★Baby, if you were a keg..
? ?
★Baby, if you were a keg.. [entries|friends|calendar] so tap that..

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If you were a keg, I'd tap that.. [04 Jan 2005|09:08pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

wee... App!Collapse )

14__ would you tap this?

yay-uh [24 Oct 2004|11:24pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Join: _eatmeup
would you tap this?

mod like whoa [19 Sep 2004|08:20pm]

This is getting sad. someone post some pictures or something. Okay, I'll go first.
hotnessCollapse )
1__ would you tap this?

xpOstedd // [07 Sep 2004|03:30pm]

hey guys..

I just wanted to let the mod/mods know that i'm going to try and stay as active as possible with voting and promoting but school just started today and I start work Thursday. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up if my activeness slows down? If that made sense. haha okay im done. oh and im going to post an app for you guys as soon as i get a free minute.

<3 :) hope you're all doing well
2__ would you tap this?

"If you were a keg, I'd tap that.." <-- hahaha i love that line. good job. =D [05 Sep 2004|07:00pm]

if i'm auto accepted, must i still fill out an application?
if so, let me know and i will, if not ill just start promoting.

I am auto-accepted, right? lol.
3__ would you tap this?

If you were a keg, I'd tap that [05 Sep 2004|12:15am]

heh. why am i doing thissssssssssssssCollapse )
4__ would you tap this?

hahaha.. let's get this show on the mother fucking road. [03 Sep 2004|10:50pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

jesus. Let's do.

would you tap this?

wooo [20 Aug 2004|08:57pm]

[ mood | complacent ]

sensational asha. good thing i know nothing about lj or how to do things nice on it. o0o0ww o0o0www.

would you tap this?

[20 Aug 2004|12:58pm]

[ mood | bored ]

the first 15 members to join will be automatically accepted.. so join!

would you tap this?

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