A Scientific Losties mixA fanmix for
primarycolors92 who requested "Team Science" at
lostsquee's 2010 Luau. As a [computer] scientist myself, I couldn't help but pay tribute to the like-minded (though much smarter) Losties who rely on data, experimentation and research in their professions. Nerds of the world unite! =D
I tried to include every science-related character I could, so the mix has 9 songs, each pertaining to a different character. You might notice Zoe (AKA: 'Tina Fey') is missing, and that is because it is
damn hard to find songs related to geophysics. lol. ;) There's a ton of Death Cab For Cutie in there
(they have a lot of math-y and scientific song titles!) and a couple Elton John songs. Musically, it's all over the place, but I hope you enjoy this! Apologies for the lateness!
( Correlations - A Scientific Losties mixCollapse )