Papers by Gustavo Sandoval
Arkéopaticos. Textos sobre arqueología y patrimonio, 2014
Resumen: En este texto se presentará una perspectiva general de la evidencia de presencia zapotec... more Resumen: En este texto se presentará una perspectiva general de la evidencia de presencia zapoteca en los sitios teotihuacanos del área norte de Tula, se expondrán algunos datos del trabajo de campo del Salvamento arqueológico Planta Tratadora de Aguas Residuales, así como del análisis cerámico subsecuente.

Latin american antiquity, 2024
Este artículo analiza la arquitectura del período Clásico de Pahñú, un centro ceremonial en el no... more Este artículo analiza la arquitectura del período Clásico de Pahñú, un centro ceremonial en el noreste del valle del Mezquital, México. Esta arquitectura se distingue porque desarrolló un estilo local, integrando elementos de distintas tradiciones culturales. Por un lado, los conjuntos arquitectónicos de patio hundido siguen los estándares de la tradición del Bajío. Por otra parte, los edificios muestran rasgos de la arquitectura monumental teotihuacana y zapoteca. A partir de esta evidencia se concluye que Pahñú definió su identidad étnica estableciendo filiaciones políticas con las culturas del centro y el Bajío. Esta interpretación pone a prueba varias explicaciones previas que conciben el desarrollo regional durante el período Clásico como aculturación o resistencia a Teotihuacán. Asimismo, pone a prueba las interpretaciones que sostienen que la fusión cultural entre los grupos del centro y el Bajío comenzó hasta el Epiclásico. Finalmente, Pahñú es importante porque representa un pequeño centro político que mantuvo su liderazgo por unos seiscientos años, aprovechando su posición fronteriza entre el centro y el Bajío.

Journal of Field Archaeology, 2021
In recent decades, it has been frequently asserted that the standardization of recording methods ... more In recent decades, it has been frequently asserted that the standardization of recording methods for archaeological excavation has compromised the quality of site records because interpretative information is minimal, and it is difficult to assess its security due to the absence of a reflexive background. For many archaeologists, single-context recording is the perfect example of such problems in field recording. But this claim is controversial, as it is inconsistent with archaeological interpretative theory that states that field interpretation and data quality depend on various epistemic circumstances, such as the skill of fieldworkers, the background knowledge of a site, and the character of remains. By taking an example of a commercial excavation in London, this paper will show the extent to which standardization and other epistemic factors determine the process of field recording.
Norwegian Archaeological Review , 2020
This paper investigates the excavation diaries recorded under the principles of a reflexive metho... more This paper investigates the excavation diaries recorded under the principles of a reflexive method, as defined by Ian Hodder and his colleagues of the Çatalhöyük Research Project. The primary goal is to examine their content and assess their epistemic value for creating a more robust and better-contextualised archive. This study defines such epistemic value by considering the information types found in entries, the textual format of diaries, their relationship to the project’s research agenda and usefulness for writing up excavation reports. Ultimately, this analysis is useful for advancing an alternative approach for reflexive recording, which takes better account of previous criteria and is unrestricted to excavation diaries.

Arqueología, 2017
Resumen: El área norte de Tula presenta múltiples asentamientos del periodo Clásico, y entre los ... more Resumen: El área norte de Tula presenta múltiples asentamientos del periodo Clásico, y entre los más importantes destacan Chingú, El Tesoro y Acoculco. Un rasgo distintivo de estos sitios es la presencia de cerámica teotihuacana y zapoteca, tal como el Barrio zapoteca de Teotihuacán. Los trabajos previos han explorado algunos aspectos de la relación entre ambas culturas y la cronolo-gía de los sitios. Este trabajo revisa las explicaciones acerca de esos sitios y, al mismo tiempo, presenta un panorama general de las exploraciones de campo y el análisis de la colección de cerámica de San Antonio-Acoculco. Enfatiza en los materiales teotihuacanos para ubicar temporalmente la ocupación y abandono del sitio. Palabras clave: Tula, cerámica teotihuacana, cerámica zapoteca.
Abstract: Chingú, El Tesoro, and Acoculco are Classic period settlements in the area north of Tula. These settlements stand out due the presence of Teotihuacan and Zapotec pottery, likewise the Zapotec barrio at Teotihuacan. Prior studies have explored some aspects of the relationship of Zapotec and Teotihuacan culture and the chronologies of these sites. This article reviews explanations offered to date and presents a general overview of recent fieldwork and ceramics analysis from San Antonio-Acoculco. Emphasis is placed on teotihuacan pottery for understanding the occupation and abandonment of the site.
Ludus Vitalis, 2014
In this paper I will outline three forms of relating fractal geometry and archaeological research... more In this paper I will outline three forms of relating fractal geometry and archaeological research: 1) Describing spatial patterns in material culture; 2) describing material culture via fractal dimension and, 3) detecting past phenomena with fractal attributes. I will point some virtues and problematic issues concerning each of them. My main purpose is to show that using concepts or tools from fractal geometry does not imply the detection of com-
plex adaptive phenomena.
Dimension antropológica, 2011
A partir de la premisa sobre la cualidad simbólica del espacio y el tiempo prehispánico, se propo... more A partir de la premisa sobre la cualidad simbólica del espacio y el tiempo prehispánico, se propone una propiedad de autosemejanza desde el análisis de un conjunto de expresiones simbólicas mexicas, en específico, el concepto agua-tierra y la flecha temporal sustentada en un concepto ascendente-descendente. La autosemejanza resultará de la consistencia simbólica de diferentes escalas de observación, desde los mitos hasta el orden de un rito. Tiempo y espacio autosimilar implican una ideología no naturalista que influyó en el orden de los asentamientos humanos y la trayectoria histórica que estos desarrollaron.
Ludus Vitalis, 2010
This paper deals with the problem of knowledge as a human activity that embodies a set of differe... more This paper deals with the problem of knowledge as a human activity that embodies a set of different strategies to be solved. The current analysis focuses over a set of epistemic arguments about knowledge according to the modern science that began in the sixteenth century in Europe. In specific, scientific knowledge is explored as a fuzzy set, which it is establish its epistemic and methodological bounds. All of this under the central question: lineal scientific explanation is enough?
Conference papers by Gustavo Sandoval
New Frontiers in Archaeology Proceedings of the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference 2019, 2020
This paper presents the results of the analysis of excavation diaries from Çatalhöyük recorded un... more This paper presents the results of the analysis of excavation diaries from Çatalhöyük recorded under the principles of the reflexive method as defined by Ian Hodder and his colleagues. The main purpose of the analysis was examining the content of excavation diaries to evaluate how this contributes to improving the credibility of primary data. The investigation led to the identification of relevant and trivial information for such purpose. Overall, this study suggests that archaeologists should be aware of such distinctions for producing higher quality records.
Book chapters by Gustavo Sandoval
Antropologia Fractal, 2007
Theses by Gustavo Sandoval
Un espacio autosimilar. El altepetl, el centro ceremonial y la ofrenda, 2009
Comments and leaflets by Gustavo Sandoval
Interdisciplina, he escuchado el término, he estado en conferencias y discusiones que enérgicamen... more Interdisciplina, he escuchado el término, he estado en conferencias y discusiones que enérgicamente urgen a una práctica interdisciplinar donde se espera un paraíso de beneficios epistémicos. Me queda, sin embargo, la certeza de que no existe mucha claridad en qué es y cómo se practica.
Guía para la zona arqueológica del Pahñú, Tecozautla, Hidalgo.
Explicación de la visita para el ... more Guía para la zona arqueológica del Pahñú, Tecozautla, Hidalgo.
Explicación de la visita para el viajero
Papers by Gustavo Sandoval
Abstract: Chingú, El Tesoro, and Acoculco are Classic period settlements in the area north of Tula. These settlements stand out due the presence of Teotihuacan and Zapotec pottery, likewise the Zapotec barrio at Teotihuacan. Prior studies have explored some aspects of the relationship of Zapotec and Teotihuacan culture and the chronologies of these sites. This article reviews explanations offered to date and presents a general overview of recent fieldwork and ceramics analysis from San Antonio-Acoculco. Emphasis is placed on teotihuacan pottery for understanding the occupation and abandonment of the site.
plex adaptive phenomena.
Conference papers by Gustavo Sandoval
Book chapters by Gustavo Sandoval
Theses by Gustavo Sandoval
Comments and leaflets by Gustavo Sandoval
Explicación de la visita para el viajero
Abstract: Chingú, El Tesoro, and Acoculco are Classic period settlements in the area north of Tula. These settlements stand out due the presence of Teotihuacan and Zapotec pottery, likewise the Zapotec barrio at Teotihuacan. Prior studies have explored some aspects of the relationship of Zapotec and Teotihuacan culture and the chronologies of these sites. This article reviews explanations offered to date and presents a general overview of recent fieldwork and ceramics analysis from San Antonio-Acoculco. Emphasis is placed on teotihuacan pottery for understanding the occupation and abandonment of the site.
plex adaptive phenomena.
Explicación de la visita para el viajero