Emma Bunton
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Emma Bunton Fan

Emma Bunton Fan
Current Background Music: Emma Bunton "I'll Be There"
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Selling NYC Ticket [Thursday,
January 3rd 2008]

I can't go anymore because of my school schedule =( Please email me at [email protected]  if you're interested. Thanks guys!
How I Long To Seduce You

July 17th 2007]

When is Emma due to give birth? I'm curious because the reunion tour starts in December, so I'm guessing she must be due pretty soon, right? LoL I don't see an 8-month Emma dancing in her platforms to "Wannabe," do you? :P
How I Long To Seduce You

"You Are" [Monday,
July 16th 2007]

Can someone please send me the song "You Are"? I can't find it ANYWHERE. :(

4 How I Long To Seduce You

Stop :-) [Monday,
June 11th 2007]
[ mood | optimistic ]

Have you guys heard of the campaign to get "Stop" by Spice Girls to Number one in July?  I thought it was pretty exciting!! has all the information, check it out if ur interested!

Indie xxx

How I Long To Seduce You

Join Today! [Tuesday,
September 28th 2004]

[ mood | calm ]

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How I Long To Seduce You

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