She Said - The 1st Brie Larson Community She Said
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The First Brie Larson Community

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Brie Larson - Tyler Shields Photoshoot 2009 [04 Feb 2010|04:01pm]


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TANNER HALL Trailer [17 Sep 2009|11:43pm]

Tanner Hall is a vivid peek into the private world of an all-girls boarding school. In a cozy, but run down New England, the knot of adolescent complexity is unraveled through the coming of age stories of four teen-age girls.

Heard what She Said?

Love Your Flawz Project [07 Aug 2009|08:17pm]

Musician/Actress Caitlin Crosby & Brie Larson explain their new website & challenge viewers to embrace their imperfections. We want to Inspire each other & start a revolution! Help spread the word!

Heard what She Said?

[18 May 2009|05:59pm]

25 banners
- Mary-kate Olsen
- Brie Larson

99 icons
- Mary-kate Olsen
- Brie Larson
- Sara Paxton
- David Kross

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

[ HERE ] @ whatever_stuff [ join ]

This post will remain public for a few days, after that you will have to join to see the entry.
Heard what She Said?

[27 Apr 2008|10:12am]

[8] Brie Larson banners
[8] Megan Fox banners
[8] Jordan McCoy banners
[10] Jojo icons
[1] Jojo Banner

Icon Teasers:
Photobucket Photobucket

[ HERE ] @ whatever_stuff [ join ]

This post will remain public for a few days, after that you will have to join to see the entry.
Heard what She Said?

[04 Apr 2008|01:46pm]

[150] iPod icons

I'm listening to:::
[1-10] The Pussycat Dolls
[11-25] Lindsay Lohan
[26-35] Hairspray
[36-50] Danity Kane
[51-55] Jordan Pruitt
[56-60] Sara Paxton
[61-65] Kaci Brown
[66-75] Brie Larson
[76-85] Taylor Swift
[86-95] A*Teens
[96-105] The Cheetah Girls
[106-125] Hilary Duff
[126-130] Jessica Simpson
[131-150] Ashlee Simpson

Icon Teasers:
Photobucket Photobucket

[ HERE ] @ whatever_stuff [ join ]

This post will remain public for a few days, after that you will have to join to see the entry.
Heard what She Said?

The Veronicas [13 Dec 2007|08:01pm]

- 6 Brie Larson Icons
- 1 Banner


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Community is FRIENDS ONLY so you may want to JOIN?
Heard what She Said?

[09 Aug 2007|11:51am]

[25] Brie Larson icons
[1] Brie Larson FOB
[1] Brie Larson Banner
[20] Emma Degerstedt icons

Icon Teasers:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

[ HERE ] @ whatever_stuff [ join ]
Heard what She Said?

[28 Jan 2007|11:46am]


[15] Aly & AJ Icons
[6] Brie Larson Icons
[4] Aly & AJ FOBs
[1] Brie Larson FOB

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Comment and Credit if taking

[ H E R E ]

Heard what She Said?

Flower Brush Icons [23 Dec 2006|02:23pm]


[6] Pussycat Dolls icons
[18] Mary-kate and Ashley Olsen icons
[14] Brie Larson icons
[9] Ashley Tisdale icons
[10] Sara Paxton icons
[14] Aly and AJ Michalka icons

HERE @ whatever_stuff
Heard what She Said?

[12 Nov 2006|12:50pm]

[2]Blake Lively
[3]Brie Larson
[4]Emma Degerstedt
[3]Emma Roberts
[3]Jenna Boyd
[3]Megan Fox
[3]Sara Paxton

[2]Brie Larson
[3]Pussycat Dolls
[1]Ashlee Simpson
[2]Mary-kate and Ashley Olsen
[1]Leonardo DiCaprio

[ H E R E ]
Heard what She Said?

[16 Oct 2006|06:20pm]




+some banners
++please join my community if you got a minute

Heard what She Said?

[26 Aug 2006|11:37am]


Hi! I hope stuff like this is allowed. If not you can just delete my post....

Please Join My Brie Forum!

Heard what She Said?

[25 Jun 2006|02:36pm]

∙ comment
∙ credit
∙ feel free to friend me!
1Listened | Heard what She Said?

Hey! [20 Jun 2006|06:49pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Hi, my names Bethany and I am a HUGE Brie Fan!!
Ive started my own website and forum on her!

Heard what She Said?

[04 May 2006|04:54pm]

[ mood | happy ]

Hey, I joined this community about a month ago and I'm just getting around to posting. I'm a growing fan of Brie , She is soooooooo beautiful. I can't wait to see the new movie "Hoot" She is an amazing actress, and mutli talented. She gets better and better ecerytime i see her. My favoirte role that she has played in was as Courtney in "Right on Track" I absolutly love it!

1Listened | Heard what She Said?

Brie Graphics [23 Apr 2006|07:32pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

I have some Brie graphics that I just made, they're really simple and not v.good coz my graphics program is really old.

4 Brie icons
2 Brie banners

Preview: Image Hosted by

The rest are hereCollapse )

Tell me what ya think!...

1Listened | Heard what She Said?

Hey! [21 Apr 2006|03:22pm]

Hey, I just joined here and I'm a huuuuuge fan of Brie...obviously, lol. Anyway, My names Sam, I'm 14, from England, & my fav movie that Brie was in is 13 Going On 30. Ever since I watched that I wanted to find out more about the 6 Chicks, and she was the one who stood out most to me :) Does anyone know where I could download any of her songs for free? Or could someone who has them upload them on and give me the link to it? Thanks, its just coz I've never heard any of her songs before and I reallllllly want to! xox
3Listened | Heard what She Said?

[15 Feb 2006|10:35pm]

Anyone know any latest news of Brie?
2Listened | Heard what She Said?

POLL [12 Jan 2006|05:52pm]

What is you guys' fav song off Brie's album??

I'd have to say either 'Hope Has Wings' or 'She Shall Remain Nameless' :)
2Listened | Heard what She Said?

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