Papers by Anabela Ribeiro

O desenvolvimento regional nas regiões de fronteira são actualmente uma das maiores preocupações ... more O desenvolvimento regional nas regiões de fronteira são actualmente uma das maiores preocupações da União Europeia. Estas regiões são habitualmente menos dinâ- micas em termos socioeconómicos e tendem a ser áreas periféricas no contexto dos países onde se inserem. Nos últimos trinta anos algumas destas regiões beneficiaram de novas infra-estruturas rodoviárias, financiadas sobretudo pelo programa TEN-T. Desde o início da implementação do programa e após observação dos primeiros impactos, verifica-se que alguns dos problemas de desenvolvimen- to destas regiões tendem a agravar-se. Usando dados so- cioeconómicos das regiões de fronteira entre Portugal/Espanha, um modelo capaz de medir a relação entre aces- sibilidade e desenvolvimento nestas regiões está a ser ca- librado. Este artigo é um estudo inicial do processo de calibração para alguns municípios portugueses do norte e centro do país no período 1991-2001. Este estudo inicial também estabelece as bases para um estudo mais comple-...
Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 2011

Demand for leisure activities has increased due to some reasons such as increasing wealth, ageing... more Demand for leisure activities has increased due to some reasons such as increasing wealth, ageing populations and changing lifestyles, however, the efficiency of public transport system relies on solid demand levels and well-established mobility patterns and, so, providing quality public transportation is extremely expensive in low, variable and unpredictable demand scenarios, as it is the case of non-routine trips. Better prediction estimations about the trip purpose helps to anticipate the transport demand and consequently improve its planning. This paper addresses the contribution in comparing the traditional approach of considering municipality division to study such trips against a proposed approach based on clustering of dense concentration of services in the urban space. In our case, POIs (Points of Interest) collected from social networks (e.g. Foursquare) represent these services. These trips were associated with the territory using two different approaches: ‘municipalities...
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2014
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
One of the problems in bicycle sharing systems design is the estimation of the potential demand t... more One of the problems in bicycle sharing systems design is the estimation of the potential demand to the service, especially in countries where this type of systems is not yet implemented. The main objective of this methodology is to relate the demand of bike-sharing systems with external characteristics that affects the bicycle usage in order to obtain its territorial distribution. Due to the limited information available in Portugal this paper will focus on the determination of demand based on the experience of other countries. The method is applied to a middle size Portuguese city, Coimbra.
Transport in Human Scale Cities, 2021
Supporting materials for the Transport Demand Modeling course, lectured by Prof. Filipe Moura at ... more Supporting materials for the Transport Demand Modeling course, lectured by Prof. Filipe Moura at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon. This material is also an open source tutorial for applying R programming and Python Biogeme in transport demand modelling.

Understanding the impact of road infrastructure on regional development in the context of the Eur... more Understanding the impact of road infrastructure on regional development in the context of the European Union is one of the key areas of research for the promotion of sustainable territorial development. The border areas are peripheral territories in the context of the countries where they are located and traditionally they are less dynamic in socioeconomic terms. Under the Trans-European Transport Networks program and funding's, some of them have been benefiting from new transport infrastructures, particularly roads, with a substantial gain in accessibility. This paper aims to analyze the impact brought by these infrastructures in the spatial development of border areas, between Portugal and Spain. The methodology includes the development of a Spatial Regression Analysis process between variables that reflect accessibility and variables that reflect local development. The geographical unit used is the municipality. The Spatial Regression Analysis includes evaluation of spatial b...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
TOD (Transit Oriented Development) is typically defined as a high density mixed area (residential... more TOD (Transit Oriented Development) is typically defined as a high density mixed area (residential and commercial) within easy walking distance of a high capacity public transport station (typically within an 800m buffer area). TOD is viewed as a set of strategies to increase the use of public transport, increasing walking activity, containing urban sprawl, and creating more liveable places. It is believed that this type of combined strategies will improve sustainable growth. This work is an exploratory work for evidence of TOD characteristics in train station areas in Azambuja train line, setting further methodologies to evaluate the success of TOD areas.

Cross-border Regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions are usua... more Cross-border Regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions are usually less dynamic socioeconomically and tend to be peripheral areas in each country. Some of these regions have recently benefited from new roads, which have mainly been funded through the European financial program of Transnational Transport Networks, TENT. Almost twenty years after implementation started and after initial observations on the impacts, some development problems are unexpectedly getting worse. Using socioeconomic data from the Portugal/Spain cross-border area a model able to measure the relation between accessibility and development in this region is being calibrated. This paper is an initial study on the calibration process for some Portuguese municipalities in the border area for the period 1991-2001. This initial study also prepares the setting for a more complete study covering both sides of the border, therefore including some Spanish data 1 INTRODUCTION The spatial distribution of activities is the result of opportunities and localization strategies outlined in terms of specific objectives. If we take into account that most human activities involve using and sharing limited resources it is easy to see that the decision processes are complex and involve an important economic component. The acceleration of regional development, particularly in peripheral and border regions-as in our caseseems generally to be associated with substantial capital investment, the allocation of sophisticated technical and scientific resources to production systems, and a thorough renovation of the economy. Building new infrastructure in these areas also leads to significant public investment to make private capital more productive, and it is hoped, therefore, that the expansion of networks and systems will, in the first place, enable firms to operate at lower costs and achieve better performance and, second, mean that the resulting productivity gains will increase the range of regional economic activity. Our geographical working area is considered a peripheral region; it is facing a sharp population decline, weak business dynamics, and its transport infrastructure is referred to as being little in line with the local development needs. Two characteristics of this type of territory can help us better understand these local needs. First, based on census data, there is a significant trend for the number of young people to fall and the elderly population to increase, with particularly disturbing future implications. In fact, although this is only a reduction in the younger population, it necessarily implies a future reduction in workforce; this trend means that an increasingly small active population will

Anais do 9º CONGRESSO LUSO-BRASILEIRO para o Planejamento Urbano, Regional, Integrado e Sustentável, 2021
Caminhabilidade é uma propriedade de desenho urbano associada aos ambientes construídos pensados ... more Caminhabilidade é uma propriedade de desenho urbano associada aos ambientes construídos pensados na escala humana, qualificando positivamente a promoção pedonal, com benefícios para o ambiente de forma global, para o comércio, segurança, saúde etc. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão da literatura para construção de um breve estado da arte e definição de enquadramento teórico e metodológico do tema. É dado destaque às abordagens que focam na identificação e utilização de indicadores como parte do processo metodológico de promoção da caminhabilidade, sendo apresentados aspectos positivos e negativos de indicadores e respectivos índices existentes. Numa primeira análise sabemos que a temática tem sido bastante explorada pela ciência, mas ainda restam lacunas, dessa forma são apontadas potencialidades para estudos futuros, concebendo uma síntese do problema que permita consolidar objetivos e orientações de investigação.

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2011
Growing concerns about environmental issues have led to the consideration of alternatives to curr... more Growing concerns about environmental issues have led to the consideration of alternatives to current mobility. Electric mobility is one such alternative that is receiving a great deal of attention in Europe. In particular, a new legal framework for the introduction of an electric mobility system in Portugal has recently been set up by the government. A key issue in this system is recharging the batteries and, consequently, the location of charging stations. This paper presents a study on the location of electric-vehicle charging stations for an area of Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, characterized with a strong concentration of population and employment. This type of area is appropriate for slow charging because vehicles stay parked for several hours within a 24-h period. The methodology used here is based on a maximal covering model to optimize the demand covered within an acceptable level of service and to define the number and capacity of the stations to be installed. The r...

ReSUmO Cross-border Regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions a... more ReSUmO Cross-border Regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions are usually less dynamic socio-economically and tend to be peripheral areas in each country. In the last thirty years some of these regions have benefited from new roads, which have mainly been funded through the European financial program of Transnational Transport Networks, TEN-T. Since the beginning of this implementation process and after initial observations on the impacts, some development problems are unexpectedly getting worse. Using socioeconomic data from the Portugal/Spain cross-border area a model able to measure the relation between accessibility and development in this region is being calibrated. This paper is an initial study on the calibration process for some Portuguese municipalities in the border area for the period 1991-2001. This initial study also prepares the setting for a more complete study covering both sides of the border, already including some Spanish data. Do...
Investigaciones Regionales, 2011
Cross-border regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions are usua... more Cross-border regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions are usually less dynamic socioeconomically. Some of them have recently benefited from new roads, which have mainly been funded through the European financial program of Transnational Transport Networks, TENT. Using socioeconomic data from the Portugal/Spain cross-border area a model able to measure the relation between accessibility and development in this region is being calibrated. This paper reflects an initial study using Portuguese and Spanish geographical units in the border area for the period 1991-2001 and giving special efforts to the building of similar spatial units in both countries.
Investigaciones Regionales, 2012
Cross-border regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions are usua... more Cross-border regional development is one of the EU current major concerns. These regions are usually less dynamic socioeconomically. Some of them have recently benefited from new roads, which have mainly been funded through the European financial program of Transnational Transport Networks, TENT. Using socioeconomic data from the Portugal/Spain cross-border area a model able to measure the relation between accessibility and development in this region is being calibrated. This paper reflects an initial study using Portuguese and Spanish geographical units in the border area for the period 1991-2001 and giving special efforts to the building of similar spatial units in both countries.
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 2011
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2015
Compendio De Economia Regional Vol 2 2011 Isbn 978 989 8131 78 2 Pags 227 257, 2011
... Indicadores de Acessibilidade. Autores: Anabela Ribeiro; Localización: Compêndio de Economía ... more ... Indicadores de Acessibilidade. Autores: Anabela Ribeiro; Localización: Compêndio de Economía Regional, Vol. 2, 2011 (Métodos e técnicas de análise regional), ISBN 978-989-8131-78-2 , págs. 227-257. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
Compendio De Economia Regional Vol 2 2011 Isbn 978 989 8131 78 2 Pags 297 341, 2011
... Modelos de Regressão Territorial. Autores: Anabela Ribeiro; Localización: Compêndio de Econom... more ... Modelos de Regressão Territorial. Autores: Anabela Ribeiro; Localización: Compêndio de Economía Regional, Vol. 2, 2011 (Métodos e técnicas de análise regional), ISBN 978-989-8131-78-2 , págs. 297-341. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
Papers by Anabela Ribeiro