Papers by Alena Smieskova
Ars Aeterna
The paper discusses the idea of origin, and the cinematic representation as a means of expression... more The paper discusses the idea of origin, and the cinematic representation as a means of expression for specific cultural identity. Deriving its theoretical background from the understanding of cultural memory by Assman (1995, via Warburg, 1924 - 1929), and the concept of cultural identity as hybrid (Hall, 1998) the paper argues that the films Jánošík (1921), and Smoke Signals (1998) are examples of sovereign cinematic representations of respective cultural identities (Slovak, and Native American), and both construct cultural identity as hybrid, standing in between, or embracing multiple discourses. Through the depiction of their characters, and opening scenes the article examines the complexity of the film representations as they compromise or subvert existing stereotypes.
Assaig De Teatre Revista De L Associacio D Investigacio I Experimentacio Teatral, 2000

Ars Aeterna, 2016
The article discusses Nicolas Winding Refn’s film Only God Forgives (2013), and focuses on questi... more The article discusses Nicolas Winding Refn’s film Only God Forgives (2013), and focuses on questions of artistic representation and reception in relation to such cinematic elements as genre film, style, mise-en-scène, graphic violence and art experience. The arguments for the analyses are supported by John Dewey’s theory of art as experience where he claims that aesthetic experience is essentially infused with emotions that provide for a unifying quality cementing diverse constituent parts of the artwork. The article also takes into consideration Refn’s standpoint on the use of violence in art. While violence is a way of externalizing emotions, as Refn claims, it may not necessarily be the real experience viewers want to entertain; however, through an art experience, which is integral and complete as Dewey asserts, they are able to perceive and detect meanings that were “scattered and weakened in the material of other experiences”.
Pradivo času a imaginácia. "Ži naveky", povedal Rayovi Bradburymu, keď mal dvanásť rokov. kúzelní... more Pradivo času a imaginácia. "Ži naveky", povedal Rayovi Bradburymu, keď mal dvanásť rokov. kúzelník, a dotkol sa ho paličkou. Bradbury premenil magickú formulku na nesmrteľnosť spojenú s umením. "Prišlo mi to ako najlepší nápad, aký som dovtedy počul. Začal som písať, a nikdy som neprestal". Čitatelia jeho románov, poviedok, básní, prednášok, či literárnej kritiky sú mu za to vďační, pretože napriek storočiu, ktoré uplynulo od jeho narodenia, Bradburyho tvorba nestárne.
Žurnál - Pravda, 2019
The paper written on Hemingway's anniversary accentuates the importance of his short story writin... more The paper written on Hemingway's anniversary accentuates the importance of his short story writing and Paris experience.

Ars Aeterna Vol.8/ No.1, 2016
The article discusses Nicolas Winding Refn’s film Only God Forgives (2013), and focuses on questi... more The article discusses Nicolas Winding Refn’s film Only God Forgives (2013), and focuses on questions of artistic representation and reception in relation to such cinematic elements as genre film, style, mise-en-scène, graphic violence and art experience. The arguments for the analyses are supported by John Dewey’s theory of art as experience where he claims that aesthetic experience is essentially infused with emotions that provide for a unifying quality cementing diverse constituent parts of the artwork. The article also takes into consideration Refn’s standpoint on the use of violence in art. While violence is a way of externalizing emotions, as Refn claims, it may not necessarily be the real experience viewers want to entertain; however, through an art experience, which is integral and complete as Dewey asserts, they are able to perceive and detect meanings that were “scattered and weakened in the material of other experiences”.
The paper discusses the importance of education, family, and perserverance in the life of Emily B... more The paper discusses the importance of education, family, and perserverance in the life of Emily Bronte. The paper accentuates her story as women writer, and the role she played in the development of women consciousness.
The paper discusses the circumstances of publication of Lolita and also some important aspects of... more The paper discusses the circumstances of publication of Lolita and also some important aspects of the novel such as playfullness, irony, beauty, and time.
The focus of the paper is to look back at Philip Roth, writer and Philip Roth, human being, and a... more The focus of the paper is to look back at Philip Roth, writer and Philip Roth, human being, and asserts that in spite of irony and playfullness his fiction never lost the humanistic dimension.
Článok sa zaoberá tromi okruhmi problémov. Skúma význam a použitie slova „koloniálny“ v americkom... more Článok sa zaoberá tromi okruhmi problémov. Skúma význam a použitie slova „koloniálny“ v americkom kultúrnom prostredí a poukazuje na konkrétne historické príklady, ktoré umožňujú hodnotiť USA ako postkoloniálnu krajinu. Druhým okruhom problémov je vzťah postmoderny a postkolonializmu, na ktorý autorka poukazuje na základe teoretických tvrdení Lindy Hutcheonovej. Ako konkrétny príklad vzťahov, prepojení a posunov, autorka v záverečnej časti článku interpretuje román súčasného amerického spisovateľa Junota Díaza The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao ako postmoderný a postkoloniálny román.
City as a Vision. City as a Dream. New York.
The aim of the article is to interpret the iconic A... more City as a Vision. City as a Dream. New York.
The aim of the article is to interpret the iconic American metropolis New York as the expression of the multilayered character of American culture. The article is theoretically grounded in cultural geography and phenomenological architecture that understand city as a living organism where
natural geographical qualities of landscape and human cultural interventions overlap. The article focuses on the natural landscape phenomena such as character of a place, thing, order, light and time and examines what form they take in a specific cultural space and how they correspond with elementary attributes of American culture.
Literature and Culture, ed. Anton Pokrivcak et all, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Nitra, Slovakia, 2010
The article discusses "reinvented" contemporariness of American culture through the interpretativ... more The article discusses "reinvented" contemporariness of American culture through the interpretative examination of the dialogue between two most prominent voices of American literature, Paul Auster and Don DeLillo. During the analysis their works are scrutinized in relation to the examples from visual arts with the focus on the Self, body and urban space.
The paper deals with the analysis of the translation problems, which occured during the process o... more The paper deals with the analysis of the translation problems, which occured during the process of translation of American young adults novel Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver into Slovak language, published as Kým dopadnem, Enigma, 2011, translated by Agnes Smiešková.
The article discusses one of the most influential contemporary directors Alejandro González Iñárr... more The article discusses one of the most influential contemporary directors Alejandro González Iñárritu and his films from the perspective of the concept of eternity. It focuses on the interpretation and analysis of three of his films as thez offer the confrontation of the Self and time. The article presents the director as a director "without borders" and examines formal and conceptual qualities of three Iñárritu's films: Amorres Perrros (2000), 21 Grams (2003) and Biutiful (2010). It idscusses some specific filmic elements such as the employment of conceptual metaphors, inbetweenness of characters and principle of collage/ montage as a narrative technique.
This publication is the result of the project KEGA 3/6468/08 Teaching intercultural awareness thr... more This publication is the result of the project KEGA 3/6468/08 Teaching intercultural awareness through literature and cultural studies.
This publication is the result of the project KEGA 3/6468/08 Teaching intercultural awareness thr... more This publication is the result of the project KEGA 3/6468/08 Teaching intercultural awareness through literature and cultural studies.
The paper deals with American South, one of the most distinctive regions of the United States, an... more The paper deals with American South, one of the most distinctive regions of the United States, and its representation in popular culture. The first part briefly examines the history of the region and origins of Southern mythology and stereotypes, while in the second part
Papers by Alena Smieskova
The aim of the article is to interpret the iconic American metropolis New York as the expression of the multilayered character of American culture. The article is theoretically grounded in cultural geography and phenomenological architecture that understand city as a living organism where
natural geographical qualities of landscape and human cultural interventions overlap. The article focuses on the natural landscape phenomena such as character of a place, thing, order, light and time and examines what form they take in a specific cultural space and how they correspond with elementary attributes of American culture.
The aim of the article is to interpret the iconic American metropolis New York as the expression of the multilayered character of American culture. The article is theoretically grounded in cultural geography and phenomenological architecture that understand city as a living organism where
natural geographical qualities of landscape and human cultural interventions overlap. The article focuses on the natural landscape phenomena such as character of a place, thing, order, light and time and examines what form they take in a specific cultural space and how they correspond with elementary attributes of American culture.