Papers by Özgür Olgun ERDEN

Memleket Siyaset Yönetim
Bu çalışma, siyasal kültür ile demokrasi kavramını tartışır. Bu kavramların arasındaki ilişkilere... more Bu çalışma, siyasal kültür ile demokrasi kavramını tartışır. Bu kavramların arasındaki ilişkilere odaklanır ve bunun Türkiye’de temel bir demokrasi problemi oluşturup oluşturmadığını sorar Bunu yaparken, ilk olarak modernleşme, siyasal kültür ve demokrasi kavramları arasındaki bağları ele alır ve tartışır. Bu tartışmanın temel analiz nesnesi olan siyasete ve siyasal alana ilişkin algı ve tutumlarımızın temel çerçevesini oluşturan siyasal kültür kavramını açıklar ve kavramın demokrasi ve demokratik sistemle olan ilişkilerini irdeler. Siyasal kültürün demokrasi ve demokratik bir rejimin işleyişindeki rol ve etkilerinin altını çizer ve bunun muhtemel sonuçlarından bahseder. Siyasal kültür ve demokrasi kavramına ilişkin bu teorik-kavramsal tartışmalardan yola çıkarak Türkiye’deki siyasal kültür ve bu kültüre hâkim unsurları açıklamaya çalışır. Bunların tarihsel-sosyolojik köklerini, ekonomik temellerini ve geçmişten günümüze siyasal olarak nasıl deneyimlendiğini ve siyasal kültürümüzün ...

Middle East Policy, 2024
Right-wing politics has increased its potency around the world, especially in Turkey, which has e... more Right-wing politics has increased its potency around the world, especially in Turkey, which has experienced a two-decade reign of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP). One of the most important instruments the AKP has used to gain and maintain power is the discourse of resentment. This emotional language features an appeal to a populist sense of the nation's rising above dangers posed by the elite and the bureaucracy. This article examines Turkey's right-wing politics, showing how and why leaders have created and deployed the resentment discourse. Analyzing the historical-social context of this instrument of power will help us understand the rise of the right. Even though Erdoğan's party suffered a setback in the spring 2024 municipal elections, the politics of resentment is still effective and allows the party to extend its success in national contests.
Javnost-the Public, Jan 30, 2023
Politology of Religion, 2021
Mülkiye Dergisi, 2022
yönleriyle gerilimin bu sınıf temelini ele alır ve açıklamaya girişir. Bunu yaparken, belirtilen ... more yönleriyle gerilimin bu sınıf temelini ele alır ve açıklamaya girişir. Bunu yaparken, belirtilen sınıf karakterine temel oluşturan siyasal, ideolojik ve ekonomik yönlerin altını çizerek içerisinde bulunduğumuz post-neoliberal otoriter rejimlerin sınıf dinamiklerine bir çerçeve getirmeye çalışır.

International Journal of Political Theory, 2019
This article embarks on making a political analysis of Islamist politics by criticizing the hegem... more This article embarks on making a political analysis of Islamist politics by criticizing the hegemonic approach in the field and considering a number of the institutions or structures, composing of either state and its ideological-repressive apparatuses, political parties and actors, intellectual leadership and ideology, and political relations, events, or facts in political sphere. The aforesaid approach declares that the social and economic factors, namely class position, capital accumulation, market, education, and culture, have been far better significative for a political study in examining any political movement, party, and fact or event. However, our study will more stress on political structures, events and struggles or conflicts produced and reproduced by the political institutions, the relationships and the processes in question. Taking into account all these, it will be argued that they have been more significant as compared to class position, capital accumulation, market ...

This paper deals with the AKP’s religious-political propaganda in the 7 June and the 1 November e... more This paper deals with the AKP’s religious-political propaganda in the 7 June and the 1 November election processes. It forms a frame for this propaganda by focusing on some ideological-political formulations appearing in Turkish political history. It argues that these formulations are the product of two significant political interventions by the Turkish right-politics, including the 1960s and 1970s’ nationalist-conservative composition and the post-1980s’ Turkish-Islam synthesis. From a historical-political standpoint, it introduces how they have shaped and framed religion as an instrument of political propaganda. For this, the paper concentrates on the 7 June and 1 November elections hold in 2015 in Turkey, and discusses the AKP case to have put such propaganda into practice in the elections mentioned, by quoting the statements and views by the leading political actors of the party (AKP). It presents a historical-political framework, and tries to unveil the historical-political lin...

IAFOR Journal of Ethics, Religion & Philosophy, 2018
This paper fundamentally deals with J. G. Fichte's philosophical views, which reshapes intellectu... more This paper fundamentally deals with J. G. Fichte's philosophical views, which reshapes intellectual-philosophical bases of the post-Enlightenment era and makes a strong criticism of Kantian thinking. Philosophically, Fichte's philosophy, more representing a return to romanticism, will be debated on the basis of some concepts, among of which has been reason, science, tradition, religion, state, individual, and community. From his viewpoint, it will interrogate relationships among ego, morality and moral order. Based on these relationships, it will be tried to explain what man's moral nature is and how moral consciousness is conceptualized in Fichte' thought. The debates between these concepts will provides basis for a political theory framed by Fichte. Also, it will indicate how a political theory there was developed, outlined by Fichte for German nation over two basic concepts, moral nature and moral consciousness. Taking account of all these discussions, in conclusion it will argue that his political theory had more liberal-conservative implications, along with nationalist ones.
American Political Science Review, 1999

Religions, 2019
This study discusses two religious elements of culture emerging within various religiously conser... more This study discusses two religious elements of culture emerging within various religiously conservative groups in Turkey. The first is concerned with the building of a religious work ethic, framing work life with Islamic morals and norms. The second involves religiously oriented consumption patterns among these groups, which generate a faith-driven dimension of culture in capitalist consumer society. The study deals with how and why these two religious-cultural dimensions arose, and what forms they take in contemporary Turkey. These forms operate in the background of dress and fashion concerns of the aforesaid groups, influencing clothing styles and consumption patterns, as well as being linked to the capitalist-Islamic work ethic. The study demonstrates how consumption styles have changed in line with transformations in the class structure of the groups in question. It examines the extent to which, with the development of new religious ethic and consumption styles compatible with c...
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2020
Religions , 2019
This study discusses two religious elements of culture emerging within various religiously conser... more This study discusses two religious elements of culture emerging within various religiously conservative groups in Turkey. The first is concerned with the building of a religious work ethic, framing work life with Islamic morals and norms. The second involves religiously oriented consumption patterns among these groups, which generate a faith-driven dimension of culture in capitalist consumer society.... To continue, please click the link:
Turkish Model, Politics, Religion, Turkey

International Journal of Political Theory, 2018
This article embarks on making a political analysis of Islamist politics by criticizing the hegem... more This article embarks on making a political analysis of Islamist politics by criticizing the hegemonic approach in the field and considering a number of the institutions or structures, composing of either state and its ideological-repressive apparatuses, political parties and actors, intellectual leadership and ideology, and political relations, events, or facts in political sphere. The aforesaid approach declares that the social and economic factors, namely class position, capital accumulation, market, education, and culture, have been far better significative for apolitical study in examining any political movement, party, and fact or event. However, our study will more stress on political structures, events and struggles or conflicts produced and reproduced by the political institutions, the relationships and the processes in question. Taking into account all these, it will be argued that they have been more significant as compared to class position, capital accumulation, market in economic structure, or culture and education, in a political study.
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Journal of Ethics, Religion & Philosophy , 2018
This paper fundamentally deals with J. G. Fichte’s philosophical views, which reshapes intellectu... more This paper fundamentally deals with J. G. Fichte’s philosophical views, which reshapes intellectual-philosophical bases of the post-Enlightenment era and makes a strong criticism of Kantian thinking. Philosophically, Fichte’s philosophy, more representing a return to romanticism, will be debated on the basis of some concepts, among of which has been reason, science, tradition, religion, state, individual, and community. From his viewpoint, it will interrogate relationships among ego, morality and moral order.
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Islamist communities are among leading agencies of overwhelming socio-economic, cultural and poli... more Islamist communities are among leading agencies of overwhelming socio-economic, cultural and political changes more than other groups in Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BİH) as in all worlds. However, we would essentially study how and why political and economic relations between these two countries have developed by considering regional, historical and cultural legacy remaining from Ottoman Empire and emergence of Islamic capital in these countries. These relations are defined as dependent on many distinct factors that point out economically these groups’ new class positions, and ways of capital, culturally their religious and Islamic roots, their ways of consumptions and lifestyle, and politically their political tendencies, and the changing choices of political party. At bottom, the fundamental changes that we are concerned about are economic and political ones in case of BİH and of Turkey. What is meant by economic change is Islamic-based ways of capital in both country and new middle classes in Turkey, creating and maximizing these ways of Islamic capital. By political change, we would mention from the coming of JDP, being an Islamist political party, to power in 2002 in Turkey. Adopting andhighlighting Islamist-conservative tendencies in domestic and foreign policies, JDP is an Islamist political party that claims to have differentiated from previous Islamist parties in Turkey and had no longer any ties with them. This party would also be one of political parties trying to develop economic, cultural and political relationships with BİH. In this study, we will attempt to analyze both emergence of Islamic capitals in BİH and Turkey and an Islamist political party (JDP), endeavoring to found close relations with BİH.

Temel problemimiz kadınla özdeş kılınan 'beden’dir. Herşeyden önce belirtilen özdeşlik, modern ka... more Temel problemimiz kadınla özdeş kılınan 'beden’dir. Herşeyden önce belirtilen özdeşlik, modern kartezyenci perspektifin ikili karşıtlıklarıyla sağlanır. Doğa/toplum, eril/dişi, içerisi/dışarısı, yerli/yabancı, sağlıklı/hasta …vb. karşıtlarının yanı sıra özellikle akıl/beden ikili karşıtlığı bu karşıtlıkların bir örneği olarak verilir. Bu durumda ilki, ikincisini ‘öteki’ kılar. Bu ikili karşıtlıkların temel özelliğidir. Bu noktada ‘öteki’, ilki tarafından dışlanan, aşağılanan, küçümsenen ve iğdiş edilendir. Bu yüzden ‘öteki’ güvenilmez ve anarşik olduğu için kontrol edilmeli ve tahakküm altına alınmalıdır. Bu bağlamda, kadın modern paradigmanın kabul edilemez olarak gördüğü ‘farklı olma’ biçimlerinden biridir. Kadın, farklı olduğu için eril bakış açısıyla şekillenmiş modern paradigmanın var olan düzenine bağımlı ve uyumlu kılınmalıdır. Kadın üzerinde hegemonya ve tahakküm inşa etmenin en önemli yollarından biri akıl ve beden arasında bu tür bir ilişki kurmaktır. Bu ilişki biçiminde, modern düşüncede akıl erkek cinsiyetiyle özdeşleştirilirken, ‘beden’ kadın cinsiyetiyle ilişkilendirilir. Modern düşünce erkek-egemen bir anlayış olması nedeniyle akıl, ‘beden’in karşına yerleştirilir. Buna göre, akıl mutlaklık, kararlılık, hakikat, kültür, düzen, iktidar ve aktif olma…vb. temsil edilir; ‘beden’ duygusal, irrasyonel, düzensiz, kararsız, zayıf ve pasif olma…vb şeklinde sembolize edilir. Bu temsil veya semboller, temel olarak, dilin ürünü olan kavram veya kategorilerdir. Bunlar dil, toplumsal cinsiyet ve yeniden üretim alanı açısından merkezi temalardır. Çünkü dil, toplumsal cinsiyet ve yeniden üretimin hegemonik bir alanını oluşturma süreci bu kavram ve/veya kategorilere bağlıdır. Sonuç olarak dil, toplumsal cinsiyet ve yeniden üretim birbirlerine yakından bağlantılıdır. Bu, ancak dilin ürünü olan kavram ve/veya kategoriler ile eril bakış açısıyla inşa edilen ‘beden’ ve akıl arasındaki ilişki ortaya çıkartılarak mümkündür. Sosyolojik bir yaklaşımla, toplumsal cinsiyetin dilin ürünleri ve ‘beden’le nasıl yeniden üretildiğini göstermeye çalışacağım.
Papers by Özgür Olgun ERDEN
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Ekonomi değişiyor ve iş daha da güvencesizleşiyor. Bu yeni koşullarda, radikaller nasıl örgütlenebilir?
Neoliberalizm, yeni bir kavram olmaktan çıktı. 1970’lerden bu yana kavramın “Sanayisizleşme” ile birlikte merkez ekonomiler yaşanan değişimleri tanımlamak için kullanıldığı herkesin bildiği bir şey. Ancak, yakın zamanlarda aktivistler bu türden bir sermaye rejiminin sınıf yapısı üzerine olası sonuçlarının ne olacağını üzerine düşünmeye başladı: ve onlara göre, bu bahsedilen durum özünde yeni ve farklı bir şey miydi? Sendikacılık ve reform stratejilerini geçersiz kılan güvencesizlik ve emeğin bölündüğü bu –yeni- koşullar, emek hareketi konusunda radikal perspektifleri değişime zorlar mıydı?
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Kapitalizmin en ağır kriziyle yüzleşen solun “‘stratejik kafa karışıklığı”nı göz ardı etmek bir hayli zor.[1] Bu süreçte, sosyal demokrasi, sosyal liberalizmin yolunda gitmeye devam ederken; aşırı sol da egemen sınıfın dağınıklığından yararlanmaya çalışıyor. Bir durgunluk dönemine giren radikal sol oluşumlarınsa iyimser bakmak gerekirse konumlarını koruma eğiliminde oldukları söylenebilir. ...... Devamı..
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The world today is to run through the process that the right-wing politics has increasingly risen, still coming to power, and moreover, paving the way for far-right politics and political ideologies. This workshop aims to bring together so many scholars, researchers from different disciplines, and opens a space for new ideas, discussions, and contributions to be introduced in right-politics studies.