Reports & Publications

Harvard Public Affairs & Communications has developed a series of reports that show the many ways that the University is connected to the regional economy and engaged in community partnerships that demonstrate what it means to be neighbors.

Facts & Impact 2023

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Harvard University is proud to be a partner in driving the region’s economy. Through research, innovation, employment, local spending, and financial aid, Harvard is committed to helping make Massachusetts a thriving region in which to live, learn, and work.


Download Facts & Impact 2023 (PDF)

Harvard University's Community Benefits in Allston-Brighton


Harvard values its longtime partnership with the Allston-Brighton neighborhood and the City of Boston. In addition to providing a comprehensive accounting of Harvard’s commitments to the Allston-Brighton community, the annual report provides an in-depth update on many of the exciting collaborations and programs taking place in the community every day.


Download the 2024 Report (PDF)



University-Wide Community Engagement: Boston

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Harvard is deeply engaged in many exciting community programs, partnerships, and collaborations that share a broad reach across Boston. While not all-inclusive, this list is representative of continually evolving engagements from across Harvard’s campus.


Download University-Wide Community Engagement