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(Are you Bi?)

[USA] at the LA GLAAD Awards the "B" was missing [21 Apr 2010|01:25am]

[ mood | crappy ]

Sure there were plenty of speeches that included 'LGBT' but lets be honest, LGBT has become this 'all inclusive' PC bullshit term everyone has learned to rattle off. The same way most white people use the term 'African American' out of not wanting to offend or appear racist.Collapse )

(Are you Bi?)

and now for something completely different: a Klein Sexual Orientation Grid meme! [08 Apr 2010|07:05pm]

[ mood | silly ]

becasue life is too short not to have a bit of funCollapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[Yale/New Haven] Bisexual People of Color - workshop with Faith Cheltenham [08 Apr 2010|06:14pm]

[ mood | curious ]

everyone is invited to join BiNet USA VP Faith Cheltenham on Friday the 9th at Yale for her workshop 'The Intersection Electric: An Interactive Tour of Bisexual People of Color Histories and Culture!'Collapse )

(Are you Bi?)

ATTENTION: Please Help ASAP Biphobe Musto being HONORED at NYC LGBT Center Tonight! [17 Mar 2010|05:03pm]

[ mood | hurt ]

We must wonder, would they be so quick to honor a gay man who consistently made anti-Trans remarks or anti-Semitic slurs? With all the good people in the LGBT Community, can't they find some non-bigots to honor instead?Collapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[LA]: LECTURE and RECEPTION Dr. Lisa Diamond: Bisexuality & Sexual Fluidity on March 6th [04 Mar 2010|07:34pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Hear noted researcher Dr. Lisa Diamond speak about the topic of sexual fluidity and her Lambda-nominated book 'Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women’s Love and Desire' at the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center this SaturdayCollapse )

(Are you Bi?)

Dallas TX Conference benefits Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual & Queer-oriented community in USA [28 Feb 2010|11:08pm]

[ mood | inspired ]

on February 4th 2010 LGBT Activists particiapted in a day-long 'Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual, Queer-identified and Allies Organizing Institute' as part of the Task Force's 22nd Annual Creating Change ConferenceCollapse )

(Are you Bi?)

Cherry Grrl Interview: The Busy, Beautiful and Bisexual Fay Wolf [25 Feb 2010|06:24pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

Cherry Grrl magazine talks to actress and respected singer/songwriter Fay Wolf who plays Rose's best friend Veronica in the webseries 'Rose By Any Other name . . . ', learn more about the multi-talented emerging star and how she is balancing her various abilities.Collapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[USA] Help Shape HUD's Study on LGBT Housing Discrimination [24 Feb 2010|11:27pm]

[ mood | working ]

Please join us at a first-of-its-kind town hall meeting with officials from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development to discuss HUD's ground-breaking national study of housing discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and families in the rental and sales marketsCollapse )

Yes please DO X-Post this widely

(Are you Bi?)

Cherry Grrl: Stephanie Reibel Explores Bisexuality – Onscreen and Off [19 Feb 2010|03:34am]

[ mood | curious ]

Cherry Grrl magazine learns more about popular film and TV actress Stephanie Reibel, her thoughts on playing the lead character 'Rose' in the popular new webseries and why she loves her lesbian fans Collapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[NYC] Bi-Romance 'Pride/Prejudice' Book Launch Party at the Ritz [25 Jan 2010|03:56pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Good news: Author Ann Herendeen will give short reading and Q&A, then Book Signing - Better news: No Cover! Drinks Half Price!Collapse )

Can't make it to the party? Don't despair, you can Pre-order Pride/Prejudice from (Amazon) and (Barnes & Noble) right now.

(Are you Bi?)

Academic Bi: New International Mailing List/Yahoo Group [24 Jan 2010|09:05pm]

[ mood | working ]

for the Discussion of and the Exchange of Information and Ideas about Topics related to Bisexual/Pansexual Theory, Queer Theory and the Academic Study of Bisexuality, Pansexuality, Fluidity, et. al.Collapse )

yes please DO X-Post

(Are you Bi?)

[USA]: Robyn Ochs Issues a Donation Challenge in support of BiNet USA [30 Dec 2009|09:50pm]

[ mood | determined ]

and remember BiNet USA is an American 501(c)3 Non-profit Charity so that Your Generous Gift of Any Amount is also Tax-Deductible!Collapse )

yes please DO X-Post and remember any amount is welcome!

(Are you Bi?)

[Bi Women]: Call For Submission - Spring 2010 issue will be BI YOUTH [30 Dec 2009|01:39am]

[ mood | creative ]

Attention Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid + Queer-identified Youth (25 and under) Robyn Ochs, Editor of the quarterly newsletter 'Bi Women' invites you to submit pieces for the Spring 2010 issueCollapse )

yes please DO X-Post

(Are you Bi?)

TIPS FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY [18 Dec 2009|09:11pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer-identified, transgender, genderqueer . . .Collapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[Boston MA USA]: New Phelps-A-Thon [30 Nov 2009|10:52pm]

[ mood | determined ]

Fred Phelps and his 'God Hates Fags' Westboro Baptist Church are planning at least 4 pickets on Tuesday, December 1st 2009: World AIDS Day in Boston MA . . . but there is a plan to turn the tables on them!Collapse )
Yes, Please DO X-Post widely

(Are you Bi?)

[UK]: bisexual actor Alan Cumming receives award for service [26 Nov 2009|06:46pm]

[ mood | pleased ]

receives OBE from the Princess Royal at Buckingham Palace as his proud husband, mother and brother look onCollapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[On The Set]: or Sometimes Life Mirrors Rather Than Imitates Art [14 Nov 2009|04:27am]

[ mood | interested ]

Actress Stephanie Riebel says she's falling for a woman for the first timeCollapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[BiMedia]: Making our own TV [08 Nov 2009|08:59pm]

[ mood | thrilled ]

'Rose' get's international notice with this article in the UK's BiMediaCollapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[SoCal/Greater LA Area]: Call For Extras for "Rose By Any Other Name. . ." [07 Nov 2009|06:58pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Monday, November 9th 2009 and Tuesday, November 10th 2009, Day and evening, Looking for a number of men and women to be extras in several scenesCollapse )

(Are you Bi?)

[USA]: A bisexual "Rose" blooms on YouTube [29 Oct 2009|07:20pm]

[ mood | amused ]

come watch the fun new Weekly Web TV Series 'Rose By Any Other Name . . .' all about modern life, love and mannersCollapse )

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