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×To simplify customer experience, we're allowing multiple selections from two custom fields (that map to two separate attributes in an authorizing document object). After issue creation, I'd like to a...
Hey I make automation that everytime when you mention some user in the comment he become the watcher also. But the problem that is worked just when you tag only one user, if I tag multiple users i...
Managing just one project can be challenging, but when you add multiple teams, overlapping timelines, and capacity planning into the mix—well, let’s just say it can feel like chaos. But with the r...
I am going to have many Jira stories moving forward that have multiple users needed to complete the story but want to insure that they will get recognition for their contributions. I am using s...
Hello all; I'm still a newbie, so me gentle. As a Product Manager for mulble modules, I need the abiliyt to creaste multiple Jira or How-to parent pages, and create related child reports. E...
Is there a way to create custom dropdown field with multi-selection ? We have a case where Sales team raises POC requests with different modules. Any request can have any combination of those modul...
I created a PI Planning whiteboard using the templated provided. I would like to resize a group of sticky such that I and paste more sticky over each one of them.
I am helping someone manage a few different non-profits. We are the only two people that need to be able to manage the whole workspace. There will be others that need access to individual boards. It ...
In Create multiple subtasks for Jira plugin can you set the dueDate to calculated date like today+2 weeks etc.? for example # Test task / dueDate:"@inherit" valid # Test task / dueDate:"2...
We have tickets that become 'child tickets' of other issues. When issues are linked as child tickets we need to bring over their request participants from one issue from another. With the set up in t...
I want to set up an automation that creates 5+ epics, and each epic would have 2 to 10 tasks under it. I can only seem to make it work for 1 epic, and multiple tasks. **Essentially, w...
Hi everyone, We have 8.20.6 version of Jira. In user picker (single user) fields, we are viewing multiple of the same user. In addition, Jira have LDAP integration. Thanks.
Hi there, our company has two locations, one in Germany one in the US. The US would like to buy their own Jira Cloud Premium licenses. I would like to know how the enabling of SSO will take pl...
...o Jira's documentation, Stories are used when multiple people must work on something. However, the default field "Assignee" will only let you Assign 1 person. I've been reading the documentation and q...
...o 14 products including product name, item code, origin, destination etc. Is there anything in Jira that can allow customers to add items to a list, with multiple items in each entry into that list? A...
Hello! I'm looking into subscribing, but i need an accurate answers about the existence of these features: - When I create a task (in a Checklist), is it possible to leave that task with multiple...
Hi, I am trying to find a solution/plugin which would allow me to put a 3 tier multi casade field on a screen with following requirements: - each of those 3 fields could be of different type (f.i. ...
Hi all So we have a few company acquisitions that use domain aliases, with one Universal Principal Name in our Azure AD (we'll call this maincompany.com). To explain, all of these u...
Epic level burndown from Program Increment Progress is useful but it only let's me pick one PI. Since Epics are assigned to multiple PIs, it would be useful if we could generate Epic burndown e...
Hello, it is the same question that has been raised in the past like: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/What-is-the-best-way-to-handle-fix-targets-for-multiple-branches/qaq-p/1...
I have multiple build plans setup that the only difference is the Repo used.....which is fine for me as that's the build for each particular app, etc. The deployment plan is the exact same, t...
Hello , Below you can find workflow we are using for parent issues and sub-task issue . We have multiple sub-tasks for single parent issue when all sub-tasks status is "Ready FOR RFP" then parent s...
Hi All, I'm building a business process which is managed in a Jira ticket which transfers between different statues that represent the process stage. As part of this process, I'm in need of creat...
...ells with dropdown, Ctrl + Shift + Copy, then go to the 11th row and Ctrl + Shift + V to paste. It inserts entire 10 rows, pushing existing rows below. Is there a way to copy & paste multiple...
Before companion app I used edit with office in the past and I could open my Excel file, and as I updated values during the day I saved in Excel which also save the latest version of the file in Conf...
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