Papers by Daniela Hrnčiarová
Byzantinoslavica, 2020
The Epistola ad Paschalem II papam is a diplomatic document written in the context of the expedit... more The Epistola ad Paschalem II papam is a diplomatic document written in the context of the expedition led by Bohemond of Antioch against the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos in 1107/1108. It is rightfully regarded as one of the most important testimonies to the increasing anti-Byzantine propaganda after the end of the First Crusade. This paper discusses the origins of the Epistola and suggests a revised date for its composition, then analyses the content of the letter and the reasons for which it was written.
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2017
Epistola ad paschalEm ii papam (diplomatický rozmEr protibyzantskEj politiky kniEžaťa bohEmunda z... more Epistola ad paschalEm ii papam (diplomatický rozmEr protibyzantskEj politiky kniEžaťa bohEmunda z antiochiE) 1 Epistola ad paschalem ii papam (the diplomatic contours of the anti-byzantine policy of prince bohemond of antioch) martin hurbanič-daniela hrnčiarová
Vojenská história 2021
The expedition of the First Crusade veteran and Prince of Antioch. Bohemond, against the Byzantin... more The expedition of the First Crusade veteran and Prince of Antioch. Bohemond, against the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I. Komnenos (1081 – 1108) in 1107/1108 is considered to be a peculiar epilogue of the early crusade movement initiated by the Pope Urban II at the council in Clermont, France, in 1095. At the same time, it represents another stage of the Byzantine-Norman wars, first taking place in southern Italy and after 1081 in the regions of Byzantine Epirus, Macedonia and Thessaly. In the first part of this study, authors focus on the historical background of the campaign of 1107/1108 and try to analyse its causes.
Vojenská história, 2021
The expedition of the veteran of the First Crusade and the Prince of Antioch, Bohemond, against t... more The expedition of the veteran of the First Crusade and the Prince of Antioch, Bohemond, against the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I. Komnenos (1081-1108) in 1107/1108 is considered to be a specific epilogue of the early crusade movement initiated by the Roman Pope Urban II at the council in Clermont, France, in 1095. At the same time, it represents another stage of the Byzantine-Norman wars, first taking place in southern Italy and after 1081 in the regions of Byzantine Epirus, Macedonia and Thessaly. In the second part of this study, the authors analyse the Bohemond's campaign of 1107/8 in detail and outline its results.
The Epistola ad Paschalem II papam is the only preserved letter written in the context of the exp... more The Epistola ad Paschalem II papam is the only preserved letter written in the context of the expedition led by prince Bohemond of Antioch against the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos. This document is rightly considered as the most important evidence of the increasing anti-Byzantine propaganda after the First Crusade. In the present paper, the authors focus on the textual tradition of this letter and the broader context and circumstances that lead to its emergence.
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters
Epistola ad paschalEm ii papam (diplomatický rozmEr protibyzantskEj politiky kniEžaťa bohEmunda z... more Epistola ad paschalEm ii papam (diplomatický rozmEr protibyzantskEj politiky kniEžaťa bohEmunda z antiochiE) 1 Epistola ad paschalem ii papam (the diplomatic contours of the anti-byzantine policy of prince bohemond of antioch) martin hurbanič-daniela hrnčiarová

Historica, Zborník FiF UK , 2015
In Hungarian kingdom, during the 18th century, we can trace files of sanctuary seekers in archive... more In Hungarian kingdom, during the 18th century, we can trace files of sanctuary seekers in archives of various institutions, not always the rightful or expected participants of procedure of right of asylum. On the other hand, the records of archive of Concilium Regium Locumtenentiale Hungaricum, especially its Protocolum generale, offer a unique source of information. The paper presents a case of women accused of adultery and murder of child, who escaped from prison and tried to find refuge in the Jesuits residence in Liptovský Mikuláš. Even though she asked for protection of the church, she was violently taken by the guard and put back to prison. The paper focuses on the communication between the archbishop of Esztergom and its consistorium, via Concilium locumtenentiale with the representation of County of Liptov, which were responsible for prisoner.

Historica. Zborník FiF UK, 2014
The church could offer protection to criminals or those accused of crime from persecution of secu... more The church could offer protection to criminals or those accused of crime from persecution of secular judicial authorities by granting them the right of asylum. The person representing the sanctuary was forced to communicate with both, the sanctuary seekers and the persecutors. In Hungarian kingdom, during the 18th century, there are lots of archive files concerning the sanctuary seekers; therefore we should be able to reconstruct the communication of all participants. But it is not as easy as it seems. There are letters of Charles VI. and his daughter Maria Teresa, who asked for information on particular cases, even if they were not supposed to be part of asylum procedure. The only responsible, according to papal orders, should be the head of the church province, the archbishop of Esztergom. But the files of sanctuary seekers kept in his archive lack any kind of useful system, which does not help to determine how the communication went. There are also other high offices both imperial in Vienna and those of Hungarian kingdom, which kept track about sanctuary seekers. The Council of War was usually contacted, because a very large number of sanctuary seekers had been deserters committing other felonies. The other one, with quite impressive records about sanctuary seekers, is the Concilium Locumtenentiale. It seems that everybody, outside the process of granting the right of asylum, asked the council for information in particular cases. That is why the records of archive of Concilium Locumtenentiale help considerably in recreation of communication of all participants of procedure of right of asylum.
Byzantinoslavica, 2020
The Epistola ad Paschalem II papam is a diplomatic document written in the context of the expedit... more The Epistola ad Paschalem II papam is a diplomatic document written in the context of the expedition led by Bohemond of Antioch against the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos in 1107/1108. It is rightfully regarded as one of the most important testimonies to the increasing anti-Byzantine propaganda after the end of the First Crusade. This paper discusses the origins of the Epistola and suggests a revised date for its composition, then analyses the content of the letter and the reasons for which it was written.
The present study focuses on the American constitutional history, particularly on the time when ... more The present study focuses on the American constitutional history, particularly on the time when the American colonies stumbled between a vague hope of reconciliation with Great Britain and an increasing urgency for the final break from the British Crown. The proclamation of independence was only the first step to national and state sovereignity. A special attention is therefore paid to the constitutional proceedings of the Continental Congress leading the thirteen independent formal British colonies to building the Union of United States of America and drafting the first constitutional charters.
Books by Daniela Hrnčiarová

Bežný život starých Rimanov, 2020
Staroveký Rím patrí k fascinujúcim obdobiam svetových dejín. Rímskemu dedičstvu sa pripisuje výni... more Staroveký Rím patrí k fascinujúcim obdobiam svetových dejín. Rímskemu dedičstvu sa pripisuje výnimočný význam. Bez antického Ríma by nebolo modernej Európy ani toho, čo Európania vytvorili na iných svetadieloch. Hranice Rímskej ríše sa v časoch najväčšej slávy tiahli od Perzského zálivu po Severné more, od horného Nílu po Dunaj a Rýn, od predhoria Kaukazu po pohorie Atlas. Dejiny Ríma však nepredstavujú len chronologický sled vojenských konfliktov a turbulentných politických zmien, ako sa to zvyčajne prezentuje na stránkach učebníc. Kolektív slovenských autorov z Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave a Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku sa v predloženej vysokoškolskej učebnici zameral na vybrané oblasti bežného života Rimanov. Svoju pozornosť venovali rodinnému životu, štruktúre obyvateľstva, bývaniu, rímskej kuchyni, sexuálnemu životu, vzdelávaniu, kúpeľom, ako aj ďalším zaujímavým témam rímskej každodennosti. Odborné poznatky sú zároveň vhodne doplnené citátmi priamo z pera klasických autorov.
Dlho očakávaná publikácia je druhým zväzkom originálneho kompendia európskych stredovekých dejín ... more Dlho očakávaná publikácia je druhým zväzkom originálneho kompendia európskych stredovekých dejín z pera historikov z Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Erudované texty dôkladne mapujú politicko-mocenské, ideové, kultúrne i náboženské súvislosti dejín starého kontinentu od polovice 11. storočia do druhej polovice 13. storočia. Dopĺňajú ich prehľadné zoznamy panovníkov a pápežov sledovaného obdobia.
Papers by Daniela Hrnčiarová
Books by Daniela Hrnčiarová