[ Publications | Chapters ] by Lia Gil Antunes
Género, Conhecimento, Resistências e Ação, 2023
When we study 20th-century History of Portuguese Architecture we notice the absence of women arch... more When we study 20th-century History of Portuguese Architecture we notice the absence of women architects, a reality replicated in the global history of the discipline. This work dialogues with some genealogical lines that can be useful in sketching a different way of making History, namely the History of Women Architects. We propose a situated methodology that expands sources, voices and narratives, drawing on contributions from feminist historiography in general, including their materialization in Art and Geography. The goal of this proposal is to contextually frame a feminist methodology for the History of Architecture in Portugal that considers plural existences and welcomes multiple ways of embodying and making architecture.

Modern Design: Social Commitment & Quality of Life, 2022
Urban dimension of social housing. Planning and quality of life NOELIA CERVERO SÁNCHEZ S24 On the... more Urban dimension of social housing. Planning and quality of life NOELIA CERVERO SÁNCHEZ S24 On the Modern Urban in Challenging Times DENIZ HASIRCI Valdagno, "Città Sociale" (1927-1937): urban design and quality of life from past society to future development VERDIANA PERON, GIORGIO DANESI Two modern monumentalities in Rio de Janeiro Central Area: distinct ways of designing within the historical city ANA M. G. ALBANO AMORA, RAFAEL BARCELLOS SANTOS Effectiveness in Adaptive Reuse of Modern Heritage Buildings FATEMEH HEDIEH ARFA, WIDO QUIST, BARBARA LUBELLI HIELKJE ZIJLSTRA Modern Times in West Anatolian Cities: Continuity Issues in Urban Planning ZEREN ÖNSEL ATALA, YILDIZ SALMAN #08 Landscapes and gardens S25 Landscaping and the relationship with nature in Spain in the 1930s Changes brought about by the influence of the Modern Movement ANA ROMÁN ESCOBAR Spanish Colonisation Villages in the Province of Granada (1939-1977). Agricultural Infrastructures Inserted in the Urban Fabric: Tobacco Drying Houses ANA ISABEL RODRÍGUEZ AGUILERA, LORETO CORISCO GONZÁLEZ Path to modernism. Winthuysen and Rigol's Spanish gardens in the 1930s JUAN JOSÉ TUSET-DAVÓ The Rincón de Goya garden. The first modern Spanish garden MIGUEL ÁNGEL RUANO HERNANSANZ The Introduction of Modern Landscaping in Madrid BENITO JIMÉNEZ ALCALÁ, EVA J. RODRÍGUEZ ROMERO S26 Modern Human Landscape ALBERTO SANZ HERNANDO Reuse Modern landscape: a pedagogical programme on co-creation of inclusive and innovative public spaces
Acção! V CIAG V Congresso Internacional Arquitectura e Género. Acção! Feminismos e a espacialização das resistências. Livro de Resumos, 2021
Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnol... more Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I. P.

MoMoWo Symposium 2018 / Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 2018
The feminist movement continues to reinvent itself and touches various spheres of life. Often it ... more The feminist movement continues to reinvent itself and touches various spheres of life. Often it is materialised in the creation of women’s associations, essential to sharing networks, sense of belonging and development of common objectives. By recognising women as a heterogeneous group and diversity as power, these collectives are means of empowerment and sorority. Such mobilisations are also present in architecture, in response to evident centuries of absences and decades of silence. Here women are equally periphery but asserting themselves as active subjects.
In Portugal, given the invisibility of women and the need for an own multifaceted space, Women in Architecture association was established in June 2017. It was created by the union of nine women from different areas within the architecture and the city. The aims of the collective are the reflection, research, communication, training and dissemination within the scope of gender equity in the various practices involved in architecture, city and territory.
Since the beginning, some actions were in process as well as the definition of the lines of action. On the one hand, the valorisation of women architects’ paths through the recovery of biographies and projects for the creation of future references. On the other hand, the construction of reflections and actions focused on the Portuguese territories inhabited by women, purposely on diverse territorial scales. In this sense, participatory processes with the diversity of women are essential, as a methodological tool and a site-specific work strategy, applied in different socio-urban conditions.
In 2017, the collective co-organised a debate with the candidates to the Lisbon City Council entitled “Women, girls and the city: the right to the public space in Lisbon” and a cycle of talks entitled “Women architects: Way(s) of (Re)Exist” (Lisbon, September 2017 - March 2018). Each session is dedicated to the theme of architecture and commented by invited women architects. The Women in Architecture association in Portugal aims to be a space that brings women’s –professional and users– concerns, needs, experiences and visions for architectural practices and discourses.
ArquitectAs: Redefiniendo la profesión | Women Architetcs: Redefining the Practice (1st International Symposium on Architecture and Gender, Seville 20-21.03.2014), 2015
Por varias razones, según el contexto histórico y social, las mujeres han sido excluidas de la hi... more Por varias razones, según el contexto histórico y social, las mujeres han sido excluidas de la historia (o tienen papeles secundarios) y las contribuciones de las mujeres permanecen subestimadas. La arquitectura ha apoyado su reconocimiento en la vida de los grandes maestros y sus obras, casi como faros históricos capaces de legitimar la casi totalidad de un discurso disciplinar. Algunas vertientes de la teoría de la arquitectura y diversos teóricos feministas han investigado las consecuencias de esta visión unilateral de la historia y cuáles son las alternativas.
[ Publication | Articles ] by Lia Gil Antunes

Frontiers. Sustainable Cities, 2024
The climate crisis disproportionately impacts women and girls all over the world. To understand w... more The climate crisis disproportionately impacts women and girls all over the world. To understand what the priorities in terms of policy are, an examination is conducted on the impacts taking place in South Asia (focusing on the countries of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan), an area of the globe that is highly vulnerable to climate change and is characterized by having strong patriarchal values. Gender stereotypes and roles in the region heighten women and girls' vulnerability to climate impacts, both in general and in situations of crisis resulting from extreme weather events. Deepening the understanding of the climate crisis' impact on gender in South Asia, a region at the frontline of these e ects, can assist in reaching a baseline understanding of the challenge from a global perspective. Methodologically, we reviewed an extensive body of literature, both specialty books and scientific articles, recent institutional reports as well as news or journalistic reports from reliable international press. In this research, the argument is made that today, climate action and urban development cannot be considered separately from women's rights. Extensive scientific data and research support the integration of a gender perspective in urban adaptation standard practices, and priorities in terms of policy to safeguard women and girls are identified accordingly. The allocation of half of climate funds, including those of loss and damage, directly to women or women-led organizations is identified as being particularly relevant. Bold and ambitious policymaking is urgently needed to build capacity to face the multiple crises unfolding.
CIDADES. Comunidades e Territórios, 2022
Com o apoio da editora da Universidade, didapress, esta coletânea foi pensada e escrita a diversa... more Com o apoio da editora da Universidade, didapress, esta coletânea foi pensada e escrita a diversas mãos e reúne artigos, conferências, vídeo-ensaios e workshops apresentados e desenvolvidos ao longo de três dias de trabalho.
ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, 2020
Luz Valente-Pereira (b. 1934, Lisbon) is a key figure of the 20 th century Portuguese History of ... more Luz Valente-Pereira (b. 1934, Lisbon) is a key figure of the 20 th century Portuguese History of Architecture, albeit a forgotten one. This research is a starting point for establishing a more solid biography of this pioneer who initiated the first decades of female participation in the architectural field in Portugal. After some professional experience in different contexts, she developed a stable research career at the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) with studies on various spatial scales. We have used different meth-odologies: bibliographical review, consultation of national archives, and an interview with her. Our proposal is not only to create female references but also to broaden the historical readings on women's participation in Portugal throughout the 20 th century.
IAPh-Italia , 2019
Women have always been compromised with the construction of better ways of inhabiting the world. ... more Women have always been compromised with the construction of better ways of inhabiting the world. Involved in struggles for pleasant neighborhoods and decent homes for everyone -and, ultimately, for planet earth's care. Women occupy private spaces since ever but also public and community spaces -although with different uses and permanence with respect to men. And they also draw and construct them.
![Research paper thumbnail of [PT] Mulheres, violência e território: experiências desde Portugal](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/57759079/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Revista Habitat y Sociedad, 2018
Urban spaces are, by excellence, places of coexistence, sharing and convergence of diverse realit... more Urban spaces are, by excellence, places of coexistence, sharing and convergence of diverse realities, which also generate inequalities in access to resources, services and the full enjoyment of social, economic and cultural rights —and the gender issue is transversal—. Feminist territorial strategies intervene in numerous questions that imply with the life of women's diversity, with special attention to security's perceptions and specific violence against women. The forms of intervention are adapted to the context of each place and each community , generating diverse and creative responses. Meth-odologically, it focuses on the bibliographic and docu-mental review, analysis of statistical data and participant observation of two case studies carried out in Portugal. "The Revolt of the Cloths", in 2016, and "Maps of Violence " , in 2017, both in Covilhã, born of horizontal and interdisciplinary feminist activism, organized in sessions of meetings, production and debate, participated mostly by women. These proposals are based on an individual and collective awareness of the reproduction of unbalanced relations of power and the perpetu-ation of forms of violence against women, proving that the systems of domination and subalternization are repeatedly subtle, hidden by traditions and invisible in the public space.
![Research paper thumbnail of [PT] A Arquitectura nunca mais será a mesma. Considerações sobre género e espaço(s)](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/54920834/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Urbana: Revista Eletrônica do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre a Cidade (Campinas), 2015
A arquitetura tem apoiado o seu reconhecimento na vida dos " grandes mestres " , como " faróis hi... more A arquitetura tem apoiado o seu reconhecimento na vida dos " grandes mestres " , como " faróis históricos " capazes de legitimar a quase totalidade de um discurso disciplinar – têm-se investigado quais as consequências desta visão unilateral da história e quais as alternativas possíveis. Procura-se explorar as formas como as mulheres vivenciam e ocupam o espaço, enquanto utilizadoras, e expor a problemática da construção da cidade e da arquitetura como uma prática maioritariamente masculina. Pensa-se também uma tentativa de reformulação da arquitetura, enquanto instituição, e da sua história, que visa incluir as perspetivas das arquitetas e desvendar o mainstream da disciplina.
Architecture has supported its recognition in the life of the " great masters " , as " historic lighthouses " able to legitimize almost of an entire disciplinary discourse. Some aspects of the theory of architecture and many feminist theorists have investigated the consequences of this sided view of history and what the possible alternatives. It seeks the ways women experience and occupy space, as users, and expose the problems of city building and architecture as a practice mostly male. There is an attempt to remodel the architecture as an institution and its history that seeks to include the perspectives of architects and unravel the mainstream of the discipline.
![Research paper thumbnail of [PT] Questões de Género em Arquitetura: Histórias(s), espaço(s) e experiências profissionais e arquitetónicas](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/54919534/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Revista ex aequo, 2016
Por diversas razões, que também dependem do contexto histórico e social em que ocorrem, em muitas... more Por diversas razões, que também dependem do contexto histórico e social em que ocorrem, em muitas situações as mulheres têm sido excluídas da história ou apresentam papéis secundários. A arquitetura tem apoiado o seu reconhecimento na vida dos grandes mestres e nas suas obras, como «faróis históricos» capazes de legitimar a quase totalidade de um discurso disciplinar. Posto isto, e uma vez desvendado este cenário masculinizado, inclui-se tanto uma breve história das arquitetas (a nível mundial) bem como o fenómeno da feminização do curso superior em questão. Relativamente à profissão, expõem-se quais as especificidades atuais desta, sobretudo em Portugal, tendo em conta o desemprego, a conciliação das esferas profissional-pessoal-familiar-social, o conceito de «carreira», as expectativas e a gestão do tempo no binómio trabalho-ócio, usando a revisão bibliográfica como metodologia de investigação.
[ Abstracts ] by Lia Gil Antunes
![Research paper thumbnail of [EN] Paths of resistance: the Association " Women in Architecture " in Portugal](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/55444530/thumbnails/1.jpg)
The feminist movement continues to reinvent itself and touches various spheres of life. Often it ... more The feminist movement continues to reinvent itself and touches various spheres of life. Often it is materialized in the creation of women's associations, essential to sharing networks, sense of belonging and development of common objectives. Recognizing women as an heterogeneous group and diversity as power, these collectives are means of empowerment and sorority. The alliance between women based on empathy, companionship and cooperation. Such mobilizations are also present in architecture, in response to evident centuries of absences and decades of silence. Here women are equally periphery but asserting themselves as active subjects. In Portugal, given the invisibility of women and the need of a multifaceted own space, the Association " Women in Architecture " was born in July 2017. It was created from the union of nine women from different areas within the architecture and the city. The aims of the collective are the reflection, research, communication, training and dissemination within the scope of gender equity in the various practices involved in architecture, city and territory. Since the beginning we put some action in process and we defined the lines of action. During the municipal elections in Portugal in October 2017, we co-organized a debate with the candidates to the Lisbon City Council: "Women, girls and the city: the right to the public space in Lisbon". We are organizing a cycle of talks entitled "Women architects: Way(s) of
MORE: Expanding architecture from a gender-based perspective - III International Conference on Gender and Architecture, 2017
European Social Science History Conference (Belfast, 4 - 7 April 2018), 2017
For more than seven decades the presence of female in Portuguese architecture exists and has bein... more For more than seven decades the presence of female in Portuguese architecture exists and has being forgotten by colleagues and academics. This process neglected female architects similarly to other countries, when women start to be a part of architecture world. Undoubtedly, history emerges in a specific context. Nowadays, it is fundamental to be critical with the mainstream act of (re)write history.
[ Master thesis ] by Lia Gil Antunes
[ Academic works ] by Lia Gil Antunes
Doutoramento em Arquitectura CoimbraStudio. Estudos avançados em arquitectura e cidade. 3º Ciclo de Estudos do Departamento de Arquitectura Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias Universidade de Coimbra, 2017
![Research paper thumbnail of [PT] Análise de um processo político e arquitectónico. Sevilha e o ícone Metrosol Parasol](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/54919870/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Doutoramento em Arquitectura CoimbraStudio. Estudos avançados em arquitectura e cidade. 3º Ciclo de Estudos do Departamento de Arquitectura Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias Universidade de Coimbra, 2017
O presente trabalho propõe uma reflexão crítica de um objecto arquitectónico de acordo com divers... more O presente trabalho propõe uma reflexão crítica de um objecto arquitectónico de acordo com diversos critérios de análise. Tendo por base a história da estrutura urbana e social de Sevilha, Espanha, pretende interpretar o edifício Metrosol Parasol do arquitecto Jürgen Mayer H., destacando a sua trajectória política e arquitectónica. Através da revisão bibliográfica e documental e da análise de desenhos e fotografias, objectiva-se a compreensão deste fenómeno urbano e seus significados numa cidade de média escala localizada no sul da Europa. A reflexão estrutura-se, em primeiro, numa breve contextualização geográfica do edifício na cidade, seguida de uma múltipla análise -tanto histórica, concursal, descritiva do objecto e do processo, como da aceitação pelas comunidades sevilhana e arquitectónica. O desenvolvimento da proposta ocupa-se de significados e de relações vários como local/global, tradição/inovação, ícone/monumento, originalidade cultural/franchising cultural e delirious/generic. No fim, a investigação resultará sempre na relação entre o objecto, o arquitecto (e outros projectos) e a cidade de Sevilha.
Doutoramento em Arquitectura CoimbraStudio. Estudos avançados em arquitectura e cidade. 3º Ciclo de Estudos do Departamento de Arquitectura Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias Universidade de Coimbra, 2017
![Research paper thumbnail of [PT] Sevilha: Polaridades e experiências sociais na cidade](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/54919758/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Doutoramento em Arquitectura CoimbraStudio. Estudos avançados em arquitectura e cidade. 3º Ciclo de Estudos do Departamento de Arquitectura Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias Universidade de Coimbra, 2017
Este trabalho pretende interpretar a história da estrutura urbana de Sevilha (Espanha) e sublinha... more Este trabalho pretende interpretar a história da estrutura urbana de Sevilha (Espanha) e sublinhar experiências urbanas e sociais de natureza diversa. Através da revisão bibliográfica e da análise de cartografia, desenhos e fotografias, objectiva-se a compreensão dos fenómenos urbanos e seus significados históricos de uma cidade de média escala localizada no sul da Europa. A reflexão estrutura-se, em primeiro, numa breve contextualização geográfica e na evolução histórica do desenho da cidade e da sua relação com conceitos como “palimpsesto” e “hipertexto”. Na sequência cronológica, realça-se a importância do rio Guadalquivir como protagonista das alterações urbanas sevilhanas. A segunda parte salienta as abordagens mais humanas à cidade, resultado das necessidades de diversas pequenas vontades, frequentemente de paulatina microescala. São as experiências cidadãs sevilhanas que vão construindo a sua versão de cidade e definindo a complexidade que se reconhece aos espaços urbanos em situações top-down, bottom-up e, acrescentaria, de autogestão.
[ Publications | Chapters ] by Lia Gil Antunes
In Portugal, given the invisibility of women and the need for an own multifaceted space, Women in Architecture association was established in June 2017. It was created by the union of nine women from different areas within the architecture and the city. The aims of the collective are the reflection, research, communication, training and dissemination within the scope of gender equity in the various practices involved in architecture, city and territory.
Since the beginning, some actions were in process as well as the definition of the lines of action. On the one hand, the valorisation of women architects’ paths through the recovery of biographies and projects for the creation of future references. On the other hand, the construction of reflections and actions focused on the Portuguese territories inhabited by women, purposely on diverse territorial scales. In this sense, participatory processes with the diversity of women are essential, as a methodological tool and a site-specific work strategy, applied in different socio-urban conditions.
In 2017, the collective co-organised a debate with the candidates to the Lisbon City Council entitled “Women, girls and the city: the right to the public space in Lisbon” and a cycle of talks entitled “Women architects: Way(s) of (Re)Exist” (Lisbon, September 2017 - March 2018). Each session is dedicated to the theme of architecture and commented by invited women architects. The Women in Architecture association in Portugal aims to be a space that brings women’s –professional and users– concerns, needs, experiences and visions for architectural practices and discourses.
[ Publication | Articles ] by Lia Gil Antunes
Architecture has supported its recognition in the life of the " great masters " , as " historic lighthouses " able to legitimize almost of an entire disciplinary discourse. Some aspects of the theory of architecture and many feminist theorists have investigated the consequences of this sided view of history and what the possible alternatives. It seeks the ways women experience and occupy space, as users, and expose the problems of city building and architecture as a practice mostly male. There is an attempt to remodel the architecture as an institution and its history that seeks to include the perspectives of architects and unravel the mainstream of the discipline.
[ Abstracts ] by Lia Gil Antunes
[ Master thesis ] by Lia Gil Antunes
[ Academic works ] by Lia Gil Antunes
In Portugal, given the invisibility of women and the need for an own multifaceted space, Women in Architecture association was established in June 2017. It was created by the union of nine women from different areas within the architecture and the city. The aims of the collective are the reflection, research, communication, training and dissemination within the scope of gender equity in the various practices involved in architecture, city and territory.
Since the beginning, some actions were in process as well as the definition of the lines of action. On the one hand, the valorisation of women architects’ paths through the recovery of biographies and projects for the creation of future references. On the other hand, the construction of reflections and actions focused on the Portuguese territories inhabited by women, purposely on diverse territorial scales. In this sense, participatory processes with the diversity of women are essential, as a methodological tool and a site-specific work strategy, applied in different socio-urban conditions.
In 2017, the collective co-organised a debate with the candidates to the Lisbon City Council entitled “Women, girls and the city: the right to the public space in Lisbon” and a cycle of talks entitled “Women architects: Way(s) of (Re)Exist” (Lisbon, September 2017 - March 2018). Each session is dedicated to the theme of architecture and commented by invited women architects. The Women in Architecture association in Portugal aims to be a space that brings women’s –professional and users– concerns, needs, experiences and visions for architectural practices and discourses.
Architecture has supported its recognition in the life of the " great masters " , as " historic lighthouses " able to legitimize almost of an entire disciplinary discourse. Some aspects of the theory of architecture and many feminist theorists have investigated the consequences of this sided view of history and what the possible alternatives. It seeks the ways women experience and occupy space, as users, and expose the problems of city building and architecture as a practice mostly male. There is an attempt to remodel the architecture as an institution and its history that seeks to include the perspectives of architects and unravel the mainstream of the discipline.
This work intends to interpret the urban structure of Seville (Spain) taking into account transformations generated by two large-scale events: the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929 and the Universal Exposition of 1992. Through the bibliographic review and the cartography, drawings and photographs analysis, the objective is to understand the phenomenon, the impact and the meanings that this type of events-as transformation tools-provoke in the urban agglomerations that received them. The reflection is structured in, first, a brief geographical and historical contextualization of urban evolution, then, on each of the aforementioned exhibitions, it is presented the process of design and decision making, the choice of the location of the exhibition spaces, the Guadalquivir river as protagonist of the sevillian urban changes, the architectural and urbanistic pieces and the importance of these events for the metropolitan and territorial development (infrastructures and communications). Despite the difficulties, mainly economic, during and after both exhibitions, Seville (re)emerged as a contemporary city capable of reclaiming its status as capital of southern Europe.
No interior do pensamento feminista sobre as cidades, mas também algumas importantes teóricos e teóricas da cidade, como Jane Jacobs (1961), têm vindo a reflectir sobre os obstáculos urbanos e as necessidades quotidianas que satisfaçam a diversidade da vida integral e digna. Privilegiam-se os cuidados, a sociabilidade, os intercâmbios e a criatividade como ferramentas fundamentais para a sobrevivência, para que a esfera urbana se traduza efectivamente na convivência, na autonomia, no emprego, no encontro, na proximidade e representatividade.
Quando estas perspectivas se aplicam a cidades como a Covilhã, assiste-se a uma dupla condicionante: por um lado, a questão de género, por outro, o desafio da periferia – tanto da região do interior e da pequena cidade em relação ao país como a da periferia dentro do próprio aglomerado urbano. Ou seja, tratamos, de certo modo, de uma periferia dentro da periferia. Na análise da realidade e da percepção do espaço urbano pelas mulheres, é fundamental estabelecer critérios que permitam repensar os conceitos e as ferramentas que usamos para desenhar o futuro das cidades, enquanto espaço comum da nossa vida quotidiana.
Neste sentido, questionamo-nos sobre estratégias que possam ser contextualizadas nesta realidade e produzir mudança. A, ainda, existência de escalas de proximidade – relevantes face a cidades de maior dimensão – permite, defendemos, uma maior capacidade de colocar à discussão e definir acções que coloquem enfoques de género na vida e na decisão da cidade. Acções com mulheres e raparigas, através de workshops que trabalhem a consciência dos quotidianos urbanos, são aqui colocados em igualdade de importância com a sensibilização para a implementação de políticas municipais com consciência de género.