Hey my name is domingo and i made this community. If you want in you gotta answer some questions.
-you must be an active LJ user-
-Rules- -Must be 13 or older -Must answer all questions below -If you fight with someone then whatever i dont care, just dont fight with me or i will kick u out. -you must post at least once every week -Feel free to promote any communities -you must get 10 votes to be accpeted -Thats pretty much it you can do whatever else you want.
Application Rules -Must be behind a LJ cut -Dont Skip any Questions -make the subject line of the app. be "New Application" -you must apply 48 hours within joining.if you dont you will be rejected -make the questions of the application bold its much easier to read.. -First 10 auto accepted but you still must fill out an app.*
Answer some questions and post them.
Where you live-
Fav blink song-
Name of the seventh track on the newest blink182 cd-