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Category:iPhone 5

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English: iPhone 5

<nowiki>iPhone 5; IPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; İPhone 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; আইফোন ৫; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; आयफोन ५; iPhone 5; Ајфон 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; İPhone 5; ئایفۆن ٥; iPhone 5; آيفون 5; IPhone 5; IPhone 5; Iphone 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; Apple iPhone 5; iPhone 5; Iphone 5; آیفون ۵; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; आइफोन फाइभ; iPhone 5; Wayar iPhone 5; אייפון 5; IPhone 5; IPhone 5; IPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; ไอโฟน 5; iPhone 5; آئی فون 5; 아이폰 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; آیفون ۵; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; ഐഫോൺ 5; iPhone 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; ఐఫోన్ 5; iPhone 5; IPhone 5; iPhone 5; ਆਈਫੋਨ 5; teléfono inteligente de gama alta desarrollado por Apple Inc.; Az Apple Inc. által gyártott okostelefon.; Telefon pintar buatan Apple (2012–2013); Smartphone des US-amerikanischen Unternehmens Apple; смартфон; یک مدل گوشی از رده گوشی های آیفون; 蘋果公司開發的智慧型手機; smartphone dezvoltat de Apple Inc. și a șasea generație de iPhone; 蘋果公司開發的智能手機; טלפון חכם; 蘋果公司開發的智能手機; 苹果公司开发的智能手机; Applen valmistama kosketusnäytöllinen älypuhelin; touchscreen-based smartphone developed by Apple Inc.; паметен телефон на Apple Inc; smartphone prodotto da Apple Inc. nel 2012; smartphone d'Apple, sorti en 2012; pametni telefon tvrtke Apple iz 2012.; 苹果公司开发的智能手机; Smartphone produzido pela Apple; touchscreen-based smartphone developed by Apple Inc.; 苹果公司开发的智能手机; Смартфон от Apple; smartphone i prodhuar nga Apple Inc. në 2012; Appleのスマートフォン; smartphone da Apple; 苹果公司开发的智能手机; 蘋果公司開發的智能手機; smartfon; smarttelefon utviklet av Apple Inc. og sjette generasjon av iPhone; 蘋果公司開發的智慧型手機; telèfon intel·ligent de gamma alta desenvolupat per Apple Inc.; Akıllı Telefon; Apple의 6세대 스마트폰; смартфон; group of smartphone models produced by Apple Inc.; هو الجيل السادس من هواتف الايفون واول هاتف يدعم الجيل الرابعه4g; έξυπνο τηλέφωνο της Apple; шосте покоління смартфонів iPhone; IPhone5; I phone 5; IPhone 5; ایفون 5; آیفون 5; ایفون ۵; IPhone5; Apple iPhone 5; Iphone 5; IPhone 5; Iphone 5; آي فون ٥; آيفون ٥; ايفون ٥; ايفون 5; Iphone5; Iphone 5; 아이폰5</nowiki>
iPhone 5 
group of smartphone models produced by Apple Inc.
Upload media
Instance of
  • smartphone model series
Subclass of
Made from material
Operating system
  • 12 September 2012
Publication date
  • 21 September 2012
Discontinued date
  • 10 September 2013
Source of energy
Part of the series
  • 112 g
  • 58.6 mm
  • 123.8 mm
Followed by
Replaced by
Exif make
  • Apple
Exif model
  • iPhone 5
Category for pictures taken with this camera
official website
Authority file
Wikidata Q61504
GND ID: 1028468199
BabelNet ID: 02691033n
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Media in category "iPhone 5"

The following 72 files are in this category, out of 72 total.