Help Us Shape the Future of the Cloudinary Javascript SDK
Big news for all JavaScript developers: We’ve posted an RFC for the JavaScript SDK on our GitHub repository. This RFC is a key step in improving the developer experience, and we're actively seeking feedback from our community. What's The Goal? Version 2 of the JavaScript URL Gen SDK improved performance and error handling…
Video transformation messing audio
The audio of my video gets messed up whenever I apply a transformation to it. Video without transformation Video with transformation I'm using the NodeJS SDK to generate the video URL const video = new CloudinaryVideo( video_public_id, cloudinary_config ); I've tried different audio encodings i.e…
How to get private image using public id with Admin API?
Hello, I am using signed uploads, which means my backend generates parameters, including a public id, and a signed signature for the frontend to use to upload an image. Some of the images that are uploaded have type = private. On my backend, I query Cloudinary for the images that the backend has generated a signature for…
Do duplicate image uploads with overwrite disabled incur bandwidth costs?
I use secure uploads in my application, specifying a public_id and overwrite=false in the upload options. When I attempt to upload an image with a public_id that already exists, I receive an immediate response indicating that the asset exists, marked by existing=true in the response. In this scenario, am I charged for…
About image retrieval
I am building Ai image saas platform where I am using cloudinary when I transformed the image it is not shown in home section named as recent images
Will there be a Collections API?
I am using Collections manually and Dynamic collections might also be useful. I would really like to programmatically build many more collections but there is no API. When might this be available? TIA, Mark
Problems loading and playing video assets [Next 14, React, TypeScript, Cloudinary-React]
Hi, I am using "@cloudinary/react": "^1.13.0", and "@cloudinary/url-gen": "^1.16.1" in my Next.js app, and have received several reports of videos taking a while to buffer, or never load at all. It seems most commonly users are experiencing this while on Chrome Mobile iOS, but we've seen this issue across all browsers, iOS…
SDk is not working with PHP version 7.4
Unable to query my Product Environment
I'm using nodejs sdk, and I have this simple config in my project: cloudinary.config ({ cloud_name: "testname", api_key: "11223344556677", api_secret: "h64hsh6wh7whs", secure: true, analytics: false, hide_sensitive: true }) const result = await cloudinary.api .resources() .then(result=> console.log(result)); But I'm…
image not found error come when i try to update tiltle and discription field only
i got this error : error in blog post: { message: 'Resource not found - https://res.cloudinary.com/drv2gu8b9/image/upload/v1700847934/blog-mern-app/kzg1lxdqfnt2asls0mgq.jpg', name: 'Error', http_code: 404 } this is my create post controller: const createPostController = async (req, res) => { try { const { title,…
Uploading M4A with iOS SDK
Howdy! I've recently added the Cloudinary SDK for iOS to our project, and am working on uploading a locally-recorded audio file to Cloudinary. After some fussing, I got the signature verifying for the signed upload, and it looks like everything's in place to send the M4A audio file, but the API returns this error: {…
Go/ Fiber Image Upload Not Working in Production
HI, this is an odd one and a bit unlike what I have seen from others. My local dev environment is and has been working without a hitch at all but when I try it on a production environment is am getting a filepath error that remains unresolved. from production logs... ive already tried adjusting the filepath the match the…
Cloudinary library crashes React app
I'm implementing Cloudinary in my React app, and I'm following the node quick start (https://cloudinary.com/documentation/node_quickstart). I've pasted the code directly from the quick start, and I have my environment variable pasted from my Cloudinary dashboard. When compiling, I'm getting a few dozen errors, all in the…
Search API: search by created_at with timestamp
Using the search API, I can search by created_at with this expression: "created_at>2023-09-01" But how can I include a timestamp? If I follow the format from this documentation: https://cloudinary.com/documentation/search_api#expression_fields "created_at>2023-09-01T08:00:00Z" I get the error: "Query Error (at position 25)…
Lazy async moderation / Retrigger moderation
I want to use Amazon Rekognition plugin in the following way: User uploads photo to Cloudinary and moves on using the site; Cloudinary lazily moderates the uploaded photo asynchronously; When finished, Cloudinary sends the results to a server endpoint via webhook; Server does further processing. But right now, if I use…
PHP: Logger Incompatible with PSR/Logger
I'm using the cloudinary/cloudinary_php:^2.0 SDK. I am simply trying to retrieve the images uploaded to my account with the documentation-provided code: $config = Configuration::instance($_ENV['CLOUDINARY_URL']); $cloudinary = new Cloudinary($config); $result = $cloudinary->adminApi()->assets(); No matter how I structure…
Importance of query params added by JS SDK-- is it OK to remove?
The following code (in Node.js / React) in some cases produces URLs with query parameters appended to the URL: import { Cloudinary } from "@cloudinary/url-gen"; const cld = new Cloudinary({ cloud: { cloudName: '__redacted__' }, }); const url = cld .image('ID') .quality("auto") .resize(fit(size)) .delivery(format(isSvg ?…
build error: coffee-script module not found
Hi all, I'm getting this build error: "./node_modules/vm2/lib/compiler.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'coffee-script' in '/Users/me/my-project/node_modules/vm2/lib" I'm trying to use the Node SDK in a Next.js 13 Api route, intending to upload an image, the Api route looks like this: import { NextRequest, NextResponse }…
Search for empty value in metadata field AND specific value in another metadata field
I can search for an empty value in a metadata field with this expression: -metadata=client_award_level I can search for a value in a metadata field with this expression: metadata.material_number="49738066" But I get an error when I try to combine them with 'AND' -metadata=client_award_level AND…
Delete without a key? (client-side application)
Hi, I'm running a client side application. A long time ago, before I knew much about JS and front-end dev, I had setup some wrapper around the cloudinary endpoint, so my users can upload pictures, and delete them. While reviewing my code, I found that I use an api key in the bundled js. This is of course A Very Bad Idea.…
Query on implementing Image upload Widget & Media Editor Widget in React
hey folks.. I'm looking to achieve a React implementation where my Media Editor opens straight to allow the user to edit the pic that's just uploaded via Upload widget (i.e. following the e.g. in https://codesandbox.io/s/uw-mew-forked-dudee6?file=/src/index.js) . When I try running mediaEditorWidgetRef.getConfig() it…
News: Updated Vue.js SDK
Our Cloudinary Vue.js SDK now supports Vue 3. With this SDK, you can easily transform, and deliver image assets within your Vue.js applications, saving you time and effort while building more powerful and feature-rich applications. More info and links here: https://cloudinary.com/documentation/vue_integration
NEW: Beta release of Cloudinary Flutter SDK
Hi all -- today's news is that we have a beta release of Cloudinary's Flutter SDK available. This SDK lets you integrate image and video transformation, optimization, and delivery capabilities seamlessly with your existing Flutter application. Cloudinary's Flutter SDK is built on Cloudinary's Dart library and offers…