? ?
Journal created:
on 13 February 2005 (#6111340)
on 27 April 2012
++ White Ninja Comics ++
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
fans of white ninja comics, unite!
Welcome to ___whiteninja, where fans of White Ninja Comics unite!

This community was created by spaceneko in February 2005. It was handed over to me (ally525) in November 2005. The comics from the White Ninja website are posted here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for your viewing pleasure. The layout was made by the talented spaceneko (because I could never make anything this good!)

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one. Please keep posts on the topic of White Ninja.
two. Any large pictures or posts should be behind an lj-cut.
three. Though it's never been a problem as far as I can see, please don't start any drama or fighting. This will result in a ban.
four. You may promote other communities, but don't overdo it.
five. It's not a rule, of course, but spread the word about White Ninja/this community!

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ally525 maintains this little shindig.
If you'd like to be a mod, I'll consider it, though I don't really need any at the moment.

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Currently none...
If you'd like to be an affiliate, go ahead and ask :)

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-Promotional banners can be found here. - down for now
-See cabaretlights' excellent WN mood theme here!
-See palabrasverdad's WN fan art here!
-Download the free WN video game demo here

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