Papers by Katarina Valcova

Slavica Slovaca
In the wake of increasing secularization and religious pluralism, the Slovak-Canadian community o... more In the wake of increasing secularization and religious pluralism, the Slovak-Canadian community offers a compelling case study on the role of religion and religious institutions in shaping immigrant identities and contributing to broader societal cohesion. Drawing upon an interdisciplinary array of scholarly works, historical documents, and statistical data, this paper aims to explore the multifaceted relationship between the Slovak diaspora in Canada and their religious affiliations. It delves into the historical background of Slovak immigration to Canada, the social and cultural impacts of religious practices, and the complex interactions between religious identity and modern secular Canadian society. Our approach reveals that religious institutions serve not merely as spiritual sanctuaries but also as vital agents in preserving cultural heritage, fostering social integration, and contributing to the moral fabric of Canadian society at large. Our findings suggest that religiosity among Slovak-Canadians serves as a microcosm that reflects broader themes in the dialogue between faith and multiculturalism in contemporary Canada.

Bogoslovska smotra
A significant part of the crisis of our contemporary European societies can be attributed to misp... more A significant part of the crisis of our contemporary European societies can be attributed to misplaced and abused religious zeal in various forms of religious fundamentalism, both domestically grown as well as imported and shared by the immigrants to Europe from third-world countries. To deal with this complex phenomenon in the European environment, it is necessary to conceive the analysis of the presented issue into a sociological scheme based on three premises: (1) diagnosis of migration processes in the context of growing population movements in Europe, (2) identification of determinants and factors that cause these movements, as well as (3) a proposal to solve the current situation in the spirit of social teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Our paper is an attempt to interpret and compare the opinions of selected experts on this sensitive issue and, with the help of their opinions, to present some guiding ideas on the path to possible solutions to the current situation. We be...
Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy, 2020
This paper presents and attempts to evaluate the understanding of John Paul II's anthropological ... more This paper presents and attempts to evaluate the understanding of John Paul II's anthropological concept of the human being by Slovak theologians and philosophers during his pontificate. It explores the broader context of the existence of human beings as a part of his theology and philosophy with practical application to Slovak society in the communist and post-communist eras. I will focus on describing the understanding of his two most important works for Slovak scholars and theologians at that time-Person and Act and Evangelium Vitae. The first one is explained and applied during the time of the socialist era in Czechoslovakia, and the second work was evaluated and applied shortly after the fall of communism, but still with the socialist agenda in the minds of people of that time.
Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy, 2020
This paper presents and attempts to evaluate the understanding of John Paul II's anthropological ... more This paper presents and attempts to evaluate the understanding of John Paul II's anthropological concept of the human being by Slovak theologians and philosophers during his pontificate. It explores the broader context of the existence of human beings as a part of his theology and philosophy with practical application to Slovak society in the communist and post-communist eras. I will focus on describing the understanding of his two most important works for Slovak scholars and theologians at that time-Person and Act and Evangelium Vitae. The first one is explained and applied during the time of the socialist era in Czechoslovakia, and the second work was evaluated and applied shortly after the fall of communism, but still with the socialist agenda in the minds of people of that time.

Soren Kierkegaard as a prolific riter, composing during his short life 35 intellectually captivat... more Soren Kierkegaard as a prolific riter, composing during his short life 35 intellectually captivating writings. In addition to his dissatisfaction with the state of religion and that of the established church in Denmark, his relationship to his father and his unfulfilled love to his fiance, Regina, gave impulses to his incisive critical reflection. Kierkegaard can be considered a misunderstood prophet of his time who focused his intellectual capacity on topics such as: theology and anthropology – where he emphasized the ‘otherness’ of God and the gravity of human sin, overcome only on the basis of God’s initiative as actualized in daily decisions and acts of following Christ; critique of the power of the press and the indifference of the people to manipulation; and criticism of formal Christianity and the status of the ‘State-Church’ common throughout Europe of his time. Kierkegaard can be considered as one of the forerunners of modern individualistic existentialism, though one with ...
Paidagogos - Journal of Education in Contexts, 2013
The role of the teacher is the most important one not only in the process of cognitive education ... more The role of the teacher is the most important one not only in the process of cognitive education but also in the process of personal formation of students. From this standpoint, a teacher is not only the one conveying the information but he/she serves as a personal example for the students, too. In this respect, a person who is deeply involved in religious matters bears clear signs of the religious beliefs and spiritual experiences in their everyday life, including the process of teaching. The organic connection between spirituality and religiosity serves as a healthy base for more effective approach to the students, inviting them, in a very sensitive and non-offensive way, first to consider the possibilities of their own life, and second, to grow and to mature in a very personal way.
![Research paper thumbnail of La Contribución de Søren Kierkegaard a la época actual [traducción]](
Soren Kierkegaard fue un escritor prolifico, que compuso durante su corta vida 35 escritos intele... more Soren Kierkegaard fue un escritor prolifico, que compuso durante su corta vida 35 escritos intelectualmente fascinantes. Ademas de su insatisfaccion por la situacion de la religion y la de la Iglesia establecida en Dinamarca, su relacion con su padre y su amor frustrado por su prometida, Regina, impulsaron su incisiva reflexion critica. Se puede considerar a Kierkegaard un profeta incomprendido en su tiempo que centro su capacidad intelectual en temas como la teologia y la antropologia, donde resalto la “otredad” de Dios y la gravedad del pecado humano, que se vence solo con base en la iniciativa de Dios materializada en las decisiones cotidianas y en los actos de seguimiento a Cristo; el analisis critico del poder de la prensa y la indiferencia de la gente a la manipulacion; y la critica de la cristiandad formal y el estatus del “EstadoIglesia” que era comun en toda la Europa de su tiempo. Se puede considerar a Kierkegaard como uno de los precursores del existencialismo individuali...
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013

With his focus on concrete existence of the single individual, Søren A. Kierkegaard greatly influ... more With his focus on concrete existence of the single individual, Søren A. Kierkegaard greatly influenced Western theological and philosophical thinking from the late 19 th century onward. When contemplating his theological legacy for the contemporary situation in Slovakia, four major phenomena should be taken into consideration: (1) post-totalitarianism; (2) the transition to a liberal capitalist economy; (3) mass-media culture and virtual reality; and (4) the State-Church situation in an increasingly secular society. In order to revive the traditional, state-funded Churches of our time and to strengthen the ethical fabric of our societies, one should not neglect the basic questions of theological anthropology and soteriology. Kierkegaard‘s ̳Sickness unto death‘ and ̳Practice in Christianity‘ may serve as good resource, providing that they are not interpreted in solely individualistic and anti-communal ways.
Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina, 2016
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD) is a new spiritual trend that is increasingly changing the rel... more Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD) is a new spiritual trend that is increasingly changing the religious landscape of in the Euro-American cultural provenience. Though appealing to the generation of 'emerging adults' (age 18-25), MTD results in undesirable life-outcomes that prompt religious scholars, theologians, and sociologists to carefully study its roots, expressions, and possible alternatives. Using S. Kierkegaard's religious existentialism as a case study, the authors argue that religious existentialism has the potential to face the detrimental effects of MTD and to reinvigorate stagnating religious communities.

En su reacción frente a la bien establecida e institucional Iglesia Luterana de Dinamarca, S0ren ... more En su reacción frente a la bien establecida e institucional Iglesia Luterana de Dinamarca, S0ren Kierkegaard trató de reformar e incluso de redefinir la esencia del cristianismo al enfocarse en el individuo como un yo responsable ante Dios. Si bien el intento de Kierkegaard por reintroducir el cristianismo auténtico como una posibilidad existencial para cada individuo en la sociedad europea moderna sigue siendo una voz profética muy necesaria hoy en día, su interpretación existencialista de la esencia de la fe que eleva los actos de decisión para seguir a Cristo radical e incondicionalmente también puede verse como :un énfasis unilateral carente de la complejidad necesaria para dar cuenta de lo que constituye a la fe y la piedad cristianas a nivel tanto de la experiencia individual como de la experiencia comunitaria. La fe de Kierkegaard, caracterizada por su radical individualismo "hacia adentro" y su existencialismo, requiere del enfoque comunitario del credo eclesiástico, de la reflexiónteológica ecuménica y del culto para no perder la historicidad y objetividad de sus principios trinitarios, cristológicos y soteriológicos.
The Arithmetic Teacher, 1967
The most advantageous organizational structure for elementary classrooms has been the subject of ... more The most advantageous organizational structure for elementary classrooms has been the subject of much discussion in educational literature. Departmentalization was common practice through the twenties and thirties, declined during the forties, and then returned in popularity. 1, 2 The departmentalized classroom organization provides a “teacher-specialist” for each of the subjects taught. In the self-contained classroom, one teacher instructs a class of children of a given grade in all the curricular areas. The advocates of departmentalization have emphasized the superiority in having a specialist teaching each subject, the implication being that greater learning would accrue.

Bogoslovni vestnik, 2019
This article analyzes the thought legacy of Samuel Štefan Osuský (1888-1975), a famous Slovak phi... more This article analyzes the thought legacy of Samuel Štefan Osuský (1888-1975), a famous Slovak philosopher and theologian, pertaining to his fight against totalitarianism and war. Having lived during arguably the most difficult period of (Czecho-)Slovak history, which included the two world wars, the emergence of independent Czechoslovakia in 1918, its fateful, forceful split by Nazi Germany in 1939, followed by its reestablishment after WWII in 1945, only to be afflicted again by a new kind of totalitarianism on the left, it is no surprise that Osuský aimed his philosophical and theological criticism especially at the two great human ideologies of the 20 th century-Fascism (including its German, racial version, Nazism, which he preferred to call »Hitlerism«), and Communism (above all in its historical shape of Stalinist Bolshevism). After exploring the human predicament in »boundary situations,« i.e. situations of ultimate anxiety, despair but also hope and trust, religious motives seemed to gain the upper hand, according to Osuský. As a »rational theist,« he attempted to draw from theology, philosophy and science as complementary sources of wisdom combining them in his struggle to find satisfying insights for larger questions of meaning. Osusky's ideas in his book War and Religion (1916) and article The Philosophy of Bolshevism, Fascism, and Hitlerism (1937) manifest the much-needed prophetic insight that has the potential to enlighten our own struggle against the creeping forces of totalitarianism, right and left that seek to engulf our societies today.
Xipe Totek Revista Trimestral Del Departamento Filosofia Y Humanidades Iteso, 2014

E-Theologos. Theological revue of Greek Catholic Theological Faculty, 2012
The Theology of the Worship Service according to Martin Luther Luther's theology of the worsh... more The Theology of the Worship Service according to Martin Luther Luther's theology of the worship service was, first of all, developed on the basis of the relationship to the conflict between theolatry and idolatry. The basic presupposition of all of Luther's theology is the question: Who is your God? Luther's theology of the worship service rests first of all on the correct understanding of God and His actions and also on the faith as the integral part of humanity which is naturally connected to the true worship of God. The understanding of the mass as good deed flows, according to Luther, from the human attempts to cleanse themselves in front of God and the sacrifice of mass is one of many attempts to influence God by offering the good deeds. This leads to the understanding of the mass as idolatry tainted by legalism.

XLinguae, 2020
The relationship between religion and science has been very diverse and dynamic in the thousands-... more The relationship between religion and science has been very diverse and dynamic in the thousands-year-long history of human thoughts, many times seen as the incompatible terms signifying very opposite realities. In European history, the era of so called or perceived "Dark-Middle-Ages" was dominated by, what is much later defined as the strong antagonism between them. It is true that in the name of religion, some books of ancient Greek and Renaissance philosophers were burned, and some scientists were trialed or even killed. It is therefore necessary to avoid the caricatures and present the more complex view on this matter. The situation in Europe has changed significantly in the 20th century, after the era of the 19th century Rationalism, which has started the process of understanding of the roots of the relationship between science and religion in a new way, offering thus an opportunity of a meaningful dialogue and cooperation rather than antagonism and strict opposition. In Western Europe today, many scientists and theologians are engaged in ongoing and productive dialogue about the relationship of faith and science. In the pre-colonial period, Vietnamese traditional culture was generally Confucian and Buddhist. Then the Confucian traditional education was replaced by the new national education system under the influence of certain Western model. While introducing Marxism, a lot of changes appeared in the relationship between religion and science in the country. Our study describes the relationship between religion and science in Europe and in Vietnam in the past and compares the present-time-situation both, in Europe and in Vietnam.

En su reacción frente a la bien establecida e institucional Iglesia Luterana de Dinamarca, S0ren ... more En su reacción frente a la bien establecida e institucional Iglesia Luterana de Dinamarca, S0ren Kierkegaard trató de reformar e incluso de redefinir la esencia del cristianismo al enfocarse en el individuo como un yo responsable ante Dios. Si bien el intento de Kierkegaard por reintroducir el cristianismo auténtico como una posibilidad existencial para cada individuo en la sociedad europea moderna sigue siendo una voz profética muy necesaria
hoy en día, su interpretación existencialista de la esencia de la fe que eleva los actos de decisión para seguir a Cristo radical e incondicionalmente también puede verse como :un énfasis unilateral carente de la complejidad necesaria para dar cuenta de lo que constituye a la fe y la piedad cristianas a nivel tanto de la experiencia individual como de la experiencia comunitaria.
La fe de Kierkegaard, caracterizada por su radical individualismo "hacia adentro" y su existencialismo, requiere del enfoque comunitario del credo eclesiástico, de la reflexiónteológica ecuménica y del culto para no perder
la historicidad y objetividad de sus principios trinitarios, cristológicos y soteriológicos.

Communications: Scientific Letters of Zilina University, 2014
Kierkegaard rejects the modern concept of objective knowledge and focuses instead on subjectivity... more Kierkegaard rejects the modern concept of objective knowledge and focuses instead on subjectivity, defined as ‘inwardness’ and ‘passion’ in determining what might be called ‘relevant’ or ‘existential’ truth. Truth should thus be understood as an objective uncertainty appropriated passionately by the inward reflective experience of love and faith of the self. Such ‘Kierkegaardian’ primacy of epistemology implies that one must first discover the truth about morality and life, in order to try to live out that truth. The proud pursuit of objectivity without a recognition of human limitations, and the dimension of subjectivity in the process, has proved to be a dead end that emits the stench of manipulation, loss of human dignity, and finally nihilism. Understanding the limits of reason will help us avoid the pitfall of ‘scientism’.
Papers by Katarina Valcova
hoy en día, su interpretación existencialista de la esencia de la fe que eleva los actos de decisión para seguir a Cristo radical e incondicionalmente también puede verse como :un énfasis unilateral carente de la complejidad necesaria para dar cuenta de lo que constituye a la fe y la piedad cristianas a nivel tanto de la experiencia individual como de la experiencia comunitaria.
La fe de Kierkegaard, caracterizada por su radical individualismo "hacia adentro" y su existencialismo, requiere del enfoque comunitario del credo eclesiástico, de la reflexiónteológica ecuménica y del culto para no perder
la historicidad y objetividad de sus principios trinitarios, cristológicos y soteriológicos.
hoy en día, su interpretación existencialista de la esencia de la fe que eleva los actos de decisión para seguir a Cristo radical e incondicionalmente también puede verse como :un énfasis unilateral carente de la complejidad necesaria para dar cuenta de lo que constituye a la fe y la piedad cristianas a nivel tanto de la experiencia individual como de la experiencia comunitaria.
La fe de Kierkegaard, caracterizada por su radical individualismo "hacia adentro" y su existencialismo, requiere del enfoque comunitario del credo eclesiástico, de la reflexiónteológica ecuménica y del culto para no perder
la historicidad y objetividad de sus principios trinitarios, cristológicos y soteriológicos.