Papers by Bonifacio Rodrigues

Media Wisata
Despite increased scientific attention to tourism and hospitality entrepreneurship themes, there ... more Despite increased scientific attention to tourism and hospitality entrepreneurship themes, there is still a general clearance of the inhabitants in relation to the hotels of their residence region, in terms of social frequency and lifestyle, caused by the fact that hotel strategies are designed only for their guests and very little for local residents. At a time when new tourism markets gain importance never felt before, this paper seeks to provide a new and in-depth understanding through a set of interviews conducted with 35 hotel professionals related to the frequency and type of consumption made by residents of the region in their hotels, as well as the entrepreneurial capacity that these companies have to get closer to local residents by creating innovative products or services more appropriate to this market segment needs, to integrate hotels more into the social lifestyle of locals residents.

La finalidad principal de esta tesis es llevar a cabo un estudio exploratorio que proporcione el ... more La finalidad principal de esta tesis es llevar a cabo un estudio exploratorio que proporcione el reconocimiento de una realidad poco o mal estudiado y posibilidades de definir hipotesis de comprension e investigacion futura. Llevamos a cabo un conjunto de reflexiones sobre este tema, tanto teoricas, como a traves del trabajo de campo, recogiendo opiniones potenciales. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar una investigacion centrada en cursos de grado en el turismo a nivel nacional, a fin de conocer su "carga" emprendedora. El objetivo principal que rige este trabajo es evaluar la propension a la iniciativa emprendedora en los cursos de grado en turismo en Portugal, basandonos en la interpretacion de los coordinadores y de los consumidores (estudiantes). Este objetivo general se desarrolla en la investigacion a traves de los siguientes objetivos especificos: - Identificar las opiniones y las acciones de los coordinadores de cursos de grado en turismo, sobre la import...

At the twenty-first century tourism has earned the status of the biggest economic activity in the... more At the twenty-first century tourism has earned the status of the biggest economic activity in the world. The environment is taking a central role in tourism development, making investors in the sector to give priority to preservation of natural heritage. Apart from an economically powerful business tourism is also an important factor for sustainable development because it has the power to improve the environment, provide funds for its conservation and protection and defend the culture and history. However, without an appropriate planning can also have a contrary action. The future will require a mix of economic and the environmental aspects and profitability depends of the harmony between the two components. This article contributes to the understanding of some important ideas for the area’s economy and society in general and the environment in particular. We start by a historical and conceptual framework of environmental sustainability, economic and social, and then we look with gr...

In the XXI century tourism has gained the status of the world’s largest economic activity. Beside... more In the XXI century tourism has gained the status of the world’s largest economic activity. Besides an activity economically powerful tourism is also an important factor of social development, as it has the power to improve the quality of societies’ life. We can define cemeterial tourism as the cemeterial art that combine the relationship of artistic production with the social and religious beliefs of the time. This article represents a timely contribution to a reflection on a collection of funeral statuary and ornaments, which can be seen in tombs of notable characters of the region and other culanonymous, perceived in the cemeterial tourism consumption, which in addition to their importance are extreme actual. The analysis assumes a theoretical framework composed by a conceptualization, development and characterization of the study object and a second part which consists in an exhaustive study of the cemeterial tourism practice, as well as all corporate and associative national pl...
Neste artigo foram listados, analisados e comentados exemplos de legislação nacional e internacio... more Neste artigo foram listados, analisados e comentados exemplos de legislação nacional e internacional que refletem a preocupação crescente de proteger, recuperar e tornar público o Património Cultural e, consequentemente influenciar o desenvolvimento do Turismo Cultural de forma sustentarem territórios e geografias diversas, de aldeias a cidades passando por regiões e países. Um bom exemplo é a rota das catedrais portuguesas, criada por decisão legislativa em protocolo assinado entre o Estado português e a Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa.
Direito, Património, Turismo Cultural.
Papers by Bonifacio Rodrigues
Direito, Património, Turismo Cultural.
Direito, Património, Turismo Cultural.