Replied to How to Inject Data from Google Sheets Into a Google Slides Presentation | UpBuild (UpBuild)

Stop copying and pasting data from Google Sheets. Have it automatically injected into a Google Slides presentation with this Apps Script.

I always wondered about the possibility of automating the process of populating Slides using text from Sheets to create visual quotes, however I never quite ended up down that rabbit hole.

Using this script, I was able to create a start. I think that the things that I still wonder:

  • Insert an image from URL
  • Adjust the size of the text based on the length of the text in the spreadsheet
  • Replacing/updating the current slides in the deck

This is at least a start.

via Alan Levine

Bookmarked The Magic of Google Slides by Chris (

Google Slides is one of my favourite G Suite tools. Its versatility and ease of use offers lots of amazing visual possibilities for students to present their learning in creative and interesting ways.

Here are 10 tips for becoming a Google Slides wizardโ€ฆ

Chris Betcher provides a useful summary of the be๐Ÿ“‘nefits associated with using Google Slides.
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Whatโ€™s that you say? Present with captions in Google Slides (Google) To help your audience get more out of your presentation, you can now turn on automatic captions in Google Slides. Yet another reason to use Google Slides.

Replied to The Do’s and Don’ts of Google Slides – EdTechTeam (EdTechTeam)

A User Guide for students using Google Slides. Help your students get the most out of Google Slides as a powerful publishing and presentation tool. Easy to follow guide showcasing the features of Google Slides to promote top notch designs that help students thrive and be successful in their learning.

I have been noticing more and more that there has been a change of quality when it comes to adding images to slides. I was happy with my workflow in creating various graphics, but have found images added lately to be pixelated. Is this about the quality of the source image or Slides?