Rose Barboza
rose barboza was born in the outskirts of São Paulo in Brazil. Feminist militant and supporter of the social justice struggles, cooperates for longer than ten years with the political organization and the protagonism of the people who are ‘homeless’. Psychologist by profession and writer by obstinacy. Has poems and short stories published. Furthermore, she writes essays, articles and others, which are regularly published in the newspaper O Trecheiro: notícias do povo da rua in Brazil. Presently, attends a PhD in the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra in Portugal, working mainly, the relations between violence, affections and the epistemic ruptures provided by the feminist practices.
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Papers by Rose Barboza
Palavras-chave: Carolina Maria de Jesus; repertórios de resistência; desumanização; feminismos decoloniais; literatura negra.
Abstract: This paper offers a feminist decolonial reading of the work of Carolina Maria de Jesus. It examines her struggle for recognition through her work and her mode of critique of the forms of social inequality, structural racism, economic exploitation, and political oppression found within Brazilian society. Theoretical insights provided by Marxist, Black and Decolonial feminists help us to identify the repertoires of resistance deployed by this racialized and impoverished woman to fight successive onslaughts of dehumanization. We examine her struggle against attempts to discipline her black body, the servile work she performed during childhood, adolescence and early adulthood, and her relegation to a subordinate role even after her literary recognition and social ascension. In doing so, Carolina actively and courageously defied racist, classist and sexist impositions. Her work continues to inspire the struggles and renews the hope of epistemic communities worldwide.
Keywords: Carolina Maria de Jesus; repertoires of resistance; dehumanization; decolonial feminisms; black literature.
Necropolítica como reproducción de una cultura del privilegio: quién puede pagar se salva y quien no esta condenado. Necropolítica como retraimiento del Estado y de las políticas sociales en un escenario de empobrecimiento masivo; inseguridad, incertidumbre, precarización de la vida. Necropolitica para definir quién vive y quién muere en función del bolsillo de los ciudadanos.
Supresión de la solidaridad y de la humanidad en materia de políticas públicas. Necropolítica como expansión de políticas estructurales de empobrecimiento que generan fractura social y amenazan la paz social.
Texto publicado en: https://cronicon.net/wp/estado-desigualdades-y-necropolitica-en-tiempos-de-pandemia/?fbclid=IwAR2Ydoq2UTgj1HMXF-ND3mE9g_WV0ZElVhYZu2guVZcwRhVDbyceJSJcXII
ABSTRACT In this paper our aim is to deepen the discussion on discursive aspects of Rafael Braga's case, especially around the Campaign for Rafael Braga's Freedom. Taking Rancière's political philosophy alongside Kress and van Leeuwen's multimodality studies and the structural perspective of racism in Brazil, we look at the speeches of members of the Campaign for Rafael Braga's Freedom and other actors around the theme, and for multimodal artifacts produced in this context of collective mobilization. Without intending to carry out a critical
Palavras-chave: Carolina Maria de Jesus; repertórios de resistência; desumanização; feminismos decoloniais; literatura negra.
Abstract: This paper offers a feminist decolonial reading of the work of Carolina Maria de Jesus. It examines her struggle for recognition through her work and her mode of critique of the forms of social inequality, structural racism, economic exploitation, and political oppression found within Brazilian society. Theoretical insights provided by Marxist, Black and Decolonial feminists help us to identify the repertoires of resistance deployed by this racialized and impoverished woman to fight successive onslaughts of dehumanization. We examine her struggle against attempts to discipline her black body, the servile work she performed during childhood, adolescence and early adulthood, and her relegation to a subordinate role even after her literary recognition and social ascension. In doing so, Carolina actively and courageously defied racist, classist and sexist impositions. Her work continues to inspire the struggles and renews the hope of epistemic communities worldwide.
Keywords: Carolina Maria de Jesus; repertoires of resistance; dehumanization; decolonial feminisms; black literature.
Necropolítica como reproducción de una cultura del privilegio: quién puede pagar se salva y quien no esta condenado. Necropolítica como retraimiento del Estado y de las políticas sociales en un escenario de empobrecimiento masivo; inseguridad, incertidumbre, precarización de la vida. Necropolitica para definir quién vive y quién muere en función del bolsillo de los ciudadanos.
Supresión de la solidaridad y de la humanidad en materia de políticas públicas. Necropolítica como expansión de políticas estructurales de empobrecimiento que generan fractura social y amenazan la paz social.
Texto publicado en: https://cronicon.net/wp/estado-desigualdades-y-necropolitica-en-tiempos-de-pandemia/?fbclid=IwAR2Ydoq2UTgj1HMXF-ND3mE9g_WV0ZElVhYZu2guVZcwRhVDbyceJSJcXII
ABSTRACT In this paper our aim is to deepen the discussion on discursive aspects of Rafael Braga's case, especially around the Campaign for Rafael Braga's Freedom. Taking Rancière's political philosophy alongside Kress and van Leeuwen's multimodality studies and the structural perspective of racism in Brazil, we look at the speeches of members of the Campaign for Rafael Braga's Freedom and other actors around the theme, and for multimodal artifacts produced in this context of collective mobilization. Without intending to carry out a critical
Referência completa
SOUZA, L. C.; CAMPOS, F. O.; PRANDO, C.; SILVA, R. B.; RESENDE, V. A criminalização de Rafael Braga Vieira: notas sobre a seletividade racializada e a cidade revanchista. In: Viviane de Melo Resende; Rosimeire Barboza da Silva. (Org.). Diálogos sobre resistência: organização coletiva e produção do conhecimento engajado. 1ed.Campinas: Pontes, 2017, p. 31-58.
SILVA, Rosimeire Barboza da; COSTA, Alderon Pereira da. O canto de sereia: população em situação de rua e direitos humanos no Brasil. In: STEFANO, Daniela; MENDONÇA, Maria Luisa (Orgs.). Direitos Humanos no Brasil 2014: Relatório da Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos. São Paulo: Outras expressões, 2014, p. 151–156.
Liberdade de Rafael Braga, o Movimento Nacional da População em
Situação de Rua, o Proyecto Siete, o Coletivo Ceilândia e a Universidade de Brasília. O livro reúne seis capítulos que, juntos, permitem
uma reflexão sobre a organização coletiva na luta por mudança
social e a construção colaborativa do conhecimento engajado.