Better Together
Caring for children when they are in the hospital or at a doctor’s appointment is only the beginning. Our mission is to improve every child’s health and well-being, which means caring for children where they are: in the community. Here are some steps we’re taking to meet that goal. Get Started

Our Financial Commitment
Our pledge to improve the health of children and the broader community takes on many forms: thousands of employee volunteer hours, free use of our facilities for community organizations, free health education and training for families and professionals, donated goods and services, and, of course, financial. Through all these efforts, in fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023), CHOP contributed more than $640 million to this effort.
All financial data is for fiscal year July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. These reports include amounts expended by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s hospital facilities, as reported on Schedule H of the IRS Form 990, and our controlled affiliates, including our physician practice plans, which are not required to complete Schedule H. Accordingly, the values on this fact sheet are greater than the amounts reported in the CHOP Schedule H, which applies only to our hospital facilities. For more information, call CHOP’s Office of Community Impact at 267-426-5506.
Financial Assistance Policy Summary: The mission of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is to advance healthcare for children. To help children get the care that they need, CHOP provides financial assistance for medically necessary and emergency care to patients who meet the eligibility requirements. If CHOP determines that a patient is eligible, CHOP will waive 100% of the patient’s financial responsibility (after all applicable insurances and other government assistance). Learn more about our financial assistance policy. View previous Community Impact Reports.
Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Commitment
Category | Total |
Financial Assistance / Charity Care Cost of medical care services for families that qualify for CHOP’s financial assistance policy | 2,651,982 |
Medicaid Programs Unreimbursed cost of Medicaid and other means-tested government health programs | 357,116,120 |
Community Health Improvement Services Community-based clinical services, health education and support services focused on public health | 19,734,721 |
Health Professions Education Net costs incurred by CHOP to train health professionals, including pediatricians | 59,811,593 |
Subsidized Health Services Hospital-based clinical services provided at a financial loss to the organization | 69,936,713 |
Research Cost of studies that identify new treatments and cures | 126,105,183 |
Cash and In Kind Contributions Funds and goods provided to other organizations to provide community benefit | 7,049,337 |
Total | 642,405,650 |