Welcome to the Framework Community Forum! To get started, please review the following topics in this category, and please use this time to introduce yourself if interested.
Blogs, Community, and Customer Experience updates will be posted in this category. This will have our most important messages.
Discuss the Framework Laptop 13, spanning each of the generations since the first launch and both DIY Edition and pre-built configurations.
Discuss the Framework Laptop 16, a high-performance 16" laptop with upgradeable, modular graphics and fully customizable input.
Discuss the Framework Desktop, a Mini-ITX desktop powered by AMD’s massive new Ryzen AI Max processors.
Discuss the Framework Laptop 12, durable, repairable, upgradeable, 12.2” touchscreen convertible notebook.
The centralized hub for buying and selling second-hand Framework Laptops and parts among community members.
Share projects and ideas to create new modules like Expansion Cards, Expansion Bay Modules, and Input Modules, and ways to re-use parts of the Framework products.
Need a break from talking about Linux or expansion cards? With this category, you can talk about your pets, send memes, talk about your day, etc. This category is for Framework lovers and those who just want to hang out.