Replied to Een alternatief voor Post Kinds? by Frank Meeuwsen (

Unfortunately I’ve been struggling with the plugin for quite some time, something that struck me again when I reread my archive. At the end of December 2020 I already ran into the same problems that I still have. In May 2021 I once again expressed my frustration in a blog post , and luckily both Ton and Jan were kind enough to steer me towards possible solutions. I know that Ton is now busy (or ready?) to phase out Post Kinds. And this plugin from Jan also offers possibilities.

I am open to alternatives, especially that I would like the Post Kinds information to be included in the body of the post, but with 7000+ posts, I feel like it is even more of a challenge.
Replied to – Digging the Digital (Digging the Digital)

Great to see this script used in the wild for the first time John! And good to see it just works. Well, sort of. I’m glad you had the authorization

This seem so promising Frank and John. I have followed Drummer with intrigue, read Amit Gawande’s breakdown, but wondered where it fits with my current practices. I was intrigued by the connection with Micro Blogs. However, it was not until your post sharing the ability to connect with WordPress that I started to properly think about how I might use Drummer. I can imagine using it for ‘micro’ posts, but as you touch on, I am still unsure how this fits into with things like Post Kinds etc.

I guess I will have to start playing.

Replied to S02E49 – Waarom ik Facebook mijn mailadres niet geef by Frank Meeuwsen (

The Bulletin team is now clear : They are mainly there for independent writers, not for news brands. That they are serious about the plans can be read in the multi-year deals they make with writers. In contrast to Substack, which offers financial support for a maximum of one year and Revue has not yet made a statement about it.

You can set the clock to get Bulletin newsletters algorithmically ahead of the Facebook newsfeed. That is the right of the network, but it is the next step towards a lock-in on the platform of the largest publisher in the world. With the deepest pockets and the major influence on news, politics and society.

That’s why I didn’t subscribe to Gladwell’s newsletter. I’d rather look the cat out of the tree regarding Bulletin.

What I at least like about Substack is that I can (for now) subscribe via RSS, which means that I do not need to give my email address if I choose not to. Wonder if Bulletin will allow that?
Replied to OPEN S02E46 – De nieuwsbrief is verdoemd! by Frank Meeuwsen (

I agree with Jonas, the open rate is a good way to see who is still interested in your newsletter. You can use that data to keep your lists clean. That tool is now being taken away from the maker and it remains to be seen what effect this will have on issues such as spam and list hygiene. It’s good that Apple is taking these steps, the email industry is now on the move.

Hi Frank, I read your newsletter, although I am not sure how that counts in regards to analytics. I read your ‘newsletter’ via your blog. Not sure how this count comes through. I liked this piece from Mailpoet in regards to analytics and open rates. It will be interesting to see how this space unfolds. Personally speaking, I am lucky that I do not care too much about my click count – haven’t looked at my analytics for years – but if I did, I guess I would be concerned. I do appreciate the random comment 🙂
Replied to OPEN S02E22 – 2020 zat vol met notities en nieuwsbrieven by Frank Meeuwsen (

This newsletter has been moved a few times this year. I started at Revue, where I automatically posted the editions on my blog. I then used a few editions of Mailpoet as a WordPress plugin, to eventually land at Newsletter Glue. First as a betatester and now as a cheerleader. Newsletter Glue lets you write and send newsletters from your WordPress blog. In addition to a newsletter, it becomes a blog post and the edition is searchable on the web. It works really nicely and the developers are open to improvements.

I had not heard of Newsletter Glue. I currently use Buttondown.Email, however I have been looking at other options.
Liked OPEN S02E18 – Hoe gaat het met je BIMI? by Frank Meeuwsen (

Maybe 2021 will be the year in which we all easily become owners of our own domain and find and maintain our own network from that own domain. Indeed, exactly as is now possible on Twitter and other social media. Reclaim some ownership of our data, thanks to RSS’s underlying pipelines. I like that.

Liked Het Medium dilemma by Frank Meeuwsen, auteur op Digging the Digital (

The platform has shifted from an open publication platform to a closed magazine with editors and curators. That is hard to swallow if you like the open web, but on the other hand I have to agree with Ben. It is great to pay for good stories and you will not be bombarded with advertisements. Unfortunately with trackers. Subsequently, the writers receive a payment for their work. Is it actually known how that allowance is structured?

Replied to WordPress en Micropub by Frank Meeuwsen, auteur op Digging the Digital (

This is the third article in a series in which I want to explain how you can use the various IndieWeb plugins with a WordPress site. Such as being able to log in to other sites with your own domain name, respond to other sites with your own blog and post new articles with other applications.

In this article you will learn how you can publish with a plugin very easily from other places on your own site. This is done via Micropub.

Great introduction Frank. My only frustration with Micropub clients is that they never seem to marry with how I want to write/publish my posts. I sometimes wonder about the possibility of a build your own micropub client?
Liked IndieWebCamp Utrecht: Importeer OPML in je Aperture microsub server by Frank Meeuwsen (

The import option was not yet there. So I decided to make this myself. Now I am not a programmer, but for a hobby project like this I can do something. Fortunately, I have already taken a first step in reading OPML in the past, when I was working on a Pinboard project .

I could easily reuse that code. After a short read-in session in the way in which I can call the Aperture API, I now have a first, rough version . There is no categorization yet, no error handling, no validation by feed type (if needed) and it could be written a bit nicer. But it works!

Replied to Wat wil ik doen op IndieWebCamp Utrecht? by Frank Meeuwsen (

Create a random / fixed image for the twitter:image meta tag for short messages

I am interested in the Twitter:Image itch. I would assume that is what I use the All In One SEO
for? Chris Aldrich had some thoughts. Would rather build it into my site somehow if I could.
Replied to Inoreader is meer dan een RSS lezer by Frank Meeuwsen (

I have been using Inoreader for a few years but I did not know it was possible to receive newsletters in it. You can create a specific tag after which you will receive a unique address. With that address you can subscribe to all kinds of newsletters and receive them in your feed reader.

I too have used Inoreader for a while now. I love the ability to subscribe to feeds. However, I feel that there are so many features I have never considered. I am particularly interested in moving my podcast consumption there. At the moment I use Podcast Addict, but feel there is a lot of cruft.
Bookmarked 27 types of blog posts by Frank Meeuwsen (

The list below is far from exhaustive and exclusive. That is the beauty at the same time. Nothing has to be done, everything is possible. Take advantage of this list and of course fill in the comments.

This post from Frank Meeuwsen is a useful list of blogging ‘posts’ or ideas. It is interesting to read this against Edublogs ideas for educators and students. I still think that there is a level above defining the many faces of blogging.
Liked How would Aaron Swartz be an activist in these times? by Frank Meeuwsen (

What if Swartz would have experienced in recent years? If he had seen how algorithmic news distribution provides polarization, how Facebook is co-responsible for the genocide in Myanmar, the scandals surrounding Cambridge Analytica, the political forces that play on the web. How would he react to that? How would he take action?