๐Ÿ“‘ Introducing SIFT, a Four Moves Acronym

Bookmarked Introducing SIFT, a Four Moves Acronym (Hapgood)


Mike Caulfield continues with his development of the ‘Four Moves‘ associated with fake news and web literacy. He has introduced an acronym that can be used to remember the moves: SIFT.

  • (S)TOP
  • (I)nvestigate the Source
  • (F)ind better coverage
  • (T)race claims, quotes, and media back to the original context

Caulfield sums up this change as “Donโ€™t CRAAP, SIFT.”

2 responses on “๐Ÿ“‘ Introducing SIFT, a Four Moves Acronym”

  1. Dave Cormier provides a framework for learning on the internet. This is divided into four movements:

    Learning online
    Making within constraints

    I remember discussed the idea of digital literacy as a series of levels a few years ago. In more recent times, I have come to wonder if what matters is being informed and whatever that might mean for users. However, Doug Belshaw would probably argue that it is about an interaction of elements, rather than a linear progression.
    Other interesting posts on this topic include Ian Oโ€™Byrneโ€™s attack on the online disinformation war and Mike Caulfieldโ€™s four moves.

  2. In light of the Invasion of Ukraine, Abby Ohlheiser shares strategies for how to avoid sharing bad information. This includes Mike Caulfieldโ€™s SIFT method, as well as the suggestion that unless you actually know the language be mindful of sharing a particular hot-take.

    Before you share, ask yourself: Can you personally translate the language being spoken? Are you equipped to research and analyze videos and photos from sources youโ€™ve never encountered before? Although citizen journalism is often deeply valuable, it requires real skill and training to do well. Be realistic about what youโ€™re able to do, and why.

    In addition to this, Ohlheiser talks about the importance of being willing to clean up after yourself.

    Both Mitchell and Caulfield outlined similar best practices here: If you share bad information on Twitter, screenshot your mistake, post a correction by replying to or quote-tweeting the incorrect information, and then delete the tweet that contains the misinformation.


    It has been interesting to see the prevalence of information, such as the ability to follow the Russian convoy. However, it is the ease of sharing which I imagine can also have detrimental effects.

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