Papers by Andrea Chiarello

The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the most ambitious project of post-soviet (re)integration to d... more The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the most ambitious project of post-soviet (re)integration to date, started work on 1st January 2015. Considered as Russia’s response to the EU’s Eastern Partnership, it has been largely ignored by Brussels notwithstanding President Putin’s call for region-to-region engagement. With the Ukraine crisis and the deteriorating relations with Moscow, some European leaders reconsidered Putin’s proposal. This thesis investigates what a region-to-region interaction would bring to the EU: to what extent could it facilitate a settlement of the Ukraine crisis? More broadly, under which conditions would it represent a long-term solution for a new European order?
Firstly, at this stage the EEU is far from being a credible international interlocutor. Secondly, Russia’s recent trade policy attitude casts doubt on its real commitment to international rules and liberalization, while geopolitical goals seem predominant. EU engagement with the EEU in Ukraine would mean, in the short term, legitimizing Russia’s vision of a ‘bipolar Europe’ divided in spheres of influence. In the long-term, prospects for inter-regional cooperation remain open and some opportunities are certainly present for both sides: however, the way to go is long and full of obstacles.
Il tema dell'accesso al credito è sempre più attuale, data la macrodiffusione dell'utilizzo di ta... more Il tema dell'accesso al credito è sempre più attuale, data la macrodiffusione dell'utilizzo di tale strumento per le azioni più diversificate, dall'acquisto di un'automobile o di una casa all'investimento produttivo in un'attività imprenditoriale. Il dibattito accademico e scientifico tra gli studiosi di diritti umani è strutturato e comprende diversi approcci: alla luce delle forti disuguaglianze esistenti nella possibilità di usufruire di questo bene, della necessità di trovare forme efficaci di lotta alla povertà e per fornire a chi lavora nel settore alcuni strumenti teorici utili per orientare strategie ed azioni, questo elaborato si propone di fornire un quadro sintetico della riflessione contemporanea intorno alla possibilità di concepire l'accesso al credito come un diritto umano fondamentale.
Papers by Andrea Chiarello
Firstly, at this stage the EEU is far from being a credible international interlocutor. Secondly, Russia’s recent trade policy attitude casts doubt on its real commitment to international rules and liberalization, while geopolitical goals seem predominant. EU engagement with the EEU in Ukraine would mean, in the short term, legitimizing Russia’s vision of a ‘bipolar Europe’ divided in spheres of influence. In the long-term, prospects for inter-regional cooperation remain open and some opportunities are certainly present for both sides: however, the way to go is long and full of obstacles.
Firstly, at this stage the EEU is far from being a credible international interlocutor. Secondly, Russia’s recent trade policy attitude casts doubt on its real commitment to international rules and liberalization, while geopolitical goals seem predominant. EU engagement with the EEU in Ukraine would mean, in the short term, legitimizing Russia’s vision of a ‘bipolar Europe’ divided in spheres of influence. In the long-term, prospects for inter-regional cooperation remain open and some opportunities are certainly present for both sides: however, the way to go is long and full of obstacles.