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      EducationAnthropology of EducationCitizenshipImmigration Status & Nationality
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    • Immigration and identity (Anthropology)
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    • Immigration and identity (Anthropology)
The pedagogical practice of intergroup dialogue seems to me a simultaneously important and difficult endeavour. Syracuse University offers a number of courses dealing in a variety of subjects or "social identities" from gender to... more
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The capabilities approach (CA) is celebrated as offering a framework for educational equality that is aimed at responding to existing social injustices. It is in the spirit of this corrective that CA promises to inform philosophical and... more
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A growing body of work in feminist philosophy of disability, in particular, and philosophy of cognitive disability, more generally, demonstrates the discursive constitution of norms of intelligence and cognitive ability in order to... more
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The growing field of feminist disability studies explores how human bodies are interpreted through cultural values and expectations surrounding physical and mental ability. This paper contributes to and expands upon this conversation by... more
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      Feminist Disability StudiesIntersections of race and disability
My disability is very visible, and therefore it is accompanied by many wonderful attitudes and assumptions about me: people wonder if I can love, have sex, compete philosophically, and succeed on my own. These assumptions I believe have... more
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"My disability is very visible, and therefore it is accompanied by many wonderful attitudes and assumptions about me: people wonder if I can love, have sex, compete philosophically, and succeed on my own. These assumptions I believe have... more
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Disability studies in education scholars have discussed the need to engage students, and certainly preservice teachers, in critical discussion of disability as a concept. To better understand what such critical discussion entails, Ashley... more
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      Disability StudiesPedagogyInclusive EducationDisability Studies in Education
The educational aims described by educational philosophers rarely embrace the full range of differences in intellectual ability, adaptive behavior, or communication that children exhibit. Because envisioned educational aims have... more
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      Disability StudiesPhilosophy of EducationInclusive EducationDisability Studies in Education
Intellectual disability may appear to many as a barrier to participation in or the production of educational research. Indeed, a common perception of individuals seen as having cognitive impairments, and especially those with minimal or... more
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      Disability StudiesPhilosophy of EducationDisability Studies in EducationIntellectual Disability
This article argues that there is incomplete acknowledgment of the historically racist and ableist meaning of merit in the promotion of higher education equity. Consequently, a masquerade of merit positions mechanisms of... more
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      Disability StudiesHigher EducationDisability Studies in EducationDisCrit Disability Critical Race Studies
This paper explores the productive aspects and tensions that arise in the design, planning, and implementation of what were once teacher preparation courses in education that the authors revised to focus on self- advocacy, disability... more
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      Disability StudiesDisability Studies in EducationInclusive Education (including higher education)Disability Identity
Young people labelled as significantly intellectually disabled are often denied full inclusion in classrooms, because they are positioned as diminished knowers. 1 Stereotypes of epistemic incompetence
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      Inclusive EducationDisability Studies in EducationIntellectual Disability
This paper criticizes mainstream philosophical justifications for paternalism in children's education, highlighting their exclusion of students labelled with intellectual disability. Most philosophical justifications of paternalism... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of EducationInclusive EducationDisability Studies in Education