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sales post [Sunday, 20th April, 2008 @ 11:08pm]

Hanna Beth loves teeth

Audrey loves teeth

Jac loves teeth


simply will not die.

Sup :P [Sunday, 7th January, 2007 @ 5:06am]

[ mood | tired ]

 Basic Intro Shiat...

Name: Katarina V. (Kitty)
Age: 17
Location: Surrey (Originally American tho)
Favorite Bands: 30 Seconds to Mars, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, AFI, The Used, Aiden

simply will not die.

this may call for a proper introduction [Sunday, 19th November, 2006 @ 4:59am]

[.name.] Leanne. Or LeLe. Or Lee.
[.location.] Blackpool
[.age.] 16
[.favourite bands.] Panic! at the Disco, Cute Is What We Aim For, Fall Out Boy, theAUDITION, My Chemical Romance, etc. Can't remember.
simply will not die.

Yo [Friday, 17th November, 2006 @ 11:32am]

[ mood | grr ]

Name: NOYB
Nickname: Bunny ^^
Age: 15
Location: Welshpool, powys, mid-wales
fave. bands: My chemical romance, A.F.I, Panic! At The Disco, The All-American Rejects, Trivium, slipknot, Cradle of filth, paramore... +more

39 simply will not die.

Newbie [Thursday, 16th November, 2006 @ 3:12pm]

[ mood | meh ]

[.name.] Kitty
[.location.] County Durham (middle of Nowhere in the North East)
[.age.] 15
[.favourite bands.] My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, :( , Aiden, Bayside, Hawthorne Heights, Matchbook Romance, Senses Fail, Funeral for a Friend, the Automatic, Lostprophets & loads more.

4 simply will not die.

[Friday, 1st September, 2006 @ 6:40pm]

[ mood | blank ]

[.name.] Ella
[.location.] Essex
[.age.] 14
[.favourite bands.] My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, From First To Last, The Offspring, Ect...

simply will not die.

[Friday, 4th August, 2006 @ 8:57pm]

[ mood | content ]

[.favourite bands.] My chemical romance, AFI,Panic! at the disco,The Used, Fall out boy, Taking Back Sunday, Angels and Airwaves, Blink 182, Green Day, Nirvana and Lostprophets. 

3 simply will not die.

It's me! [Thursday, 27th July, 2006 @ 5:08pm]

[ mood | apathetic ]

[.name.] Poppy
[.location.] Poole, Dorset
[.age.] 14 (remember, the "teenie" stereotype does not apply to everyone!)
[.favourite bands.] My Chemical Romance, Black Flag, The Misfits, The Smiths, Pencey Prep, Panic! At The Disco, Lostprophets, etc...

3 simply will not die.

This is a stupid question.. [Thursday, 27th July, 2006 @ 5:01pm]

So who Has Myspace around here??
3 simply will not die.

[Saturday, 22nd July, 2006 @ 2:19pm]
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

this community is dying [Wednesday, 26th April, 2006 @ 8:26pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

anyone been to any good shows recently?

10 simply will not die.

[Wednesday, 12th April, 2006 @ 9:31pm]

[ mood | happy ]

Name: Jen
Call me: Jennibean
Music: My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Green Day, Funeral For A Friend, From First to Last, Pencey Prep, Queens Of The Stone Age, Fallout Boy, Hole, Panic! At The Disco
Hobbies n Stuff: I play guitar and bass n I like drawing and writing songs
Add me if you like. I'm new to livejournal... I dont get all the fancypants stuff :)

simply will not die.

YES [Sunday, 19th March, 2006 @ 12:17pm]

alexisonfire are at download this year. :]]]

simply will not die.

Rare Cursive Shirt [Wednesday, 22nd February, 2006 @ 2:42pm]

simply will not die.

[Saturday, 4th February, 2006 @ 6:05pm]

[.name.] Alice
[.location.] London
[.age.] 16
[.favourite bands.] MCR, lostprophets, Death Cab For Cutie, Drive By, Thrice, Hawthorne Heights, Smashing Pumpkins...
2 simply will not die.

Funeral For A Friend [Friday, 27th January, 2006 @ 11:21pm]

hope you lot dont mind but if you havnt seen it already the new ffaf vid roses for the dead .
simply will not die.

hey [Friday, 27th January, 2006 @ 4:42pm]

[.name.] Lauren scott
[.location.] london
[.age.] 15
[.favourite bands .] fall out boy , aiden , with broken wings ,alexisonfire, Unwritten Law , still remains , MC lars , Funeral for a friend , the juliana theory...
xxxXXxxx<3 love to yall <3 xxxXXxxx
2 simply will not die.

[Monday, 16th January, 2006 @ 9:03pm]

Image hosted by
simply will not die.

[Friday, 13th January, 2006 @ 9:39am]

Whos going GIAN? I got my weekend ticket.

5 simply will not die.

intro post. [Friday, 6th January, 2006 @ 2:42pm]

[ mood | sick ]

[.name.] Lauren.
[.location.] UK. crewe, close to stoke on trent.
[.age.] 16.
[.favourite bands.] the bled, at the drive-in, ed gein, etdi, thursday.



3 simply will not die.

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