Papers by Jose Lopez-Collado

Acta Zoológica …, 2009
2009. Pronóstico de la fluctuación poblacional del minador de la hoja de crisantemo Liriomyza hui... more 2009. Pronóstico de la fluctuación poblacional del minador de la hoja de crisantemo Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae), mediante modelos de series de tiempo. Acta Zool. Mex. (n. s.) 25(1): 21-32 RESUMEN. El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de modelar la fluctuación poblacional del minador de la hoja de crisantemo Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) a fin de encontrar modelos de predicción con el método de Box & Jenkins que pudieran representar y predecir la densidad de población del insecto en su estado de larva. Se trabajó en dos ciclos de cultivo con duración de cuatro meses cada uno obteniéndose dos poblaciones de insectos. El número de insectos se registró periódicamente cada dos días obteniendo 61 observaciones para cada ciclo de cultivo; por fecha de lectura se anotó el número de larvas vivas; teniendo así dos series de tiempo. Las primeras 55 observaciones de cada serie se analizaron para la obtención del modelo de acuerdo a la metodología de Box & Jenkins y las seis observaciones finales ayudaron a validar la capacidad de predicción del modelo encontrado. En el proceso de identificación del modelo para la representación de cada una de las series observadas se probaron transformaciones de éstas, siendo los ajustes más adecuados para la serie 1 la transformación con raíz cuadrada, y para la serie 2 la transformación de Box-Cox con potencia (0.387455). En ambas series las autocorrelaciones (FAC) denotaron estacionaridad y las autocorrelaciones parciales (FACP) se interrumpieron en la autocorrelación 1. El modelo estimado para 21 ISSN 0065-1737

A decision support system for preventive integrated pest management (IPM) and nonpoint source (NP... more A decision support system for preventive integrated pest management (IPM) and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control was designed, implemented and evaluated. The objective of the system was to generate plans at the farm level to satisfy economic and production goals while limiting risks of insect pest outbreaks, nitrate and pesticide leaching and runoff, and soil erosion. The system is composed of a constraint satisfaction planner (CROPS-LT), a modified version of CROPS (Stone, 1995), a farm-level resource management system (FLAME), an NPS module, which includes a weather generator, CLIGEN (Nicks et al. 1995), and an NPS distributedparameter model, ANSWERS (Bouraoui, 1994), databases, a database engine and utility programs. The performance of the system was analyzed and performance enhancing features were added to increase the planner's ability to find near-optimal plans within a limited planning time. Using heuristics to sort potential crop rotations based on profit generally ...

The preparation of effective neem-based bioinsecticides (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) requires th... more The preparation of effective neem-based bioinsecticides (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) requires the extraction and concentration of its active ingredients, given that they are not found in large quantities in a natural form. Simple cold press, methanolic cold press (methanolic), Soxhlet-hexane (hexanic) and aqueous (aqueous) neem extracts were compared with respect to the concentration of azadirachtin (AZA) and its insecticidal effectiveness against Aphis gossypii Glover, as well as possible toxic effects on Ixora coccinea L. The experimental design was completely randomized. An analysis of variance was made with the data and the means were compared with the Tukey test (p <= 0.05). Analyses of extracts by HPLC showed significantly different concentrations (2478, 565, 422 and 150 ppm) of AZA in the methanolic, hexanic, oily and aqueous extracts. The bioassay to determine the insecticidal effect and the phytotoxicity of the extracts consisted of exposing 10 nymphs of A. gossypii to ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Risk predictive model for damage caused by the spittlebug Aeneolamiapostica (Walker) Fennah (Hemiptera: Cercopidae)]](
Neotropical entomology
This paper evaluated the risk that Aenolamia postica (Walker) Fennah populations reach the econom... more This paper evaluated the risk that Aenolamia postica (Walker) Fennah populations reach the economic threshold in sugar cane fields in Veracruz, México. A risk deductive model was constructed to include the sequence of events leading to damaging populations, considered the top event or critical failure in the crop. Model events were identified and quantified, and model was validated on field conditions. The model components and their state values were identified as: temperature e" 28 degrees C, precipitation e" 45% during June and July, soil clay content e" 40%, infested adjoining fields, deficient weed control, wind dominance, crop phenology and variety, deficient chemical and biological control, and irrigation. Sensitivity analysis showed that the most important events triggering high densities of A. postica were high temperatures and precipitation, previous field infestation, nymph and weed presence. Event probability estimates were combined using Boolean algebra to...

Orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata) is a garden host plant of Diaphorina citri, the vector of the... more Orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata) is a garden host plant of Diaphorina citri, the vector of the pathogen that causes Huanglongbing, a lethal citrus disease. It is therefore important to know how vector populations fluctuate in urban areas over time, in order develop control and management strategies. Here, we studied the spatio-temporal dynamics of D. citri on M. paniculata in Cuitláhuac, Veracruz by placing yellow sticky traps on M. paniculata shrubs from February 2011 to January 2012, located on sidewalks or in house gardens across the urban area. Adult psyllid captures were used to create isodensity maps to show the spatial arrangement of insect populations and calculate some aggregation indices. D. citri was present on M. paniculata shrubs throughout the whole sampling period. The results indicated that the highest abundances occurred downtown and at the periphery during March and July. The spatial arrangement of D. citri was aggregated according to the Green index, mean crowd...

The preparation of effective neem-based bioinsecticides (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) requires th... more The preparation of effective neem-based bioinsecticides (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) requires the extraction and concentration of its active ingredients, given that they are not found in large quantities in a natural form. Simple cold press, methanolic cold press (methanolic), Soxhlet-hexane (hexanic) and aqueous (aqueous) neem extracts were compared with respect to the concentration of azadirachtin (AZA) and its insecticidal effectiveness against Aphis gossypii Glover, as well as possible toxic effects on Ixora coccinea L. The experimental design was completely randomized. An analysis of variance was made with the data and the means were compared with the Tukey test (p≤0.05). Analyses of extracts by HPLC showed significantly different concentrations (2478, 565, 422 and 150 ppm) of AZA in the methanolic, hexanic, oily and aqueous extracts. The bioassay to determine the insecticidal effect and the phytotoxicity of the extracts consisted of exposing 10 nymphs of A. gossypii to leaves...
In this chapter, three main pests of sugar cane in Mexico are reviewed: Stalk borers, Rodents and... more In this chapter, three main pests of sugar cane in Mexico are reviewed: Stalk borers, Rodents and Spittle bugs. Several control methods implemented in the past and reevaluated in the present are reviewed.
Papers by Jose Lopez-Collado