Tag: Frank Meeuwsen
GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
I guess I will have to start playing.
Maybe 2021 will be the year in which we all easily become owners of our own domain and find and maintain our own network from that own domain. Indeed, exactly as is now possible on Twitter and other social media. Reclaim some ownership of our data, thanks to RSS’s underlying pipelines. I like that.
On July 30, 2000 at 9 minutes past 10 in the morning, I published my first blog post.
The platform has shifted from an open publication platform to a closed magazine with editors and curators. That is hard to swallow if you like the open web, but on the other hand I have to agree with Ben. It is great to pay for good stories and you will not be bombarded with advertisements. Unfortunately with trackers. Subsequently, the writers receive a payment for their work. Is it actually known how that allowance is structured?
The import option was not yet there. So I decided to make this myself. Now I am not a programmer, but for a hobby project like this I can do something. Fortunately, I have already taken a first step in reading OPML in the past, when I was working on a Pinboard project .
I could easily reuse that code. After a short read-in session in the way in which I can call the Aperture API, I now have a first, rough version . There is no categorization yet, no error handling, no validation by feed type (if needed) and it could be written a bit nicer. But it works!
Plugin for? Chris Aldrich had some thoughts. Would rather build it into my site somehow if I could.
Here is an ever-changing and never-complete list of blogs that I read frequently and podcasts that I try to listen to regularly …
I hope to save some history for future web archaeologists.
The list below is far from exhaustive and exclusive. That is the beauty at the same time. Nothing has to be done, everything is possible. Take advantage of this list and of course fill in the comments.
What if Swartz would have experienced in recent years? If he had seen how algorithmic news distribution provides polarization, how Facebook is co-responsible for the genocide in Myanmar, the scandals surrounding Cambridge Analytica, the political forces that play on the web. How would he react to that? How would he take action?