New detrital zircon age results from the Lusitanian Basin are integrated with published data for ... more New detrital zircon age results from the Lusitanian Basin are integrated with published data for the Mesozoic of west Iberia and eastern Canada (4959 concordant ages). Zircons in new samples are either mainly Devonian‐Permian, Cryogenian‐Ediacaran or reveal a combination of these two age populations, showing secondary to minor Mesoproterozoic‐Archean ages. Statistical tools applied to the compiled age data allow grouping the samples according to age signatures and explain main features of the age spectra. Age signatures are determined by the abundance of zircon: (1) recycled from terranes involved in Pangea amalgamation; (2) associated with Acadian‐Variscan crystalline rocks (~420–310 Ma), which becomes younger from the Laurentian to the Gondwanan sides of the orogen; (3) associated with post‐collisional events (~300–285 Ma) that affected different terranes and were exhumed in major structures controlling basin formation; and (4) resulting from Mesozoic magmatism (~145 Ma) with a stronger imprint in the west Atlantic margin.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The relatively complete and well preserved shell of a turtle, from the middle Cenomanian of Nazar... more The relatively complete and well preserved shell of a turtle, from the middle Cenomanian of Nazaré (Portugal), is studied here. It is recognized as a member of the crown group Pleurodira and, more specifically, the Bothremydidae. Pleurodira are one of the two lineages of modern turtles, their origin being in Gondwana. Pleurodira are very abundant in the uppermost Cretaceous record of Europe. However, this new finding is one of the few occurrences in the early Late Cretaceous of Laurasia. A single member of Bothremydidae had so far been identified in Portugal: the late Campanianearly Maastrichtian Rosasia soutoi. It is the only Cretaceous turtle that is endemic to that country both at specific and at generic levels, being exclusive of Portugal. The taxon from Nazaré is identified as Algorachelus peregrinus, this form is also present in the contemporaneous beds in Spain, and is the oldest member of Bothremydidae in Laurasia. Algorachelus peregrinus is confirmed here to be a coastal form, which facilitated its spread. The two oldest known bothremydids from Laurasia, the European A. peregrinus and the North American Paiutemys tibert, are compared for the first time. They are recognized as closely related taxa. This study provides new data allowing a more precisely characterization of the oldest so far known dispersal event of Pleurodira in Laurasia, which was performed by an African lineage of Bothremydidae that reached the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean at least in the middle Cenomanian, and the west region of that Ocean at least in the late Cenomanian.
Major changes occurred in Iberia during the Late Cretaceous. First, the cessation of the previous... more Major changes occurred in Iberia during the Late Cretaceous. First, the cessation of the previous rifting episode derived into generalized thermal subsidence in all basins, which in conjunction with warm climate and high sea-levels promoted the widest carbonate platforms ever in Iberia. Second, that post-rift interval was punctuated regionally by a series of tectonic episodes related to intraplate stresses which induced complex paleogeographic patterns, and locally by intense salt tectonics. And third, the onset of Africa-Iberia-Europe convergence, which started in Santonian times, determined the first Alpine contractional episodes in Iberia, which caused major changes in all sedimentary basins. The chapter reviews all those points in an integrated approach through the basins of Iberia.
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
The very rich linguistic heritage of the Iberian countries includes many common and popular names... more The very rich linguistic heritage of the Iberian countries includes many common and popular names, by which several elements of the Natural world are designated and noted by the common sense of the people. Among these are the Portuguese words referring to molluscs, almost always with ancient historical roots and linked to cultural habits and traditional activities. Even after the generalization of the Linnaean binomial nomenclature in scientific circles, its use persisted and are even present in museum collections and school manuals. This study presents a contribution for a vernacular vocabulary of common names, with popular roots, of Portuguese molluscs, based on bibliographical, oral and collection sources, as the result of decades of field and museum research. It is intended, therefore, to contribute to the memory of these names, partly known by oral transmission and, as such, subject to getting lost. The compilation reaches to 175 common names, which are related to mollusc speci...
Scleractinian corals of late Cenomanian to early Turonian age from the western border of the Iber... more Scleractinian corals of late Cenomanian to early Turonian age from the western border of the Iberian Peninsula are described for the first time. They derive from middle to inner shelf limestones of the mid Albian-Turonian West Portuguese Carbonate Platform, near the localities of Figueira da Foz, Leiria, and Nazaré, where a succession of fossil-rich beds with cephalopods, rudists, and other invertebrates allows an accurate biostratigraphic control from the basal upper Cenomanian to the upper lower Turonian. During this interval, facies are deeper and carbonate-rich, that are more favourable to the occurrence of hermatypic corals and which are absent in previous sequences of the platform. The studied corals belong to the superfamilies Actinastreoidea, Cladocoroidea, Cyclolitoidea, Madreporoidea, Phyllosmilioidea, and Poritoidea. With a total of 11 species, the number of taxa is comparatively low when compared with other Late Cretaceous faunas. The corals show relationships to Albian coral faunas from the SE Iberian Platform and the Quillan Basin (SW France), both of which are located in the Tethyan Realm. The faunal turnover in scleractinian corals at the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary is discussed. Scleractinian corals were rich in genera during the Cenomanian and reach about 110 co-existing genera at the base of the late Cenomanian. This number was reduced by 46 genera that became extinct at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, but were replaced rapidly after the boundary by 59 genera, of which six became extinct before the Coniacian. Sixty-six genera survived the C/T boundary, of which 11 became extinct before the middle Coniacian. This means that the Cenomanian richness in genera was almost restored in the Coniacian. Se describen por primera vez los corales escleractinidos del periodo Cenomaniense superior - inicio del Turoniense del margen occidental de la península Ibérica. Los ejemplares fueron obtenidos en secciones de la plataforma carbonática media e interna de edad Albiense-Turoniense del oeste de Portugal, próximas a las localidades de Figueira da Foz, Leiria, y Nazaré. Este registro también contiene una sucesión de capas ricas en otros fósiles como cefalópodos, rudistas y otros invertebrados que permiten un control preciso sobre la bioestratigrafía desde el Cenomaniense superior hasta el Turoniense superior. Durante este intervalo de tiempo, las facies son más profundas y ricas en carbonatos, siendo más favorable a la aparición de corales hermatípicos que estaban ausentes en el registro anterior de la plataforma. Los corales estudiados pertenecen a las superfamilias Actinastreoidea, Cladocoroidea, Cyclolitoidea, Madreporoidea, Phyllosmilioidea y Poritoidea. Aunque muestran un total de 11 especies, la cantidad de taxones es comparablemente baja en comparación con otras faunas del Cretácico Superior. Los corales muestran relaciones con otros corales del Albiense del margen sureste de la plataforma Ibérica, y con la cuenca de Quillan (SO de Francia), ambas zonas localizadas en el mar de la Tethys. Se discute el cambio de las faunas de escleractinidos en el límite Cenomaniense/Turoniense (C/T). durante el Cenomaniense orden Scleractinia era rico en géneros en la zona estudiada, llegando a alcanzar aproximadamente 100 géneros en la base del Cenomaniense superior. Esta cantidad se reduce hasta 46 géneros en el límite Cenomaniense/Turoniense, pero se recuperó nuevamente después de dicho límite hasta alcanzar los 59 géneros, de los cuales 6 se extinguieron durante el Turoniense. Sesenta y seis géneros sobrevivieron el límite C/T, de cuales 11 géneros se extinguieron antes del Coniaciense medio. Eso indica que la riqueza de génerosque había en el Cenomaniense fue casi restaurada en el Coniaciense.
Representatives of the crinoid genus Tiaracrinus are known from the Lochkovian to Eifelian (Early... more Representatives of the crinoid genus Tiaracrinus are known from the Lochkovian to Eifelian (Early-Middle Devonian) of several countries, in Europe and North Africa. In this work, we describe the first occurrence of this taxon in the Devonian period of Iberian Massif (Iberia). Here, we report three specimens (two from the São Pedro da Cova region within Valongo anticline in northwestern Portugal and one from the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain), which are described to the type species Tiaracrinus quadrifrons. These new fossil findings provide new knowledge about the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the genus Tiaracrinus and species T. quadrifrons. The cooccurrence of T. quadrifrons in the Devonian outcrops of Valongo anticline also more precisely constrains the Devonian formations in age (Emsian-Eifelian) in that Portuguese region. In the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental context, this species coexisted with other crinoid species and representatives of several other groups of marine benthic invertebrates in a shallow water coral reef environment, with oxygenated substrates and regular salinity levels (mixoeuhaline environment). In addition, the presence of fine sediments with ripples suggests a low velocity current enough to reorient concentrations of tentaculite shells.
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 2019
The family Cardilidae groups a small number of bivalve species from the superfamily Mactroidea, w... more The family Cardilidae groups a small number of bivalve species from the superfamily Mactroidea, which have been scarcely found and have a known stratigraphic range from the middle Eocene to the present day. From these stand out Cardilia michelottii Deshayes, 1844, as an extinct valid species only previously knew from the Italian Peninsula, where it has been recorded from the Miocene of Emilia-Romagna, the Pliocene of Tuscany and Piedmont, and the Pleistocene of Lazio. The first finding of this species outside the Italian ranges is here reported from a single, but well-preserved left valve collected from the lower Piacenzian molluscan assemblage of Vale de Freixo fossil site (Pombal, West Portugal), in the Pliocene Mondego Basin. This allows to extend the known biogeographic range of this thermophilic species to the Iberian Peninsula, and also to reduce the geographical gap between the Neogene to present-day West African and Mediterranean occurrences of this morphologically very dist...
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 2018
Resumo O menir de Padrão 1 constitui um dos monumentos mais representativos do núcleo megalítico ... more Resumo O menir de Padrão 1 constitui um dos monumentos mais representativos do núcleo megalítico de Sagres - Vila do Bispo, localizado no extremo sudoeste do Algarve (sul de Portugal). Nas intervenções arqueológicas de que foi alvo em 1984 e 1994, sob direção de Mário Varela Gomes, foi efetuada uma amostragem exaustiva de concentrações de restos esqueléticos de invertebrados marinhos presentes num contexto de ocupação do Neolítico antigo. Considerando a sua importância para o entendimento das estratégias de subsistência, economia alimentar e práticas culturais durante este intervalo marcante da Pré-história recente, procedeu-se ao seu estudo zooarqueológico. Contabilizou-se um número mínimo de 1496 indivíduos pertencentes a 25 espécies de moluscos bivalves e gastrópodes, três de crustáceos e uma de anelídeo poliqueta. A sua composição, abundância relativa e análise paleoecológica sugerem práticas locais de subsistência, ligadas à exploração oportunista de espécies comestíveis. A rec...
New detrital zircon age results from the Lusitanian Basin are integrated with published data for ... more New detrital zircon age results from the Lusitanian Basin are integrated with published data for the Mesozoic of west Iberia and eastern Canada (4959 concordant ages). Zircons in new samples are either mainly Devonian‐Permian, Cryogenian‐Ediacaran or reveal a combination of these two age populations, showing secondary to minor Mesoproterozoic‐Archean ages. Statistical tools applied to the compiled age data allow grouping the samples according to age signatures and explain main features of the age spectra. Age signatures are determined by the abundance of zircon: (1) recycled from terranes involved in Pangea amalgamation; (2) associated with Acadian‐Variscan crystalline rocks (~420–310 Ma), which becomes younger from the Laurentian to the Gondwanan sides of the orogen; (3) associated with post‐collisional events (~300–285 Ma) that affected different terranes and were exhumed in major structures controlling basin formation; and (4) resulting from Mesozoic magmatism (~145 Ma) with a stronger imprint in the west Atlantic margin.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The relatively complete and well preserved shell of a turtle, from the middle Cenomanian of Nazar... more The relatively complete and well preserved shell of a turtle, from the middle Cenomanian of Nazaré (Portugal), is studied here. It is recognized as a member of the crown group Pleurodira and, more specifically, the Bothremydidae. Pleurodira are one of the two lineages of modern turtles, their origin being in Gondwana. Pleurodira are very abundant in the uppermost Cretaceous record of Europe. However, this new finding is one of the few occurrences in the early Late Cretaceous of Laurasia. A single member of Bothremydidae had so far been identified in Portugal: the late Campanianearly Maastrichtian Rosasia soutoi. It is the only Cretaceous turtle that is endemic to that country both at specific and at generic levels, being exclusive of Portugal. The taxon from Nazaré is identified as Algorachelus peregrinus, this form is also present in the contemporaneous beds in Spain, and is the oldest member of Bothremydidae in Laurasia. Algorachelus peregrinus is confirmed here to be a coastal form, which facilitated its spread. The two oldest known bothremydids from Laurasia, the European A. peregrinus and the North American Paiutemys tibert, are compared for the first time. They are recognized as closely related taxa. This study provides new data allowing a more precisely characterization of the oldest so far known dispersal event of Pleurodira in Laurasia, which was performed by an African lineage of Bothremydidae that reached the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean at least in the middle Cenomanian, and the west region of that Ocean at least in the late Cenomanian.
Major changes occurred in Iberia during the Late Cretaceous. First, the cessation of the previous... more Major changes occurred in Iberia during the Late Cretaceous. First, the cessation of the previous rifting episode derived into generalized thermal subsidence in all basins, which in conjunction with warm climate and high sea-levels promoted the widest carbonate platforms ever in Iberia. Second, that post-rift interval was punctuated regionally by a series of tectonic episodes related to intraplate stresses which induced complex paleogeographic patterns, and locally by intense salt tectonics. And third, the onset of Africa-Iberia-Europe convergence, which started in Santonian times, determined the first Alpine contractional episodes in Iberia, which caused major changes in all sedimentary basins. The chapter reviews all those points in an integrated approach through the basins of Iberia.
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
The very rich linguistic heritage of the Iberian countries includes many common and popular names... more The very rich linguistic heritage of the Iberian countries includes many common and popular names, by which several elements of the Natural world are designated and noted by the common sense of the people. Among these are the Portuguese words referring to molluscs, almost always with ancient historical roots and linked to cultural habits and traditional activities. Even after the generalization of the Linnaean binomial nomenclature in scientific circles, its use persisted and are even present in museum collections and school manuals. This study presents a contribution for a vernacular vocabulary of common names, with popular roots, of Portuguese molluscs, based on bibliographical, oral and collection sources, as the result of decades of field and museum research. It is intended, therefore, to contribute to the memory of these names, partly known by oral transmission and, as such, subject to getting lost. The compilation reaches to 175 common names, which are related to mollusc speci...
Scleractinian corals of late Cenomanian to early Turonian age from the western border of the Iber... more Scleractinian corals of late Cenomanian to early Turonian age from the western border of the Iberian Peninsula are described for the first time. They derive from middle to inner shelf limestones of the mid Albian-Turonian West Portuguese Carbonate Platform, near the localities of Figueira da Foz, Leiria, and Nazaré, where a succession of fossil-rich beds with cephalopods, rudists, and other invertebrates allows an accurate biostratigraphic control from the basal upper Cenomanian to the upper lower Turonian. During this interval, facies are deeper and carbonate-rich, that are more favourable to the occurrence of hermatypic corals and which are absent in previous sequences of the platform. The studied corals belong to the superfamilies Actinastreoidea, Cladocoroidea, Cyclolitoidea, Madreporoidea, Phyllosmilioidea, and Poritoidea. With a total of 11 species, the number of taxa is comparatively low when compared with other Late Cretaceous faunas. The corals show relationships to Albian coral faunas from the SE Iberian Platform and the Quillan Basin (SW France), both of which are located in the Tethyan Realm. The faunal turnover in scleractinian corals at the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary is discussed. Scleractinian corals were rich in genera during the Cenomanian and reach about 110 co-existing genera at the base of the late Cenomanian. This number was reduced by 46 genera that became extinct at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, but were replaced rapidly after the boundary by 59 genera, of which six became extinct before the Coniacian. Sixty-six genera survived the C/T boundary, of which 11 became extinct before the middle Coniacian. This means that the Cenomanian richness in genera was almost restored in the Coniacian. Se describen por primera vez los corales escleractinidos del periodo Cenomaniense superior - inicio del Turoniense del margen occidental de la península Ibérica. Los ejemplares fueron obtenidos en secciones de la plataforma carbonática media e interna de edad Albiense-Turoniense del oeste de Portugal, próximas a las localidades de Figueira da Foz, Leiria, y Nazaré. Este registro también contiene una sucesión de capas ricas en otros fósiles como cefalópodos, rudistas y otros invertebrados que permiten un control preciso sobre la bioestratigrafía desde el Cenomaniense superior hasta el Turoniense superior. Durante este intervalo de tiempo, las facies son más profundas y ricas en carbonatos, siendo más favorable a la aparición de corales hermatípicos que estaban ausentes en el registro anterior de la plataforma. Los corales estudiados pertenecen a las superfamilias Actinastreoidea, Cladocoroidea, Cyclolitoidea, Madreporoidea, Phyllosmilioidea y Poritoidea. Aunque muestran un total de 11 especies, la cantidad de taxones es comparablemente baja en comparación con otras faunas del Cretácico Superior. Los corales muestran relaciones con otros corales del Albiense del margen sureste de la plataforma Ibérica, y con la cuenca de Quillan (SO de Francia), ambas zonas localizadas en el mar de la Tethys. Se discute el cambio de las faunas de escleractinidos en el límite Cenomaniense/Turoniense (C/T). durante el Cenomaniense orden Scleractinia era rico en géneros en la zona estudiada, llegando a alcanzar aproximadamente 100 géneros en la base del Cenomaniense superior. Esta cantidad se reduce hasta 46 géneros en el límite Cenomaniense/Turoniense, pero se recuperó nuevamente después de dicho límite hasta alcanzar los 59 géneros, de los cuales 6 se extinguieron durante el Turoniense. Sesenta y seis géneros sobrevivieron el límite C/T, de cuales 11 géneros se extinguieron antes del Coniaciense medio. Eso indica que la riqueza de génerosque había en el Cenomaniense fue casi restaurada en el Coniaciense.
Representatives of the crinoid genus Tiaracrinus are known from the Lochkovian to Eifelian (Early... more Representatives of the crinoid genus Tiaracrinus are known from the Lochkovian to Eifelian (Early-Middle Devonian) of several countries, in Europe and North Africa. In this work, we describe the first occurrence of this taxon in the Devonian period of Iberian Massif (Iberia). Here, we report three specimens (two from the São Pedro da Cova region within Valongo anticline in northwestern Portugal and one from the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain), which are described to the type species Tiaracrinus quadrifrons. These new fossil findings provide new knowledge about the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the genus Tiaracrinus and species T. quadrifrons. The cooccurrence of T. quadrifrons in the Devonian outcrops of Valongo anticline also more precisely constrains the Devonian formations in age (Emsian-Eifelian) in that Portuguese region. In the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental context, this species coexisted with other crinoid species and representatives of several other groups of marine benthic invertebrates in a shallow water coral reef environment, with oxygenated substrates and regular salinity levels (mixoeuhaline environment). In addition, the presence of fine sediments with ripples suggests a low velocity current enough to reorient concentrations of tentaculite shells.
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 2019
The family Cardilidae groups a small number of bivalve species from the superfamily Mactroidea, w... more The family Cardilidae groups a small number of bivalve species from the superfamily Mactroidea, which have been scarcely found and have a known stratigraphic range from the middle Eocene to the present day. From these stand out Cardilia michelottii Deshayes, 1844, as an extinct valid species only previously knew from the Italian Peninsula, where it has been recorded from the Miocene of Emilia-Romagna, the Pliocene of Tuscany and Piedmont, and the Pleistocene of Lazio. The first finding of this species outside the Italian ranges is here reported from a single, but well-preserved left valve collected from the lower Piacenzian molluscan assemblage of Vale de Freixo fossil site (Pombal, West Portugal), in the Pliocene Mondego Basin. This allows to extend the known biogeographic range of this thermophilic species to the Iberian Peninsula, and also to reduce the geographical gap between the Neogene to present-day West African and Mediterranean occurrences of this morphologically very dist...
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 2018
Resumo O menir de Padrão 1 constitui um dos monumentos mais representativos do núcleo megalítico ... more Resumo O menir de Padrão 1 constitui um dos monumentos mais representativos do núcleo megalítico de Sagres - Vila do Bispo, localizado no extremo sudoeste do Algarve (sul de Portugal). Nas intervenções arqueológicas de que foi alvo em 1984 e 1994, sob direção de Mário Varela Gomes, foi efetuada uma amostragem exaustiva de concentrações de restos esqueléticos de invertebrados marinhos presentes num contexto de ocupação do Neolítico antigo. Considerando a sua importância para o entendimento das estratégias de subsistência, economia alimentar e práticas culturais durante este intervalo marcante da Pré-história recente, procedeu-se ao seu estudo zooarqueológico. Contabilizou-se um número mínimo de 1496 indivíduos pertencentes a 25 espécies de moluscos bivalves e gastrópodes, três de crustáceos e uma de anelídeo poliqueta. A sua composição, abundância relativa e análise paleoecológica sugerem práticas locais de subsistência, ligadas à exploração oportunista de espécies comestíveis. A rec...
A Geomorfologia ocupa-se com o estudo da superfície da Terra, com os processos físicos e químicos... more A Geomorfologia ocupa-se com o estudo da superfície da Terra, com os processos físicos e químicos que atuam nas rochas das unidades mais superficiais da crusta e como estes processos variam no espaço e no tempo, criando formas de relevo distintas. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal estabelecer um conjunto de critérios que orientassem a seleção de exemplos notáveis pelas suas características geomorfológicas. A Geomorfologia começou por ser, entre outras, uma Ciência do campo, tendo, com o avanço da ciência e da tecnologia, recorrido às técnicas de deteção remota e às técnicas de modelação. A utilização dos computadores e de programas especializados de deteção remota e de criação de modelos, trouxeram avanços nos estudos de Geomorfologia e diminuíram o tempo necessário para o trabalho de campo. Contudo, este continua a ser fundamental. Assim, um dos critérios, assumido para a realização destes estudos, foi a existência de um conjunto de resultados de trabalhos de campo efetuados pelos autores, durante a sua formação ao longo da vida. Consideraram-se igualmente importantes resultados obtidos pela interpretação de dados de deteção remota e de cartografia. Outros critérios foram ainda: 1) caraterização sobre o registo dos processos da geodinâmica interna e externa; a resposta pelos tipos litológicos a estes processos; 3) localização e acesso; 4) existência de espaço adequado para efetuar trabalho de campo e/ou atividades de ensino e de aprendizagem e/ou atividades turísticas; 5) adequação aos programas de ensino; 6) interesse turístico; e 7) desenvolvimento local e/ou regional. Em alguns casos, foram considerados critérios históricos e de ordenamento (e.g. exemplos de Coimbra). Todos os exemplos apresentados (Serra da Estrela, Figueiró dos Vinhos, Coimbra, Rio Ceira, Serra da Leba) foram incluídos em estratégias e recursos para o ensino e aprendizagem, nos ensinos básico, secundário e superior e na formação inicial e ao longo da vida de professores.
Papers by Pedro Callapez