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Journal created:
on 15 July 2004 (#3825280)
on 1 May 2013
Fans Of Dead Can Dance
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated

Here is venue info for the US and Canada tour dates:

This community covers not only Dead Can Dance, but the solo works and collaborative efforts of Lisa and Brendan. I will include photos, album covers, songlists, links to mp3 samples, purchasing information, and reviews of each album in the Dead Can Dance discography. The community will include updates, news, and reviews as well as personal memories,lyrics, and concert experiences. Feel free to add stories about your concert experiences, memories of first hearing DCD, opinions on favourite albums, and questions regarding news and solo albums. Also included are a few links for LJ users who are creating incredible music with related style or influences.

Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry met in Melbourne, Australia in 1980. It was the height of the punk era. While in Melbourne, Perry and Gerrard worked in a Lebanese restaurant together, washing dishes to save money to go to London. 'It definitely influenced the work', Gerrard says of her exposure to the mix of Greek, Italian, Turkish, Irish and Arab people in the Melbourne neighbourhood of East Prahran, where she grew up. 'The combination of that palate of colours and Brendan's understanding of the structure of music started to create a unique colour.'
Dead Can Dance originally formed as a quartet in 1981 in Melbourne, but in 1982 Lisa and Brendan moved to London. The band recorded eight albums on the 4ad recording label beginning with the self-titled album Dead Can Dance.
It was the beginning of an unforgettable journey.
Dead Can Dance's music transports the listener from North Africa and the Middle East to 14th century Italy, and from the mysterious ancient celtic forest to the ceremonies of Native America.
This band was responsible for creating some of the most groundbreaking music in history. Dead Can Dance officially disbanded in 1998.
Quivvy Church Recording Studios:
This is a 150-year-old church in Belturbet, Ireland, where Brendan Perry resides. The village of Belturbet is about 70 miles north of Dublin in the county of Cavan. The surroundings are rural land and pasture with flocks of sheep here and there.
Videos from Quivvey can be seen and heard HERE:

Sister community for lyrics and links

Musicians on Live Journal who create related music:

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1994, 4ad, a passage in time, african, aion, ali soundtrack, alison harling, alternative music, alternative rock, ambient, andrew claxton, asian, austrailia, baraka, baraka soundtrack, baroque, bel canto, black sun, brendan perry, cantara, celtic, choral, classical, concerts, cultures, dance, dark ambient, david navarro sust, dead can dance, deadcandance, diversity, duality, early 90's, elijahs mantle, ethereal music, european, eye of the hunter, folk, folk music, folklore, future sound of london, gladiator soundtrack, gothic, gothic music, gus ferguson, hans zimmer, heat soundtrack, history, immortal memory, instrumentals, into the labyrinth, ireland, ivo watts, ivo watts russell, john bonnar, kila, klaus vormehr, lance hogan, lisa gerrard, live music, lonely is an eyesore, lyrics, mark magidson, mayfair theatre, mediaeval, medieval, memorable songs, middle eastern, middle eastern chanting, mittelater, mood music, music, music literature, musica eternal, mythology, native american, neoclassical, pathways and dawns, percussion, persian love song, peter ulrich, pieter bourke, portugese, projekt, reviews, rhino records, robert perry, ronan o'snodaigh, saltarello, sanvean, serpent's egg, severance, soundtracks, spiritchaser, spleen and ideal, the host of seraphim, the insider, the insider soundtrack, the lotus eaters, the mirror pool, this mortal coil, toward the within, toward the within movie, traditional music, trance, tribal, tribal music, troubadour music, whale rider soundtrack, world music
