? ?
Journal created:
on 29 March 2005 (#6612529)
on 19 June 2015
Adult Community Promotions
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Have a Community you wish to pimp out?

Need to pimp out a community in order to join?

Join up here and post all you want.

Pimp out anything you want.

It's open to everyone, so take advantage of it.

Basic Rules

1) You do no have to put the community picture in an LJ Cut, but it might help those with slower modems.
2) Be mindful of peoples feelings. Do not bash or bad mouth a community because you might not like it.
3) You do not have to join any community that you do not want to. No one is forcing you to join any.
4) If you wish to post multiple communities, please do so under an LjCut. I know rule one says you don't have to, but that is for one community. Any more than three has to be in a cut.
5)No pictures or communities involving sex with minors, animals, or of anything vaguly illegal will be allowed. You will be banned from the community and reported to LiveJournal Administrators.





Special thanks to serealkiller and __mavrik_icons for the GTA themed banners.
