Replied to

Kate, what I don’t get about both responses is what they are trying to actually achieve? It certainly isn’t some sort of dialogue. I was also confused about poor Garry Lyon, I was pretty sure you were not the only one to make the same mistake and you apologised. I’m a little lost for words tbh
Replied to My Kidโ€™s Bedroom is Proof that Feedback > Grading. (THE TEMPERED RADICAL)

Regular Radical Readers know that the joy of my life is my ten year old daughter, Reece.ย  Sheโ€™s something else, thatโ€™s for sure. But check out her bedroom this morning: If you were to gโ€ฆ

Bill, your discussion of the classroom is a great way of encapsulating grades and the importance of feedback. It has me wondering about intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and where that all fits within the discussion.
Liked ABC Weekend Reads (

Life can be messy sometimes. I find itโ€™s particularly messy just after dinner when all the plates and cups are still onto table, the half-empty pots are on the stove, the laundry is waiting to be put away, the school bags are still on the floor, the front door is blocked by a mountain of shoes, the news is about to start and no-one can find the remote.

Bookmarked Lennon dropped a bombshell โ€” and the Beatles kept it secret for six months (ABC News)

When Paul McCartney phoned George Martin in early 1969 asking him to produce the album that would become Abbey Road, the producer was hesitant.

It is fascinating that fifty years on there is still ‘truths’ coming out about The Beatles and the Abbey Road recordings.
Bookmarked Are your words doing damage: how to talk to your teen and help stop cyber bullying (Parent Hub – Dolly's Dream)

The Dollyโ€™s Dream video made by 15-year-old Charlotte McLaverty has taken our understanding of the impact of cyber bullying out of our heads.

Another great piece from Dan Donahoo on cybersafety and the importance of environment.


Arvind Narayanan discusses three papers investigating the ways in which smart TVs watch the user, while the user is watching it.
Replied to Literature circles with a side of technology (a macgirl in a pc world)

Initially I was a little concerned that these spaces might increase my own workload but I now realise that these virtual classrooms arenโ€™t about me and donโ€™t really require me (other than as an occasional visitor) โ€“ the students are using them in interesting, purposeful and valid ways on their own.

Gill, I really liked your point about how providing students with an online space. This reminds me of Dave White’s discussion of ‘coalescent spaces‘ and the opportunities we provide students online.

Personally, my digital move with literature circles was to get students to complete their notes in a collaborative document. This was in a time before Google Classroom. It was a bit hit and miss. I think in hindsight that I really needed to work on the trust aspect to it all a bit more.

Replied to Inquiry focused professionalย learning by gregmiller68 (

Effective professional learning is collaborative, inquiry focused and aligned with immediate priority areas of the school.ย Over the course of this term, teachers at St Lukeโ€™s Catholic College have framed their professional learning in response to a driving question.
Initially,ย  a set ofย Draft I…

Love the lines of inquiry Greg. I am really intrigued by the challenge of ‘timetables’, especially in balancing the various systemic and contextual requirements.

I asked Peter Hutton at EC17 how Templestowe College managed personalised learning and timetables. His answer was to treat every class like a VCE block.

Having managed a timetable in a P-9, I felt that there were often elements that the junior classes had to adopt in order to fit in with the secondary constraints. Not sure how that aspect plays out within your school?

Replied to DoubleJ (

Paul Kelly, Tones and I and Dean Lewis are all hugely popular local artists who make this Saturday’s AFL Grand Final feel even more special than it already does.

The choice of OneRepublic for the NRL next weekend is embarrassing. They have mainstream appeal, but there’s no sense of pride in seeing a US band going through the motions on what will be just another stop on a lame promo tour.

The AFL has made some shocking calls in the past, but they’re improving in a post-Meatloaf world.

Dan, AFL have not always gone ‘local’. I think The Killer’s performance a few years ago nailed it.

The Killers too was clearly a part of a ‘promotional tour’, but they made it so much more. There single at the time The Man kind of fitted with football mantra of individual brilliance:

I’m the man
I’m the man
I got gas in the tank
I got money in the bank
I got news for you baby, you’re looking at the man
I got skin in the game
Headed to the hall of fame
I got news for you baby, you’re looking at the man

Although I think that there maybe a little bit of tongue in cheek to bravado of that song, but let’s just leave that aside.

They captured the Australian audience with a powerful rendition of Midnight Oil’s Forgotten Years:

The choice of this track to me was edgy. It had a political bent that worked. Something that felt authentic with some of The Killers’ other efforts.

Lastly, Brandon Flower’s nouse to allow Jack Riewoldt to sing Mr. Brightside was perfect:

For a moment, Riewoldt lived out many people’s dream to not only win a premiership, but belt out a rock classic on stage with the actual band. Even if the guy on the mixing desk was thrown a curve ball, I am not sure anyone really cared.

Replied to by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (

Goodbye #Melbourne! A short but sweet visit! I enjoyed your coffee and blue fairy penguins thoroughly.

Aaron, I enjoyed following your take on Melbourne while you visited. It is always interesting to see what stands out for others in a place that you come to take for granted.

Just wondering, where did you catch site of the penguins? Did you make it down to Philip Island or somehow see them at St. Kilda?

Liked range & inefficiency (

Diversity is the key to learning and creativity, and overall success in pretty well all fields of work. Successful professional networks allow for easy movement of individuals, porous departmental boundaries, and cross-disciplinary cooperation. Itโ€™s all about โ€˜range and inefficiencyโ€™.

Harold Jarche reflects on David Epstein’s book Range.