Category:Workflow diagrams
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Workflow diagrams"
The following 121 files are in this category, out of 121 total.
11082022 תהליך הכנת תמונה מבוססת בינה מלאכותית יוצרת.jpg 6,375 × 4,531; 1.19 MB
41467 2016 Article BFncomms10476 Fig1.webp 946 × 652; 98 KB
Add to list intention card.svg 391 × 108; 1 KB
Advanced persistent threat lifecycle.jpg 500 × 496; 97 KB
ALSProcessingFlowline.svg 1,052 × 744; 77 KB
Analytics and Workflow platforms.svg 663 × 437; 153 KB
Anduril-Eclipse.png 1,680 × 1,026; 166 KB
Arbeitssystem.jpg 436 × 403; 65 KB
Arbeitssystem.svg 335 × 204; 40 KB
Arbeitssystemtypen.jpg 954 × 524; 122 KB
Article Creation Workflow diagram.png 3,936 × 2,361; 810 KB
Atomic Swap Workflow.svg 693 × 738; 49 KB
BLESS workflow (update v2).png 1,677 × 764; 214 KB
BLESS workflow.png 3,678 × 1,832; 3.08 MB
Book digitisation workflow ml.svg 996 × 693; 484 KB
BPMN Example with Flokzu.png 306 × 624; 20 KB
BPMWorkflowSchematic Archaeology.svg 724 × 676; 332 KB
Business Process Modelling Workflow Schematic.svg 963 × 517; 297 KB
CallEventsWorkflow.jpg 575 × 168; 11 KB
Campaigns MVP.png 1,024 × 768; 77 KB
Canteen.jpg 720 × 505; 43 KB
Change the Human Performance Way.png 1,475 × 732; 403 KB
CISH workflow.png 1,550 × 1,082; 130 KB
Common Workflow Language explained in 64 seconds.webm 1 min 4 s, 1,280 × 720; 4.85 MB
Copy-edit or Re-write.pdf 2,270 × 4,827; 29 KB
Copy-edit or Re-write.svg 1,090 × 2,317; 26 KB
Cruz chakana.jpg 293 × 237; 12 KB
Cryogenic electron microscopy workflow.svg 512 × 384; 1.23 MB
DCP Workflow Diagram.png 489 × 383; 33 KB
Decision point, four way split.svg 108 × 98; 1 KB
Decision point, three way split.svg 108 × 108; 1 KB
Decision point, two way split.svg 120 × 108; 1 KB
Decision.svg 355 × 100; 2 KB
Deletion intention card.svg 391 × 108; 1 KB
Docswave Workflow.png 680 × 350; 61 KB
Edit intention card.svg 391 × 108; 2 KB
End of workflow.svg 391 × 100; 1 KB
Enllaçar WD i afegir Infotaula3.png 736 × 594; 33 KB
Example Taverna Workflow.svg 1,052 × 744; 66 KB
Expand an article directly.pdf 10,579 × 4,827; 38 KB
Expand an article directly.svg 5,078 × 2,317; 57 KB
Expected User Right.svg 355 × 75; 2 KB
Fagan Inspection Simple flow.svg 1,018 × 178; 12 KB
Flokzu BPMN Example.png 630 × 398; 24 KB
Flusso della microscopia crioelettronica.svg 512 × 384; 1.25 MB
Fogbugz-workflow.jpg 438 × 328; 80 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow-ca.png 512 × 497; 27 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow-es.svg 512 × 443; 464 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow-fr.svg 512 × 497; 8 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow-mk.svg 512 × 512; 495 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow-pl.svg 718 × 406; 9 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow-ru.svg 478 × 507; 236 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow-zh-cn.svg 600 × 500; 3 KB
Global-bans-process-workflow.svg 512 × 497; 246 KB
GurukoolCycle.jpg 583 × 588; 43 KB
How it worked with the host 2.jpg 2,500 × 3,200; 1.28 MB
How it worked with the host.jpg 2,492 × 3,256; 1.29 MB
HP OXP Top Level Menu.png 1,141 × 834; 103 KB
Image suggestions data workflow.png 2,938 × 1,714; 1.38 MB
Import Workflow GLAMs.svg 512 × 187; 159 KB
InnoScholComm poster Force2015.pdf 7,020 × 4,966; 1.72 MB
Intrusion Kill Chain - v2.png 950 × 681; 158 KB
IP Info - Updated Task Model.jpg 8,108 × 1,973; 1.04 MB
Llif gwaith microsgopeg electron cryogenig.svg 512 × 384; 1.24 MB
Manual welcome workflow.pdf 2,270 × 5,093; 44 KB
Manual welcome workflow.svg 1,090 × 2,445; 47 KB
MediaWiki-Wikimedia Git-Gerrit workflow.svg 580 × 693; 25 KB
Montage fig2 workflow.png 640 × 175; 62 KB
MountainEDRM.jpg 400 × 400; 87 KB
Note about workflow.svg 355 × 116; 1,012 bytes
Ocropus Workflow.png 959 × 626; 34 KB
OneFlow Example.png 682 × 219; 14 KB
Onlinehpc-screenshot.png 1,618 × 827; 140 KB
Open Processes Leading to Improved Impact.svg 1,052 × 744; 206 KB
Organizationalsocializationmodel.jpg 715 × 427; 54 KB
Patrol new articles.pdf 5,414 × 7,541; 58 KB
Patrol new articles.svg 2,599 × 3,620; 86 KB
Patrol raw feed of edits, looking for vandalism.pdf 9,047 × 10,595; 74 KB
Patrol raw feed of edits, looking for vandalism.svg 4,343 × 5,086; 124 KB
Pore-C workflow.png 1,396 × 1,772; 1.46 MB
Project specifications 2013 06 20.png 614 × 590; 34 KB
Que es el Wikis.jpg 310 × 163; 10 KB
Reasoning.svg 355 × 100; 3 KB
Remove from list intention card.svg 391 × 108; 1 KB
Responsive CAD Diagram.jpg 1,708 × 1,382; 259 KB
Reward flowchart for Semantic Web.png 859 × 811; 93 KB
Role or user.svg 355 × 75; 2 KB
Rollenmodell (((eTicket Deutschland.jpeg 1,040 × 720; 79 KB
Roundtrip Process.svg 512 × 396; 75 KB
Semantic Web Incentive Workflow.png 800 × 600; 113 KB
Singularity container workflow.png 3,526 × 1,254; 135 KB
Step card.svg 355 × 100; 2 KB
Suspected copyright workflow.pdf 16,875 × 13,116; 142 KB
Tag intention card.svg 391 × 108; 2 KB
Talk intention card.svg 391 × 108; 1 KB
Taverna 2.1 Splashscreen.png 605 × 337; 335 KB
Tct template workflow diagram v2.png 720 × 540; 41 KB
Tct template workflow diagram.png 720 × 540; 40 KB
The current academic publishing system - fncom-06-00079-g001.jpeg 710 × 423; 108 KB
The Pharmacy Triangle.jpg 1,277 × 951; 62 KB
The Unified Kill Chain.png 4,200 × 1,325; 233 KB
Tool.svg 355 × 100; 2 KB
Visualization of the "Annotate this article" workflow for Wikipedia contribution.pdf 24,931 × 4,827; 96 KB
Visualization of the "Annotate this article" workflow for Wikipedia contribution.svg 11,967 × 2,317; 208 KB
WD workflow.png 699 × 312; 19 KB
We should illustrate this article.pdf 5,414 × 5,839; 44 KB
We should illustrate this article.svg 2,599 × 2,803; 52 KB
We should re-organize this article.pdf 2,187 × 4,827; 38 KB
We should re-organize this article.svg 1,050 × 2,317; 41 KB
Whole-game-of-data-science.png 1,504 × 508; 49 KB
Wiki requirements.svg 355 × 75; 3 KB
Wikidata Workflow summary.svg 548 × 411; 33 KB
Wikipedias Languages.svg 355 × 75; 3 KB
Wineglass model for IMRaD structure..png 699 × 518; 22 KB
Work Breakdown Structure.png 1,065 × 626; 53 KB
Workflow card.svg 391 × 124; 1 KB
Workflow IA.png 1,500 × 1,200; 591 KB
Workflow-graph.png (2652×294) whatagraph.git.pdf 1,200 × 1,575, 3 pages; 38 KB
Workflow1.png 1,044 × 496; 104 KB
سير عمل المجهر الإلكتروني المبرد.svg 512 × 384; 1.25 MB