Category:Photos of Pluto system by New Horizons
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Media in category "Photos of Pluto system by New Horizons"
The following 50 files are in this category, out of 50 total.
PlutoCharon-1stColorImage-NewHorizons-Ralph-20150409.png 640 × 640; 62 KB
NH-PlutoCharon-Color-NewHorizons-20150711.jpg 1,422 × 744; 131 KB
15-078-Pluto-DwarfPlanet-NewHorizons-20150415.jpg 801 × 801; 51 KB
15-143-PlutoSystem-NewHorizons-20150626.jpg 856 × 450; 48 KB
20150617 nh lorri 630 2015-06 animation-spinny-charon.gif 840 × 840; 1.03 MB
20150617 nh lorri 630 2015-06 animation-spinny-pluto.gif 840 × 840; 585 KB
Pluto and Charon. New Horizons photo..jpg 480 × 480; 3 KB
7-1-15 Pluto Charon color hemispheres unannotated JHUAPL NASA SWRI.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 67 KB
A Moon over Pluto (Close up).2.gif 400 × 400; 8 KB
A Moon over Pluto (Close up).3.gif 400 × 400; 31 KB
A Moon over Pluto (Close up).gif 400 × 400; 42 KB
Charon looping around Pluto.gif 985 × 985; 211 KB
First Color Animated Images show Pluto and its Moon Charon.gif 985 × 985; 200 KB
First Views of Pluto in High Resolution (SVS30611).jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 177 KB
First Views of Pluto in High Resolution (SVS30611).pdf 2,133 × 1,600; 91 KB
NH-071315-PlutoCharon-FalseColorComposite-20150713.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 328 KB
NH-LORRI-Pluto-Charon-2015-01-25.jpg 400 × 400; 24 KB
Nh-pluto charon color final.png 1,041 × 425; 23 KB
NH-PlutoMoon-Charon-FlyOverAnimation-20151001.webm 20 s, 640 × 360; 1.45 MB
Nix and Hydra viewed from New Horizons 2015-07-14.jpg 1,041 × 802; 45 KB
OpNav3 Pluto v7.gif 801 × 801; 396 KB
OpNav3 Pluto-Charon system v7.gif 801 × 801; 377 KB
OpNav3 Pluto-Charon system.gif 1,024 × 1,027; 46 KB
OpNav3 Pluto.gif 1,024 × 1,027; 46 KB
PIA19693-Pluto-Charon-2Sides-20150627.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 265 KB
PIA19694-PlutoCharon-NewHorizons-20150701.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 46 KB
PIA19701-PlutoSystem-Animation-NewHorizons-20150701.gif 1,280 × 960; 825 KB
PIA19856-PlutoCharon-NewHorizons-Color-20150714.jpg 2,526 × 501; 38 KB
PIA20151-Pluto-PitsInSputnikPlanum-20151110.jpg 2,200 × 1,480; 457 KB
PIA20153-MoonsOfPluto-MergedBodies-20151110.jpg 3,000 × 1,500; 164 KB
Pluto & Charon Zoom Animation (small).gif 240 × 120; 153 KB
Pluto & Charon Zoom Animation.gif 960 × 480; 1.2 MB
Pluto - Charon Lor 0298787094.jpg 1,024 × 1,024; 16 KB
Pluto and Charon (New Horizons) (2020-54-4766-Image).png 3,000 × 3,000; 5.27 MB
Pluto and Charon - Two Worlds in the Kuiper Belt - NASA's New Horizons - 2015 (52641400254).png 26,000 × 14,627; 24.63 MB
Pluto and charon from new horizons.jpg 301 × 302; 20 KB
Pluto and Charon, photo by NASA.jpg 574 × 138; 4 KB
Pluto charon 150709 color final.png 1,024 × 768; 28 KB
Pluto, Earth size comparison.jpg 3,000 × 3,000; 5.06 MB
Pluto-Charon-v2-10-1-15.jpg 3,000 × 3,000; 1.15 MB
Pluto-System-June-29.png 399 × 386; 7 KB
PlutoandMoons.png 1,000 × 1,000; 1.07 MB
Pluto’s four small moons-ru.tiff 1,796 × 1,794; 536 KB
Pluto’s four small moons.tif 1,796 × 1,794; 12.3 MB
Portrait of Pluto and Charon.jpg 848 × 387; 36 KB
Smaller moons July9.jpg 520 × 260; 12 KB
Video - Pluto and its moon Charon orbiting each other - Nasa-s New Horizons (51712771431).webm 22 s, 1,028 × 1,024; 190 KB
명왕성의 위성들.png 1,000 × 1,000; 780 KB