Welcome. Obviously, this is the community on LJ for people born in 1981. People that were born in that year are now 27 and 28 years old. This community was created to bring people born in this year together to make new friends, to relate to each other, to reminisce about the past, and to discuss issues that are important to them, to name a few different reasons. There is an ongoing dispute over whether these people are a part of Generation X (the tail-end of it) or whether they are the elders of Generation Y. The people of Generation Y are also called Millenials, Nexters, Echo Boomers, The Net Generation, The Y Generation, and The Digital Generation. If you are interested in finding out more information about this generation, please go here.
We're a pretty quiet community (as in, very quiet...we don't post much, haha). We always welcome new people here. Come and go as you please.
Of course, this community has a few rules (don't they all?):
1. It's kind of obvious, but only people born in 1981 are permitted to join this community. Membership is now moderated. If you'd like to join, please send an email or a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I am able to do so. Please have your birthdate in your profile or your request will be denied. Thanks.
2. No promoting of any kind in here whatsoever, even if it's 80's related. There's a million communities on here for that. You'll be banned.
3. Be civil to each other. We're all adults now - at the very least, we should be acting like them.
4. If you want to, introduce yourself upon joining. This'll help us to get to know each other better.
Also, if you would like to see the community birthday list, please go here.