I wonder if these are an alternative to IndieBlocks or something else.
I remember reflecting upon Ton’s concern about Post Kinds lock in a
.Without the time and patience to develop my own fully fledged solution, I have instead taken to kind of living in both worlds by manually including the quote part of the respond property within my post. My reason for this is because I feel that this often adds context to the post, especially when displayed as a comment.
In addition to this, I have created my own buttons in the text editor to add ‘reply’ or ‘like’ to a link. I often use this as a means of displaying bookmarks etc in the comment section of a linked post, rather than displaying as a pingback. For example, this comment will display beneath my response to Ton’s original post.
Regarding Blocks and Classic, I am still live two worlds. I use blocks for my long post site and classic for this site, therefore I have not really dived into export tool.
. However, I probably should have a look. But to be honest, I think a part of me holds hope that David might one day or provide anFor now, I plod on.