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Root x Shaw Fans!!! [Saturday, September 5th, 2015 @ 10:14pm]

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NO DELETE! [Friday, April 27th, 2012 @ 3:01am]
Оригинал взят у nezaniatoe_imia в previous entryRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у mariamagdalena в previous entryRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у mariamagdalena в гранулематоз вегенераRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у ni4toneslishkom в ливия уверенно движется к развалуRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у ni4toneslishkom в уроки казахскогоRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у inmost_light в как делают кесарево черепахам?Read more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у inmost_light в власть и лидерство в менеджменте. понятие власти и ответственностиRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у murmuzyatina в 25 февраляRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у ni4toneslishkom в слишком красивый для тебя, родная - о вреде вакцинацииRead more...Collapse )
Оригинал взят у murmuzyatina в next entryRead more...Collapse )
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My girlfriend cosplaying as Illyria. [Friday, October 28th, 2011 @ 2:12am]

My girlfriend (astr0babe) made this costume from scratch and entered it into a contest on Facebook. (For those unfamiliar, it's Illyria from the series "Angel". If you'd like to vote for her, all you have to do is click the pic below then press 'like'. I hope you enjoy!!

(X-Posted to the entire galaxy)

You can also click (here) to see the details of how she made her costume! Hope you enjoy!
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[Saturday, May 9th, 2009 @ 8:02pm]


(follow the fake cut )
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Amy - Private Practice [Monday, September 15th, 2008 @ 3:35pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Photo's from Amy's episode of Private Practice (That airs October 1st on ABC, 9pm Eastern)

Behind Cut.Collapse )

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Essays? [Monday, September 8th, 2008 @ 4:39pm]

Anyone knows where I can find essays about Fred and Illyria on lj or arround the web? Would be great appreacited. :)

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Amy News [Saturday, July 26th, 2008 @ 1:34am]

According to "ShaMicKan" at IMDB Amy is currently filming a pilot entitled The Prince of Motor City... no word if this is 100% truthful or how it would interfere with Amy's role on Dollhouse. For information on The Prince of Motor City Click Here.

So that would be three shows for Amy.

1. Guest star on Private Practice second season premier
2. Recurring (yet large/important) role on Dollhouse
3. Possible Pilot Episode of The Prince of Motor City
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Amy News. Private Practice + Photographs [Monday, July 21st, 2008 @ 3:17pm]

Amy attended the FOX All-Star Party at the Pier on July 14, 2008. You can find photographs at Amy Acker

(I have also found a picture with Amy & Summer Glau, but can't find a HQ. Boo).

Also, Amy will be guest staring in the 2nd season premier episode of Private Practice... so stay tuned.
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New Trailer for Amy's movie Fire & Ice [Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 @ 7:34pm]

There is a new trailer for Amy's movie Fire & Ice that can be viewed HERE. Amy speaks with a British accent. :)

Screen Caps Here at
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Amy NEWS - Joins Dollhouse [Thursday, April 17th, 2008 @ 3:32pm]

Amy has joined the cast of Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse, staring Eliza Dushku.

Joss Confirms the NEWS HERE. At this time TV Guide is saying it is a recurring role.
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