into_the_sun (into_the_sun) wrote in _homeworkhelp_,

Hi, I am embarrassed to have to resort to this, but I have been stuck on these two problems for (literally) two hours.  Can anyone help?

"Suppose that 1.00g of hydrogen is spearated into electrons and protons.  Suppose also that the protons are placed at the Earth's North Pole and the electrons are placed at the South Pole.  What is the resulting compressional force on the Earth?"

I've gotten several answers for this, but none of them correct (5.12x10^5 N).  I suspect my error is in assuming that the q values are related to the masses of the electrons and the masses of the protons?

"Two identical conducting spheres are placed with their centers 0.30m apart.  One is given a charge of 12x10^-9 C, the other a charge of -18x10^-9 C.  The spherers are connected by a conducting wire. Find the electrostatic force between the two after equilibrium is reached."

I thought this one would be rather straight-forward, but I keep on getting very large numbers instead of the correct one, 9.0x10+-7 N.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this.  We are allowed to consult others on the homework or even go to our learning center, but they are closed for the night.
Thank you ahead of time for at least reading this!  :)
[x-posted all over in hopes of getting a response]

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