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      Information SystemsSemantic Computing
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      Model CheckingComputer Aided Design
Hardware acceleration is a widely accepted solution for performance and energy efficient computation because it removes unnecessary hardware for general computation while delivering exceptional performance via specialized control paths... more
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Concurrent programming languages are growing in importance with the advent of multicore systems. Two major concerns in any concurrent program are data races and deadlocks. Each are potentially subtle bugs that can be caused by... more
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Locks are used to ensure exclusive access to shared memory locations. Unfortunately, lock operations are expensive, so much work has been done on optimizing their performance for common access patterns. One such pattern is found in... more
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The world needs special-purpose accelerators to meet future constraints on computation and power consumption. Choosing appropriate accelerator architectures is a key challenge. In this work, we present a pintool designed to help evaluate... more
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Most compilers focus on optimizing performance, often at the expense of memory, but efficient memory use can be just as important in constrained environments such as embedded systems. This paper presents a memory reduction technique for... more
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Embedded systems demand concurrency for supporting simultaneous actions in their environment and parallel hardware. Although most concurrent programming formalisms are prone to races and nondeterminism, some, such as our shim... more
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The advent of multicore processors has made concurrent programming models mandatory. However, most concurrent programming models come with two major pitfalls: non-determinism and deadlocks. By determinism, we mean the output behavior of... more
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Multicore shared-memory architectures are becoming prevalent but bring many programming challenges. Among the biggest is non-determinism: the output of the program does not depend merely on the input, but also on scheduling choices taken... more
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Describing parallel hardware and software is difficult, especially in an embedded setting. Five years ago, we started the shim project to address this challenge by developing a programming language for hardware/software systems. The... more
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The size of today's programs continues to grow, as does the number of bugs they contain. Testing alone is rarely able to flush out all bugs, and many lurk in difficult-to-test corner cases. An important alternative is static analysis, in... more
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This paper argues that repeatable timing is more important and more achievable than predictable timing. It describes microarchitecture approaches to pipelining and memory hierarchy that deliver repeatable timing and promise comparable or... more
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Concurrent programming languages are growing in importance with the advent of multi-core systems. However, concurrent programs suffer from problems, such as data races and deadlock, absent from sequential programs. Unfortunately,... more
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This paper argues that repeatable timing is more important and more achievable than predictable timing. It describes microarchitecture approaches to pipelining and memory hierarchy that deliver repeatable timing and promise comparable or... more
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Hard real-time systems use worst-case execution time (WCET) estimates to ensure that timing requirements are met. The typical approach for obtaining WCET estimates is to employ static program analysis methods. While these approaches... more
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Most compilers focus on optimizing performance, often at the expense of memory, but efficient memory use can be just as important in constrained environments such as embedded systems.
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Clocks are a mechanism for providing synchronization barriers in concurrent programming languages. They are usually implemented using primitive communication mechanisms and thus spare the programmer from reasoning about low-level... more
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We consider pipelined architectures of packet processors consisting of a sequence of simple packet-processing modules interconnected by first-in first-out buffers. We propose a new model for describing their function, an automated... more
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Parallel architectures are the way of the future, but are notoriously difficult to program. In addition to the low-level constructs they often present (e.g., locks, DMA, and non-sequential memory models), most parallel programming... more
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