Bookmarked GitHub – timhutton/twitter-archive-parser: Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways (GitHub)

Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways – GitHub – timhutton/twitter-archive-parser: Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways

Although I am happy enough with my Twitter archive stored in Github via Martin Hawksey, Tim Hutton’s code to turn a Twitter archive into markdown is interesting.

“Matthias Ott “ in Converting Your Twitter Archive to Markdown · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer ()

Filed an Issue Post Kinds (Github)
David, I am having issues with the new version of Post Kinds. Although I am able to publish posts, I am finding that the content is disappearing from the screen in the editor for some posts once published:

A screensho

I am also finding that some links are being stripped from Response Properties when I publish. For example, I tried posting this issue from my site, but it kept removing the Github URL when I press ‘publish’.

Here are the error details provided by WordPress:

WordPress version 5.5.1
Current theme: Collect2016 (version 0.1)
Current plugin: Post Kinds (version 3.4.1)
PHP version 7.2.33


An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 255 of the file /home/readwrit/ Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function format() on string in /home/readwrit/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/readwrit/ divide_datetime(‘2020-09-17T10:1…’)
#1 /home/readwrit/ Kind_Metabox::kind_the_time(‘cite_published’, ‘Published/Relea…’, ‘2020-09-17T10:1…’, ‘published’)
#2 /home/readwrit/ require_once(‘/home/readwrit/...’)
#3 /home/readwrit/ require_once(‘/home/readwrit/...’)
#4 /home/readwrit/ load_template(‘/home/readwrit/…’)

Liked Tonejs/Tone.js (GitHub)

Tone.js is a Web Audio framework for creating interactive music in the browser. The architecture of Tone.js aims to be familiar to both musicians and audio programmers looking to create web-based audio applications. On the high-level, Tone offers common DAW (digital audio workstation) features like a global transport for scheduling events and prebuilt synths and effects. For signal-processing programmers (coming from languages like Max/MSP), Tone provides a wealth of high-performance building blocks to create your own synthesizers, effects, and complex control signals.

Liked dshanske/extra-links (GitHub)

Adds extra feed links to a page based on tags, taxonomy, and author. – dshanske/extra-links

As Chris Aldrich explains:

For individual posts, the Extra Feeds plugin will add code into the <header> of one’s page to provide feed readers that have built-in discovery mechanisms the ability to find the additional feeds provided by WordPress for all the tags, categories, and other custom taxonomies that appear on any given page.

Filed an Issue dshanske/wordpress-refback (GitHub)

Refbacks for WordPress. Contribute to dshanske/wordpress-refback development by creating an account on GitHub.

Just as it would be useful to filter comments by refbacks, it would be useful to be able to turn refbacks into ‘comments’ or replies as is possible with webmention mentions. At the moment all that is possible is to approve such mentions, such as posts in the IndieWeb Chat. However, it does not seem possible to turn these into comments and therefore display the full text.
Filed an Issue Consider storing citations as a custom post type, · Issue #226 · dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds (GitHub)

This would be a citation implementation similar to the old links manager, but hidden as all of the entries would be tied to posts

I assume that this relates to my question about easily extracting a summary of post data?
Filed an Issue (GitHub)

WordPress Plugin for Exporting Post Data as CSV. Contribute to cogdog/wp-posts2csv development by creating an account on GitHub.

I wonder about the addition of ‘Post Kinds‘ to the information downloaded. As this is probably a little niche, might be more of a fork.
Bookmarked GitHub Is Microsoft’s $7.5 Billion Undo Button (

GitHub represents a big Undo button for Microsoft, too. For many years, Microsoft officially hated open source software. The company was Steve Ballmer turning bright colors, sweating through his shirt, and screaming like a Visigoth. But after many years of ritual humiliation in the realms of search, mapping, and especially mobile, Microsoft apparently accepted that the 1990s were over. In came Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella, who not only likes poetry and has a kind of Obama-esque air of imperturbable capability, but who also has the luxury of reclining Smaug-like atop the MSFT cash hoard and buying such things as LinkedIn Corp. Microsoft knows it’s burned a lot of villages with its hot, hot breath, which leads to veiled apologies in press releases. “I’m not asking for your trust,” wrote Nat Friedman, the new CEO of GitHub who’s an open source leader and Microsoft developer, on a GitHub-hosted web page when the deal was announced, “but I’m committed to earning it.”

Paul Ford unpacks Microsoft’s purchase of Github. This includes an account of the history of both companies. Dave Winer shares a number of points to consider associated with the acquisition. Louis-Philippe Véronneau and Doug Belshaw suggest that it might be a good opportunity to move to other platforms, such as GitLab. I wonder what this might mean for Github in education? It is interesting to reread Ben Halpern’s predictions for Github from a few years ago. He thought it would be Google or Facebook, wrong. For those new to this world, read Jon Udell’s post from a few years ago.