 5 auto-accepts available for a new school year.. if anything, please just come by and check it out! diganlas que yo los mande! :D
Las "Ditty Bops" es un dueto, estas chavas son bien originales, y yo que ya estoy hasta el gorro de britnitcillas y grupos de raperos, estoy maravillada de encontrar música super original y relax, las recomiendo totalmente.
El Show "Grey's Anatomy" me gusta, adoro el trauma y el desman, pero la banda sonora esta de pelos, la música es bunisima y casi todos son cantantes poco conocidos. Es bueno escuchar grupos que son buenisimos a persar de no ser "comerciales".
Aquí pueden escuchar algunos de los mejores temas: http://decolorderosa.com/?p=6
Esta es una de la mejores cantantes que he escuchado en mucho tiempo, Regina Spektor tiene una voz preciosa y sus canciones estan re-bien, pero no me crean, nomás escuchenla y vean su video:
[Disco de la semana: Begin to Hope] http://decolorderosa.com/?p=9
"Ella" de Bebe es la mejor canción que se ha escrito jamás. La adoro y me causa un trauma enorme el habermela perdido cuando estuvo en el Salón 21.
Ve el Video y escucha las canciones: http://decolorderosa.com/?p=14
Ando clavada con lo de la Fashion Week, la niña Hilton modelo para una marca de ropa, esta simpaticona.
Paris Hilton en la Semana de la Moda en New York http://decolorderosa.com/?p=28