Papers by Angela Skovierova
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress eBooks, 2024
Juraj Bahil and his anti-smoking education in his didactic-reflective poem Elegia de pipa (1735)

Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, 2017
The complete library of the Slavic Institute in Bratislava (Knižnica Slovanského ústavu v Bratisl... more The complete library of the Slavic Institute in Bratislava (Knižnica Slovanského ústavu v Bratislave), which origins date back to 1827, is also unofficially known as "Štur's library" 1. Today the collection is placed in the University Library in Bratislava (Univerzitná knižnica v Bratislave) and it represents an important collection of both Czech and Slovak, but also other different Slavic literatures, including documents from the 16 th century until 1870s 2. The existence of this library collection is closely connected to the Department for Czechoslavic Language and Literature (Ústav reči a literatúry československej) 3 as a part of the Protestant-Evangelical lycée in Bratislava (Evanjelické lýceum v Bratislave). The department's activity was initiated by Juraj Palkovič 4 , born in Rimavská Baňa on December 12 th 1803 5. Palkovič was the originator and realizer of the idea of a department that would aim in deepening the knowledge of the Czechoslavic language (in the 19 th century that is Czech language), and cultivating relationships with Czech and Moravian scholars, but also exploring the culture and life of other Slavic nations. He also sought to improve the Slavic solidarity, and strengthen the awareness of national affiliation 6 , teaching at the department as a professor until 1850. Another important milestone involved in the development of the library was the formation of self-educational students association-The Czecho-Slavic Society (Spoločnosť česko-slovanská) 7 in Bratislava's Protestant-Evangelical lycée, founded in 1829 by the nationally oriented students Karol Štúr,
Roczniki Biblioteczne, Jun 23, 2023
Kalendář historický is one of the most fundamental works written by Daniel Adam of Veleslavín (15... more Kalendář historický is one of the most fundamental works written by Daniel Adam of Veleslavín (1546-1699), an important Czech writer and above all publisher. The copy with handwritten notes by Juraj Tesák Mošovský is today a very rare publication stored in the Library of the Museum in the Czech city of Písek, shelf mark III, 315.
Studia historica Nitriensia, Jun 30, 2017
Vox Patrum
Dominik Mokoš (1718–22.XII.1776) was a Franciscan monk and religious writer who also acted as pre... more Dominik Mokoš (1718–22.XII.1776) was a Franciscan monk and religious writer who also acted as preacher, vicar, teacher and chronicler in the second half of the 18th century in various regions of Slovakia (such as Nižná Šebastová, Stropkov, Kremnica, Pruské, Okoličné, Beckov) or as a missionary in various areas of Šariš, Spiš, Orava and Poland. He was one of the most prolific authors of homiletic literature in the second half of the 18th century in Slovakia. In his Marian, Christmas and lenten preaching, we can identify intertextual references to the Bible, patristic, medieval and humanist religious literature. This study focuses on how these sources were used by Mokoš to draft his sermons and how he applied their moral tidings to the particular situations that the believers in the 18th century were facing.

Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, 2021
At the turn of the 16th century for a variety of reasons related to the socio-political, educatio... more At the turn of the 16th century for a variety of reasons related to the socio-political, educational and religious situation in Hungary, relatively many natives from the area of today’s Slovakia lived and permanently worked in Bohemia and Moravia. These were mostly Protestant scholars, writing and publishing their work in Bohemia. Due to the authors’ origin, their works are also considered to be related to Slovakia. This paper illustrates the circumstances of Slovaks active in Bohemia and selectively presents the inspiration sources (the ancient times, the Bible, the Renaissance authors of the time…) that the scholars originally from today’s Slovakia used in their work, published largely in Bohemia or intended primarily for the Bohemian market and audience. It also reflects on societal, cultural, religious and philosophical trends of Humanism.

Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, 2018
Humanist poet Ondrej Rochotský (Andreas Rochotius) belongs to the relatively large group of Slova... more Humanist poet Ondrej Rochotský (Andreas Rochotius) belongs to the relatively large group of Slovak humanist writers who lived and worked outside Slovakia and their relationship to Slovakia is only reflected in their work. His literary work (two theatre plays, professional literature, reflexive poetry and amount of congratulations, condolences and other occasional verses) as well as relationships with others, especially Czech humanistic writers, are very rich. His relationship with the Czech nobleman Karel the Elder from Žerotín (Karel starší so Žerotína) is particularly significant. This is probably the time of Karel's stay in Wrocław in the years 1628-1633, when the Wrocław's University Library (WUL; Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu) received and have been storing convolute with a few printed works of O. Rochotský, with his handwritten dedication inside. The aim of the paper is to clarify literary activities of O. Rochotský, to analyse his personality at the background of the social, cultural and political context of the first three decades of the 17 th century and to discuss in brief Rochotský works found in the WUL.
Book Reviews by Angela Skovierova
Kazateľská tvorba, jej recepcia a stimuly. Zborník štúdií z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie (Bratislava 21. 11. – 22. 11. 2023), 2024
Zborník článkov k dejinám slovenskej kazateľskej spisby 19. storočia
Papers by Angela Skovierova
Book Reviews by Angela Skovierova