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Journal created:
on 29 July 2004 (#3993826)
on 1 April 2007
Ashlee Simpson Fans
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Welcome to the most informative Ashlee Simpson community on LiveJournal. We post everything from news, articles, & pictures to icons & graphics.

1.//Do not post entries such as "OMGZ! I <33333333 ASHLEE SIMPSON SO MUCH! I WANT TO BE JUST LYKE HER! SHE IS SO SUPER AND HOT AND OMGZ!" They are annoying and we all hate them.
2.//Please post all pictures under a lj-cut so there is no drama/fighting over whether or not the picture is too big.
3.//If you want to promote, please ask us first.
4.//Please, don't flame Ashlee, if you are here, you should only post about liking her, not hating her.
5.//Rules are lame so those are the only four. Don't abuse them or you will be banned. I don't put up with shit like that, and Caitlin sure as hell doesn't either.
6.// Oh, and talking about any other artists besides Ashlee Simpson, Ryan Cabrera and Jessica Simpson is not allowed. Unless somehow they are related in some situation...

12/17/2004 - TV NBC (The Tonight Show)
12/22/2004 - 8:00PM: TV Home for the Holidays on CBS, Ashlee Simpson will perform.
01/04/2005 - TV Orange Bowl: Ashlee will preform "La La' at the half time show
02/18/2005 - Show Universal City, CA / Universal Amphitheater
02/20/2005 - Show Sacramento, CA / Sacramento Memorial Auditorium


Link __ASF

Mods: pink_gloss


So much thanks to my wonderful graphic makers lilxtina & yummycuzp!
